Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1627: The dog is nosy with the mouse

Lin Tiancheng woke up early in the morning, did not idle, and went directly to the martial arts training ground for daily training.

If Ning Choutian failed to get himself out of Zhongdu Academy, he would definitely not give up, and he would soon make new tricks.

What Lin Tiancheng needs to do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Also, find a way to defeat Ning Qiutian.

Suddenly, Lin Tiancheng's spiritual consciousness seemed to be stabbed fiercely by a silver needle, causing a strong tingling sensation.

He had a foreboding feeling, and he fell back slightly.


A translucent sharp arrow condensed from Zhen Qi flew past Lin Tiancheng's brow.

This sharp arrow was extraordinary, and seemed to be a sharp weapon aimed at divine consciousness.

Fortunately, Lin Tiancheng was quick to react and was not hit by the sharp sword in his temple, otherwise it is very likely that the sharp arrow would penetrate his brain and his spiritual consciousness would be severely damaged.

Divine consciousness is a very important thing for a cultivator, it is almost equivalent to the will and soul of the cultivator.

Once it is damaged, the decline in skill is a sure thing. In serious cases, it is very likely that you will not be able to embark on the road of cultivation.

The first thing Lin Tiancheng thought of was that Ning Qiutian sent someone to secretly assassinate himself.

It's just that he didn't dare to imagine that this Ning Choutian was so bold and reckless that he dared to commit murder in Zhongdu Academy.

It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years, and a villain to revenge all day long.

Unexpectedly, this Ning Qiutian failed to achieve a single plan, and immediately implemented his second murder strategy.

Lin Tiancheng's heart flared, and for his swift figure, he grabbed the arrow that shuttled in front of him.

And, in an instant, almost all the power of the whole body burst out, and the Nali Arrow flew along the same path.

All these movements were done in one go, almost just in one breath.

On the archery field of the martial arts field.

On the dance hall, two young women dressed like snow, blackened like ink, and had long jade bodies, smooth and gorgeous.

Both tilted their delicate faces slightly, and there was a little excitement in their black eyes.

The two women are exactly the same, regardless of their appearance or clothing, a discerning person knows that they are twins at a glance.

Among the two women, the older sister who holds the long bow is Shangguan Yanyu.

Standing by and watching was my younger sister named Shangguan Yanyan.

These two are worthy of the name of the first of the four courtyards of Zhongdu Academy, just because they are exactly the same in appearance, almost no one can distinguish them, so they are tied for the first of the four courtyards.

At this time, Shangguan Yanyan slightly raised her head and looked up in the direction where the arrow was leaving.

Suddenly, her face turned pale in an instant, and she shouted to Shangguan Yan Yu, "Sister, be careful!"

At the same time, she flew up and stood in front of Shangguan Yan Yu with her body.

Hearing a screaming scream, Lin Tiancheng also hurried over following the sound.

He was about to come and see what kind of guy Ning Qiutian had sent to Zhongdu Academy to assassinate him.

This is Zhongdu Academy. Even if Ning Qiutian comes in person, Lin Tiancheng can ask the Dean for help.

However, when he saw the white-clothed woman in a pool of blood, he was taken aback.

"How could this be? I hurt someone by mistake?"

Shangguan Yanyan's white Ruxue's clothes were quickly dyed red, and the arrow shot back by Lin Tiancheng unbiasedly hit her left chest, which seemed to happen to be her heart.

Shangguan Yan Yu shouted at Lin Tiancheng, "Asshole, what have you done?"

Lin Tiancheng didn't know how to explain it for a while, "I, actually this is a misunderstanding..."

This is indeed a big misunderstanding.

Lin Tiancheng thought it was Ning Qiutian who sent someone to assassinate him, and then he did not hesitate to fly the arrow back the same way.

It's just that he didn't expect that this sharp arrow was just a coincidence, not that Ning Qiutian's people wanted to assassinate him.

It was not until later that he knew that the two sisters of Shangguan Yanyu had taken over a lot of tasks in the academy, and only then received nearly 50 yuan of flame orders.

Then they couldn't wait to get a hunting **** bow from Master Nanxuan in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The subtlety of this magic hunting skill is that it has no substantive arrows at all. When the strength of the cultivator reaches a certain level, it will automatically condense a sharp arrow at the moment the bow and arrow are opened.

The sharp arrow condensed by the hunting **** bow can not only hurt people, but also seriously hurt the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator, which is the most deadly point.

The two girls just exchanged for the Hunting God Bow, and didn't know how to use it, so they couldn't wait to try it out on this martial arts field.

Accidentally, a sharp arrow shot out, just flying past Lin Tiancheng's eyebrows.

All this is a misunderstanding.

Shangguan Yanyu ignored Lin Tiancheng at all, and wanted to hold her younger sister on her shoulders, "Yanyan, Yanyan, you will be fine, you must hold on, you can't scare me."

Lin Tiancheng wanted to step forward to take the lead, but was pushed away by Shangguan Yan Yu.

"You go away and seriously hurt my sister's account. Sooner or later I will settle it for you!"

At this moment, the disciples who were doing morning exercises on the martial arts ground began to surround themselves one after another.

A familiar face appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng, behind him were several not-so-weak attendants.

"Yan Yu, what's the matter, what's wrong with Yanyan?" Ye Qingyun showed a very concerned look.

However, Shangguan Yan Yu ignored him and helped her sister to rush to her wing.

Ye Qingyun glanced at Lin Tiancheng coldly, and quickly followed Shangguan Yan Yu.

Right now is a great time for heroes to save the United States.

Shangguan Yanyu, Shangguan Yanyan, that is the first of the flowers in the entire Zhongdu Academy, the dream fairy of how many male cultivating children.

There are several disciples with stronger strength eager to try to help Shangguan Yan Yu in order to show their favor.

Ye Qingyun took the initiative to support Shangguan Yanyan's right hand, and stared coldly at the disciples who were eager to try.

Afterwards, Ye Qingyun's little followers quickly stopped the disciples on both sides and cleared the way for Ye Qingyun.

Looking at the whereabouts of Shangguan Yanyu, Lin Tiancheng was very curious.


It stands to reason that her sister was so badly injured, Shangguan Yan Yu should have taken her to her mentor as soon as possible.

But this girl brought his sister directly into her wing, and she didn't ask anyone to help call the tutor.

After all, Lin Tiancheng was wrong in this matter, and he was also worried about Shangguan Yanyan's accident, so he quickly followed suit.

"Bang!" The door was closed heavily by Shangguan Yan Yu, and even Ye Qingyun didn't get in.

Ye Qingyun stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly and asked, "Boy, is it possible that you shot the arrow?"

Lin Tiancheng ignored him and looked into the wing room with concern, but could not see anything.

Ye Qingyun insisted that it was Lin Tiancheng who did it, and immediately asked a few disciples to encircle Lin Tiancheng, "You guy is really a dead star, where can something happen!"

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but snorted, "The dog is nosy with the mouse."

"You..." Ye Qingyun was choked by Lin Tiancheng's words.

"If I remember correctly, you should have been pursuing Su Lan at first. Why, you don't have the ability to pursue Su Lan, are you looking for another home now?"

Speaking of this, Ye Qingyun was furious.

Seeing him squeezing fists with both hands, his veins violent, and angrily said to Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, I'm looking for you to settle the account of Su Lan!"


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