Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1643: Have grain in your hand, don’t panic in your heart

In fact, the dean's heart is still very sorry.

Lin Tiancheng not only possesses all-attribute physique, but also possesses an ancestral practice that can change the physique of the cultivator.

But he never expected that Lin Tiancheng's character would be bad.

Cultivation begins first. If a person's character is corrupt, even if his talent for cultivation is strong, he is not worthy to be a disciple of Zhongdu Academy.

Seeing that the dean seemed to have been extremely disappointed with Lin Tiancheng, the burden on Rongrong's shoulders immediately became loose.

"It seems that I can go back and have a business with my father."

An hour later, in the blood clan territory.

Ning Choutian heard his disciple telling him that Rong'er was back, so he strode out of the hall to greet him.

Ning Xin followed behind Ning Qiutian with a proud look on her face.

"Under my magical calculation, what can a mere Lin Tiancheng count?"

Ning Rong hurriedly walked towards Ning Choutian, fell on her knees, and solemnly knocked her head towards Ning Choutian, "I have seen my father."

This is the first time Ning Rong has seen her biological father since she was born, and her heart is extremely excited.

Ning Choutian hurriedly bent down, helped her from the ground, and said excitedly, "Good daughter, I blame my father for being bad. You shouldn't leave your mother and daughter alone."

Ning Rong tried her best to suppress the excitement of meeting her father, and hurriedly told her, "My father, Lin Tiancheng has been forced out of Zhongdu Academy by me. You have to order someone to kill him."

Ning Qiutian nodded with great satisfaction, "My daughter has grown up, and my daughter has really grown up."

With such a knotty eye, Ning Rong actually chose to focus on the overall situation instead of getting caught up in the excitement of meeting her relatives. This is in line with Ning Qiutian's wishes.

Ning Rong looked at Ning Qiutian and Ning Xin with a little puzzled.

Ning Xin put her hand gently on Linglong's shoulder, and said proudly, "Sister, don't worry, Lin Tiancheng can't escape our palm."

There are blood liners everywhere in the periphery of Zhongdu Academy. As long as Lin Tiancheng leaves Zhongdu Academy, he will undoubtedly die.

Ning Rong looked up at Ning Xin, with a sincere smile on her face, "My sister has a clever plan, and Lin Tiancheng was easily fooled, and he hasn't noticed it yet."

Although it was said that he forced Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy with the help of He Hao, his sister's advice was indispensable during this period.

Ning Xin nodded with great satisfaction, and said to Ning Rong proudly, "Although my strength is not as good as Lin Tiancheng, in terms of brain, he is still a thousand miles away from me."

Ning Qiutian was very pleased.

But he quickly thought of another thing, and quickly asked Ning Rong, "Rong'er, Lin Tiancheng, that kid, right, you have nothing to do with it!"

Ning Qiutian felt guilty for Ning Rong, and he was unwilling to let Ning Rong approach Lin Tiancheng at first.

Because he was very worried that Lin Tiancheng would ruin his daughter.

If it is said that Lin Tiancheng really did this, then he must have castrated Lin Tiancheng, and then smashed his body into pieces.

Ning Rong was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly shook her head and said, "No, I deceived that kid so much, he hasn't had time to start with me!"

But Ning Xin showed some suspicion, and thought to herself, Lin Tiancheng is a complete erotic, can Ning Rong really take that kid down without sacrificing a bit of beauty?

She had some doubts about it.

"Very well, Rong'er, you did a good job, my father doesn't know how to thank you anymore." Ning Qiutian held Ning Rong's hands with excitement.

With tears in her eyes, Ning Rong plunged into Ning Choutian's arms and hugged him tightly, "My father, Rong'er, I only hope that I can stay by my father forever. These things are nothing."

After Lin Tiancheng had done what he was supposed to do, he left Zhongdu College without stopping for a moment.

When he just walked out of the gate of Zhongdu Academy, he noticed several pairs of sharp eyes staring at him.

Lin Tiancheng didn't feel afraid, as if there was no one around, he kept walking forward.

In fact, he really didn't plan on where to go, because he felt that before long, the dean should come and invite himself back.

This means that you have grain in your hands and don't panic in your heart.

Before Lin Tiancheng left ten meters away from the gate of Zhongdu Academy, about ten powerful blood race children quickly surrounded Lin Tiancheng.

Because they already knew that Lin Tiancheng was no longer a disciple of Zhongdu Academy, then even if they killed Lin Tiancheng in front of Zhuge Xun, Zhuge Xun would not say anything.

A familiar figure flew down from the high eaves teeth.

"Lin Tiancheng, Cheng Wu thought of brotherhood and didn't want to kill you, but you repeatedly did things to apologize to our blood clan. You really made the blood mother feel very chilling!" The blood mother leaned on a cane. Walking slowly towards Lin Tiancheng outside the encirclement.

Lin Tiancheng's heart was shocked, and he did not expect that Ning Qiutian would directly send his confidant minister to collect his life.

The cold face is gone, the blood mother-in-law's strength is probably the kind of the whole blood clan that is below 10,000 people.

This is enough to show how much Ning Choutian hates himself.

Lin Tiancheng sneered immediately, "Hehe, mother-in-law, since you let me drink the blood of Gu Chengwu, you and I are destined to be in the same boat."

Mother Blood frowned slightly, "How did you know that there is a problem with our blood?"

Logically speaking, Lin Tiancheng only knew that they were from the blood race, but did not understand the blood race.

"Does it mean that I despise this kid too much?" The blood mother thought to herself.

She felt increasingly unable to see Lin Tiancheng's true face.

"No comment."

Had Lin Tiancheng not possessed 360 anti-virus software, he would have become a puppet of the blood clan if he replaced him with any other cultivator.

The **** mother-in-law stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "Humph! You will say it sooner or later."

The **** mother-in-law waved at the blood disciples on both sides, "Stop this kid for me, just keep a good breath and take it back."

Ten disciples of the blood race in the early Golden Core Stage quickly approached Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng's complexion was still extremely calm, and his heart was counting time.

"It's time to show up!" He said a few words quietly.

When the sharp sword of one of the blood disciples was about to pierce Lin Tiancheng's throat, an extremely strong force came over the sky.


It is almost with Lin Tian as the center, like waves of air around it.

Standing at the center of this aura, Lin Tiancheng's face trembled by the invisible force, and even the soles of his feet had sunk under the floor.

The ten disciples of the blood race in the early Jindan stage were overturned by this powerful force several meters away, vomiting blood.

The **** mother-in-law with awe-inspiring killing intent was also shocked by this powerful force and backed up a few steps, her face was calm, but her heart had already been stirred up.

"Who? There is such a strong strength?"

A stalwart figure wearing a black silk sleeve turned over a few times before standing in front of Lin Tiancheng extremely lightly.

For someone with such strength, Lin Tiancheng had actually guessed who he was from the beginning.

But seeing him wearing a black silk cover which looked extremely funny, Lin Tiancheng was still a little grateful.


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