Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1614: Too deep

What kind of person is the mother-in-law of blood? Lin Tiancheng knew from the beginning, but he didn't want to pierce this layer of paper with her.

Last time, because Lin Tiancheng had a way to dissolve the blood evil pill of their blood race, the mother-in-law blood even found the alchemist association headquarters, and even wanted to kill herself in front of the president and the other nine elders.

"It seems that Lin Tiancheng is determined to oppose our blood clan and become a martial artist to kill him."

At this moment, the door to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association was completely opened.

A large number of disciples from the five major alliances all rushed out of it, and even Elder Guo, with the help of Zhang Qiuyue, was forced to endure the severe pain on his body.

The Miao Jiang woman's expression was a little shocked.

"This, how is this possible?"

Mother-in-law gave her a cold look, "Is that what you said there is not much left? It seems that you don't seem to be very concerned about our cooperation!"

At this moment, Hai Dongqing was standing on the shoulders of the Miao Jiang woman, and after looking at each other with Lin Tiancheng, she didn't even miss it at all, as if she didn't know him at all.

But for now, the overall situation should be the priority.

Costin seems to be in no danger for the time being.

Lin Tiancheng didn't plan to immediately trouble the Miao Jiang woman.

The Miaojiang woman did not reply to the blood mother-in-law, but bowed her head and murmured a few words towards her heart.

Soon, under the clothing on the chest of the Miao Jiang woman, it seemed that there was a living creature squirming.

Lin Tiancheng knew that he and the Miao Jiang woman must have had a contest, so he immediately turned on the flashlight and looked through the Miao Jiang woman's chest.

This perspective is really incredible, it made Lin Tiancheng a cold sweat on his back, and the hairs all over his body burst.

The Miao Jiang woman arched her hand at the **** mother-in-law, staring at Lin Tiancheng with extremely vicious eyes, "I have found out the truth, this kid killed my Gu insect king!"

The Gu that the Miao Jiang woman applied to the five major alliance cultivators is called the "Six-winged Golden Insect Gu". This type of Gu is not only powerful in attack, but also extremely capable of reproduction.

The Miao Jiang woman controlled the Gu insect king through the queen, and the Gu insect king was the one that Guo De swallowed.

Originally, Miaojiang women could break through the seal imposed by Ye Xuantian by controlling the Gu Insect King.

Unfortunately, Lin Tiancheng inadvertently killed the Gu insect king of the Miaojiang woman.

As a result, the Miao Jiang woman could no longer control other Gu worms, and became a mess of sand.

Upon hearing this, the **** mother-in-law looked at Lin Tiancheng's eyes with a more intense killing intent.

She immediately shouted to Gu Chengwu, "Chengwu, what are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and do it for me."

After all, Gu Chengwu took a step towards Lin Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, don't you blame your brother for being kind to you!"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I am very happy to meet your brother. As for other things, we cannot control."

Gu Chengwu has always treated Lin Tiancheng sincerely, Lin Tiancheng can feel this.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng did not want to take action against Gu Chengwu, but there must be a battle between them.

When Gu Chengwu made a move, Ye Xuantian immediately took a step and stood in front of Lin Tiancheng.

"Boy, you have to ask me first if you want to make a difference."

In Ye Xuantian's view, Lin Tiancheng was an inner disciple of Taiyi, and he was the top one.

It depends on Lin Tiancheng whether this situation can be completely reversed, so of course he cannot suffer any injuries.

Gu Chengwu smashed Ye Xuantian's chest with a punch, but was shocked by Ye Xuantian's mighty courage and retreated a few meters away.

Not only did this punch not hurt Ye Xuantian, it also shocked Gu Chengwu from internal injuries.

He kept wiping the blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, struggling to get up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tiancheng said in a deep voice, "Junior Brother Ye, this is a contest between our two brothers, let me solve it myself!"

The corner of Ye Xuantian's eyes twitched slightly, and he was still a little uncomfortable with Lin Tiancheng calling himself Junior Brother Ye.

At this moment, the blood mother leaped into the sky, and the crutch in her hand pierced Ye Xuantian's heart like an arrow from the string.

"Ye Laogou, it's just a contest between two juniors. You actually killed our people and took your life."

Ye Xuantian snorted immediately, and also rose into the air, fighting fiercely with the blood mother-in-law.

Lin Tiancheng walked slowly to the side of Gu Chengwu and stretched out his hand to pull him from the ground.

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"I accept your challenge. Above the battlefield, we are the enemy, and below the battlefield, we can still be friends."

After hearing Lin Tiancheng’s words, Gu Chengwu seemed to be relieved in his mind in an instant, "Okay. Then we have agreed that no matter who survives, at this time of the year, he will put a stick of incense on the other party’s grave. It's not in vain that we become brothers!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled heartily, "That's natural."

The war was about to break out, and the disciples of the five major alliances fought with the kinsmen, and the scene was very bloody.

The president turned his head and said to Elder Chen, "Go, it depends on whether you can survive this time."

Because Lin Tiancheng secretly removed Ning Qiutian's "one arm", the current situation was quite clear for the five major alliances.

Just when the president and the other six elders were ready to take action, the big demon Ning Qiutian had already come to the front.

He looked at the president in surprise, "I really didn't expect your old thing to be alive. It seems that I can only send you to **** by myself."

Ning Qiutian couldn't be more clear about Nie Li's injury.

He just relied on the last bit of true energy to protect his heart, and other body functions were basically damaged, even the reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian could not save him.

The president smiled, "God cares for me, let me survive to send you demon to hell."

The six elders and the president all shot together to fight Ning Qiutian.

"Ding Dong..."

The long sword in Gu Chengwu's hand was cut in half by Lin Tiancheng's Tai'a sword. At this time, Lin Tiancheng's sword had also been placed on Gu Chengwu's shoulders, and it could be cut with a single move. His throat.

"It looks like, Tiancheng, you won, let's do it!" Gu Chengwu closed his eyes, looking like death at home.

Lin Tiancheng took the sword back, and said with some dissatisfaction, "It seems that you still haven't used your full strength."

Of course Lin Tiancheng knew that what Gu Chengwu was good at was not swordsmanship, but the power of blood surging in his body.

Gu Chengwu shook his head, "No, Tiancheng, do it! I have no complaints."

Gu Chengwu didn't want to use the power of his blood on Lin Tiancheng, once he used it, Lin Tiancheng would definitely die.

While facing Ye Xuantian's fierce offensive, the blood mother sternly shouted at Gu Chengwu, "Chengwu, kill him quickly for me."

She had known for a long time that the child Gu Chengwu valued love and righteousness, which often caused him to be indecisive.

If you want to make a big thing, you shouldn't have too much affection for anyone or anything.

Mother-in-law arranged for Gu Chengwu to deal with Lin Tiancheng, just to let him kill Lin Tiancheng and break through the shackles of Lin Tiancheng's brotherhood.

Only in this way can Gu Chengwu grow up and be eligible to run for the next blood patriarch.

"Don't run away anymore, this battle must be indispensable between you and me!" Lin Tiancheng said calmly.


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