Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1646: Voyage

"Actually, Mother-in-law Blood should have guessed that you saved me, and you still want to conceal it, I am afraid it won't work. However, since the dean is unwilling to support Tiancheng, Cheng had to find another way out that day."

What Lin Tiancheng said is very meaningful.

He first named the blood clan and knew that Zhuge Xun was helping him, and Zhuge Xun was just hiding his ears and stealing the bell.

Zhuge Xun suddenly felt like he was on a thief ship. Today, Lin Tiancheng put all of them together, "Oh, you stinky boy, you've already calculated me."

Lin Tiancheng smiled helplessly, "I can't do anything about it. The dean doesn't want to lose a talent like me!"

He was repeatedly framed by Ning Choutian's design. Lin Tiancheng knew that before long, he would have a life and death battle with Ning Choutian.

So he must now take precautions and quickly get Zhongdu Academy aboard.

Although this method was somewhat unkind, Lin Tiancheng had no choice.

Of course, worshipping at the gold rank or under the legend and influence can indeed help Lin Tiancheng avoid risks.

But who of the five major leagues will help them?

Of course, Lin Tiancheng couldn't just watch them being killed by the blood clan.

"Okay! This is the end of the matter. I won't be able to agree to it."

At this moment, coach Li, Teacher Fang Ziru, and all the disciples of the junior learning class walked towards them.

Zhang Qiuyue saw that Lin Tiancheng had not had an accident, and finally let go of her hanging heart.

Su Lan couldn't care about the presence of the instructors, and ran to Lin Tiancheng quickly and hugged his waist tightly.

"Tiancheng, are you okay!" Su Lan's tears fell steadily.

Lin Tiancheng wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and comforted, "Okay, don't cry, silly girl, am I okay?"

The dean stood aside and shook his head helplessly.

Probably Su Lan did not know that Lin Tiancheng and Rongrong had done such a thing.

The young dean of the world doesn't understand. As long as Lin Tiancheng can stay in Zhongdu Academy, he will be more lustful.

"President, why did you get him back again?" Coach Li looked at the dean in confusion.

He finally kicked Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy, but he didn't expect that the dean would invite him back in person.

Fang Ziru stared at coach Li coldly, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Why does coach Li have to struggle with Tiancheng? Does coach Li have a prejudice against Tiancheng?"

After the last contest with Li coaching, Fang Ziru was already dissatisfied with Li coaching.

"Fang Ziru, please pay attention to your identity, is this your attitude towards a coach?" Coach Li pointed to Fang Ziru and said very angrily.

The dean sternly shouted at Coach Li, "Shut up! Coach Li, you have expelled Lin Tiancheng from Zhongdu College without my permission. Are you prejudiced against him and what are you?"

"President, I..." Coach Li looked at the dean with a bit of astonishment.

This scene is quite similar. Isn't it the same as the dean sang with him the last time Lin Tiancheng rushed out of the College?

Why is he always letting him carry this scapegoat?

Of course he does have some selfishness.

Fang Ziru switched Zhang Qiuyue, Su Lan and the other seven disciples to his side, and pointed to them and said, "Teacher Li, you can see clearly, just this morning, these nine people have already had a lot of weight with the help of Tiancheng. Attribute physique, and strength has also improved a step."

The nine disciples all arched their hands at Lin Tiancheng, "Thank you, Teacher Lin, for your help."

Coach Li's face turned blue. Although he had seen Lin Tiancheng's ancestral practice, he was far from expecting this ancestral practice to be so powerful.

Regardless of his relationship with Ning Qiutian, he really shouldn't drive talents like Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy.

"You see! If Ziru hadn't told me in time, my Zhongdu Academy would have almost lost a talent. You have to bear this responsibility."

Lin Tiancheng stood on the side in silence. As for whether or not Li was coached to apologize, he didn't really care.

As long as the dean agrees to board his thief ship, his goal will be achieved.

In the territory of the blood race, the blood mother-in-law and ten blood race children have come before Ning Qiutian's destiny to return.

Seeing Mother Blood left far away, Ning Choutian walked quickly to meet her, his expression agitated.

"Where is Lin Tiancheng's head? Show me quickly."

Only with the exception of Lin Tiancheng's stumbling block, the blood race can beat the five major alliances, which is an urgent matter for him.

Ning Xin and Ning Rong also walked over quickly.


"Lin Tiancheng will definitely die this time. Sister Rong'er, you have done a great job this time."

"It's the elder sister who is resourceful and resourceful, so Rong'er can easily take this kid."

The blood mother clasped her fists in both hands and bowed her body deeply.

The ten blood disciples behind the blood mother knelt down on the ground, their expressions extremely heavy.

"Well, what's going on?" Ning Qiutian felt a little uneasy.

The smiles on Ning Xin and Ning Rong's faces immediately froze.

"The old man is damned, he failed to kill Lin Tiancheng, and the patriarch was punished heavily."

The blood mother told Ning Qiutian the whole story.

"I suspect that the mysterious person is most likely Zhuge Xun from Zhongdu College!"

"Is this old thief Zhuge again? Is he deliberately going to fight against my blood?" Ning Qiutian's face showed strong anger.

Zhuge Xun cut off one of his arms the last time he besieged the Big Five.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Xun would still jump out to fight against his blood.

Ning Xin and Ning Rong's complexions were green. After hearing that Lin Tiancheng was not dead, they didn't know what to say.

After Ning Choutian eased the color a little, he stepped forward to help the blood mother-in-law, and said to the blood race children, "You all get up, you are not to blame for this."

"Patriarch, how can this be good? If Zhuge Xun had a bunch of these guys, we might really have no way to deal with him."

Ning Qiutian waved his hand, "My strength has made a breakthrough again, and it will not be long before I reach the mid-Mahayana realm. Coupled with my **** evil technique in the transformation realm, it should not be difficult to deal with the old thief Zhuge. "

The blood mother shook her head and said, "The patriarch doesn't know anything, that mysterious person seems to know the blood evil technique of our blood clan well, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Ning Choutian was even more sure that the mysterious person mentioned by the blood mother was the old thief Zhuge.

Ning Qiuyun and the old thief Zhuge are a pair of good friends. Ning Qiu knows this every day, and the two often discuss each other in private, so naturally they know the bottom line.

"It seems that if I want to deal with the old thief Zhuge, I have to let the witch of the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, come forward once."

Ning Rong blamed herself very much, "Rong Er didn't help her father, Rong Er blamed herself very much."

Ning Choutian put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head, "No blame you, no one would have thought that this old thief Zhuge would use my blood as an enemy."

"Sister Rong'er, isn't Lin Tiancheng yet aware of your identity?" Ning Xin's inspiration flashed and quickly asked Ning Rong.

If Ning Rong's identity is not recognized, Ning Xin's beauty strategy is still very feasible.

Upon Ning Xin’s reminder, Ning Rong seemed to have thought of this too, and hurriedly replied, “Yes, I almost forgot about this. I was worried that Lin Tiancheng would return to Zhongdu Academy and deliberately concealed herself. identity of."

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