Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1649: Kowtow apologize

Rongrong was enduring, no matter how urgent she wanted to kill Lin Tiancheng, she had to hold back now.

With Lin Tiancheng's sexuality, just tonight, he would definitely want to possess himself.

At that time, he could take his dog's life by himself.

After Rong Rong took off her clothes, she tentatively put her feet in the water, as if there was nothing unusual, so she boldly entered.

"Okay, you can turn around now!" When she finished saying this, her heart sank sharply.

Because she found that she suddenly felt weak and weak, and her body couldn't even sit upright, and she began to sink a little bit.

"No, what's the matter?"

Rongrong was shocked.

She really picked up a rock and hit her own foot.

The cartilage powder placed in the water had no effect on Lin Tiancheng, on the contrary it made himself weak.

"Could it be that Lin Tiancheng found out a long time ago, he let me in on purpose?"

Lin Tiancheng turned and pounced on Rongrong.

Longlong struggled to sit up straight, but he didn't have any strength at all.

"What's wrong? Rongrong, why do you look weak?" Lin Tiancheng hurriedly hugged her from under her armpit.

Rongrong still couldn't understand what was going on, but looking at Lin Tiancheng's appearance, she felt that Lin Tiancheng shouldn't even notice that she had done anything in the water.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to continue to show himself here, that would be superfluous.

Rongrong shook her head bitterly, "It may be that she has been a bit too tired during this period of cultivation, and her body suddenly relaxes, making her body weak indeed."

It is like the machine will not have any failure during the overload operation, but once it stops running, the whole machine will collapse completely.

Lin Tiancheng nodded, "It turned out to be like this! It's okay, if that's the case, let me help you today!"

Rong Rong wanted to refuse, but Lin Tiancheng's hand got into the water like a lively fish.

"Don't worry! When you take a bath, I will give you a refreshing pill, and you will be refreshed immediately. I usually take the pill, and even after hyper-intensity training, the body will not collapse quickly. This It is the benefit of the alchemist."

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to make Rongrong suspicious, because she had a lot of power in her body, and Lin Tiancheng had to absorb it bit by bit.

Rongrong nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you, Tiancheng!"

She thought to herself inwardly, "So, this guy must have taken a lot of pills and happened to be immune to Cartilage Powder.

It seems that he has found nothing. "

Rongrong let out a long sigh of relief. As long as Lin Tiancheng didn't notice her making hands and feet in the water, her chances were still great.

"No, wait for me, Rongrong will naturally give it to you."

"But I can't wait now!"

Because of the poison of the cartilage powder, Lin Tiancheng now only has 5 electricity, and he can't wait to draw electricity from Rongrong.

He promised that the tree of life given to Shangguan Yanyu would cost 30 electricity, and to prepare a ten thousand year salvia for Master Zhang in case of emergency, it would also require 30 electricity.

It takes a lot of electricity to help Zhang Qiuyue and her own strength.

Moreover, it is safest to charge from Rongrong now.

She doesn't have any resistance at all, Lin Tiancheng can charge her body unscrupulously, and can devote himself wholeheartedly, without worrying that she will assassinate herself.

At this time, it was already a little time, and it stands to reason that no one would stroll around in the Zhongdu Academy anymore.

However, He Hao and his group of followers happened to pass by here.

In the daytime, He Hao tried to strike up a conversation with a senior sister from the fire department. However, Senior Sister He was a bit grumpy, so she filed a complaint against coach Li.

Coach Li didn't say anything, he directly asked He Hao to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to copy a well-known book of "Basic Knowledge of Fire Attributes".

This made the senior fire elder sisters in the senior fire department dumbfounded. After all, the copying of "The Classics of Basic Knowledge of Fire Attributes" did not take 10 and a half months, and it was impossible to complete.

However, He Hao took the blame, and the senior sister was still very satisfied with the punishment that coach Li had imposed on Wu Hao.

He Hao's eyes widened when he heard the punishment, and he looked at coach Li in disbelief, "Teacher Li, this...you embarrass me too much!"

He Hao often does this kind of things like molesting his younger sisters and hitting up with senior sisters, and he is often asked to drink tea in the office where Li teaches.


But this time was the biggest and painful punishment he had ever heard.

Coach Li thought to himself, "If it wasn't for your little one who was in charge of Lin Tiancheng's business, how could I have almost been dismissed by the dean, and it would be cheap for you to copy books."

Of course, he didn't say this out, so it seemed that his coach was so narrow-minded.

Li coached his back with both hands and said sharply, "I don't want to go now, do you think the punishment is not heavy enough."

"No, no, enough, enough!" He Hao shrank and hurriedly withdrew from Li's office.

Then, the only way he thought of was to let his classmates copy books with him.

So, when he got to this point, he was still walking around in the academy.

A disciple stopped suddenly and looked at the candle-lit bathroom not far away, "Brother, do you hear any noise?"

"Don't..." The voice came to He Hao's ears leisurely.

"Damn, it's so exciting, you follow me quietly." He Hao waved his hand at the attendant behind him, shrank his body, and walked out of Lin Tiancheng's bathroom.

Through the pierced window, He Hao happened to see Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong.

He Hao was completely stunned. He never thought that after Lin Tiancheng was kicked out of Zhongdu Academy, he even dared to return to Zhongdu Academy and continue to look for Rongrong.

Such courage, such a cheeky, really made He Hao feel ashamed.

One of He Hao's followers leaned into his ear and whispered, "Big Brother, do we want to find the nearby inspection team and arrest this pair of dogs and men."

He Hao gave him a violent shudder, and said as low as possible, "Your brain is flooded! Since I have caught Lin Tiancheng's handle, I must not let him kneel and kowtow to me."

Lin Tiancheng seriously injured him twice, of course he would not spare Lin Tiancheng easily.

"Bang..." The door of the room was knocked open again by He Hao, and Wu Hao and his followers quickly surrounded Lin Tiancheng.

"Quickly, take their clothes away." He Hao knew that he was not Lin Tiancheng's opponent. As long as he took away Lin Tiancheng's clothes, he would not dare to leave the barrel.

When the time comes, it's not up to you to decide how you want to fix this kid.

"Senior Brother He, only the clothes of Junior Sister, we did not find the clothes of Lin Tiancheng."

He Hao raised his hand heavily on his head with another violent shudder, "It seems that your brain is really flooded. Wouldn't it be better to have no clothes?"

So many people suddenly appeared in the bathroom, and Rongrong was so scared that she screamed.

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