Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1625: I am optimistic about you

The dean asked coach Li with a majestic expression, "As coach Li, let me ask you, does Lin Tiancheng have a technique that can change physical attributes?"

Coach Li nodded.

"Then why did you not report it?"

The Dean's voice suddenly increased by several decibels, which made Coach Li shudder.

Zhao Wei said with some dissatisfaction, "You don't know something about the dean. Not only did Li coach not know about it, he even kicked Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy at the expense of us."

"When this happened, don't you realize what a genius like Lin Tiancheng means to our Zhongdu Academy?"

Coach Li knew that the dean did not want to let others know about him and Ning Qiuyun, so he blamed himself for the crime, and nodded again and again, "It's because I don't have a vision. This matter is indeed my negligence."

"It's more than negligence, you are an old antique who sticks to dogmatism." Zhao Wei said to coach Li with an angry face.

Had it not been for Su Lan rushing to tell herself the matter, maybe Lin Tiancheng had already left Zhongdu Academy.

Of course, coach Li is also afraid that others will see his selfishness and dare not refute it at all. No matter what others say, he nods his head.

Lin Tiancheng walked up to the dean and said apologetically, "Dean, don’t blame Deacon Li. This matter is indeed my fault. Don’t worry, I will leave Zhongdu after packing my luggage. of college."

The dean knew what Lin Tiancheng was saying was angry, and grabbed his wrist, "Tiancheng, you are not to blame, the blood race is not a good thing. You saved the five major alliances. Not only is there nothing wrong, but you should be rewarded. ."

The dean turned to coach Li and scolded him, "Hurry up and apologize to Lin Tiancheng. School rules and discipline are of course important, but if you stick to the rules, it's your fault."

The dean was also worried that Lin Tiancheng knew that he had rushed Lin Tiancheng away in the first place. In this case, he would be even more reluctant to stay in Zhongdu Academy.

Coach Li was shocked. He didn't expect that the dean would let himself apologize to a disciple of Zhongdu Academy.

This is simply hitting his coach in the face.

However, if he really confessed to the dean, he wouldn't have a good life in the future.

He gritted his teeth and reluctantly said to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, I am too conservative. You shouldn't be kicked out of Zhongdu Academy. Instead, you should be rewarded."

"No, no, it's the disciple who did something wrong, how can I blame Li's coaching for sticking to the rules? The disciple doesn't want to be a bad example, I should accept punishment!" Lin Tiancheng waved his hand quickly.

Of course coach Li could hear that Lin Tiancheng's stomach was angry.

"Tiancheng, don't you accept even an old man like me apologizes to you?"

The dean knew that Lin Tiancheng was afraid to leave Zhongdu College.

But he was afraid that Lin Tiancheng would have other places besides Zhongdu Academy.

In this way, it is really as Fang Ziru said, this will be a big loss for Zhongdu Academy.

"Yeah, Tiancheng, coach Li has already deeply realized his mistakes, so you should give him a chance to correct them! Or else, you will directly be the tutor of the Five Elements Department of our Zhongdu College in the future! Being a tutor is good. A lot of salary, even if it is a little compensation for you!"

"Yes, yeah! Tiancheng, our junior fire department students don't want you to go! You should stay!" Fang Ziru looked at Lin Tiancheng expectantly.

Fang Ziru is not only thinking about the entire elementary fire department, she also wants Lin Tiancheng to help her change her physique if given the opportunity.

Being able to practice exercises with multiple attributes at the same time is simply good and cannot be better.

Lin Tiancheng's exercises are true!

Several pretty female disciples in the junior fire department crowded beside Lin Tiancheng.

"Tiancheng, just stay in the academy! None of us want you to leave!"

It is no longer necessary to say how attractive Lin Tiancheng's ancestral practice is. No one here wants Lin Tiancheng to leave Zhongdu Academy.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Lin Tiancheng's mouth.

He knew that his purpose was achieved.

Then he said to everyone apologetically, "What a bad thing! Then I set a bad example for everyone?"

Coach Li looked at Lin Tiancheng, "How can I say that? After this incident, I also realized how serious my dogmatism is. In the future, I will be passionate about the law and never stick to the rules."

"Tiancheng, you see, coach Li has already talked to this point. If you don't forgive him, then you can't justify it." The dean put his hand on Lin Tiancheng's shoulder and said solemnly.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tiancheng finally replied reluctantly, "Well, then I will stay for the time being. When the college wants to expel me from the Zhongdu College, I will never say anything."

The dean finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand again and again, "No, no, from today, you will be our instructor of the Five Elements Department."

The disciples of the junior fire department rushed to Lin Tiancheng, "I have seen Teacher Lin!"

Of course Lin Tiancheng could guess the thoughts of these guys, but he wanted to help them change their physique.

One or two are okay, if there are more, Lin Tiancheng can't bear it.

He now only has 26 batteries, so he needs to recharge it as soon as possible to improve himself and Zhang Qiuyue.

Of course, he also knew that the name of this mentor was not for nothing.

He had to show his hand from time to time, costing 10 calls to help these disciples slightly change their physique.

Otherwise, the coach Li couldn't have regretted his intestines, so he apologized to a disciple for nothing.

Before leaving, Zhao Wei called Lin Tiancheng aside.

"Tiancheng, when you have time, go with me and Mengyao to the family of the wind and dust!

The old guys will definitely be very satisfied with you! "

With the help of Lin Tiancheng, Zhao Wei felt a little bit of cold mood.

In his opinion, Lin Tiancheng should have fully realized the mood of cold ice.

If he gets to the family of the wind and dust, it will definitely be very popular.

The old man of the aristocratic family will definitely feel relieved to hand the great-granddaughter to Lin Tiancheng's hands.

Lin Tiancheng said bitterly, "It's true that I have offended the whole blood clan. As long as I leave the Zhongdu Academy, the blood clan will stare at me!"

"Don't worry about that, what can a mere blood clan count? As long as I am here, they will never think of hurting you!"

Lin Tiancheng believes that Zhao Wei's words are true.

Behind Zhao Wei is a family of gold-level forces.

However, Lin Tiancheng can only become stronger if he has personally experienced these many hardships and felt the pressure of these many hardships.

"It's okay, as you said, it's just a kinship. If I can't even deal with them, am I worthy to be your niece?"

Zhao Wei nodded in satisfaction, and slapped Lin Tiancheng's shoulder with a heavy palm, "Boy, I am optimistic about you!"

A few days later, Ning Qiutian's spies reported that Lin Tiancheng never left Zhongdu Academy from beginning to end.

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