Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1659: Fight the sky

The Alchemist Association is not a small force, and its nature is different from the Yun family.

The Alchemist Association has its distribution in the four major regions of Central Capital, East, West, South, and North, and even the sky market connecting Central Capital and the Republic.

Its existence is equivalent to our current hospital. His philosophy is to save the world and save people and all living beings.

Instead of developing and growing like other forces, expanding their own strength is the goal.

Lin Tiancheng's mind is not here, if he forcibly takes on this burden, I'm afraid it will drag down the Alchemist Association.

Lin Tiancheng was willing to become the head of the Yun family at that time, because Yun Zhonghe asked before his death.

Of course there is another reason, Lin Tiancheng wants to have a place of his own in China.

As for Tianshi's Yiqi Sect, Lin Tiancheng had already let Tan Miaoyin take care of it, and he was just throwing his hands away.

Lin Tiancheng is dedicated to proving Taoism into immortality, and doesn't want to be restrained by these things at all.

Elder Chen also understood Lin Tiancheng's meaning, and nodded, "If this is the case, then I will convey your meaning to the president. However, based on your attainments in alchemy, this is really one thing. Great regret."

Elder Chen has no doubt that Lin Tiancheng's talent in alchemy can become a generation of medicine sect, even medicine emperor.

Since Lin Tiancheng has such lofty ambitions, Elder Chen should naturally support it.

If it is an eagle, it should strike the sky, it should be a tiger; it should be a whistling mountain and forest, and it should be a dragon, it should swim in the sea.

After saying goodbye to Elder Chen, Lin Tiancheng came to the wing where He Hao was.

Rongrong wanted to take advantage of Lin Tiancheng's absence, and she would kill him without knowing it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tiancheng quickly turned back and stayed by He Hao's bed. She couldn't succeed for the time being, so she had to wait till night.

Lin Tiancheng didn't give He Hao any further treatment, he was already a dead body.

Then, Hao Haidong, Wu Shilan, Dean, and Coach Li all came to He Hao's bed.

Lin Tiancheng called coach Li aside, discussed some matters with him in detail, and then returned to his room.

In the middle of the night, Lin Tiancheng used He Hao as an excuse to distract Hao Haidong and others.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to give Ning Xin a urn to catch turtles, of course there could not be so many people here, otherwise the stinky girl would definitely not appear.

Rongrong stood beside Lin Tiancheng, really anxious.

She knew that maybe she and her sister were not Lin Tiancheng's opponents when they joined forces. She had to find a way to distract Lin Tiancheng so that her sister could succeed.

Rong Rong stroked her forehead and said weakly, "Tiancheng, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. Can you help me go back to rest?"

After saying this, Rongrong fell to Lin Tiancheng.

A smile flashed across Lin Tiancheng's mouth, showing a very concerned expression, "What's the matter? Rongrong."

A strange scent came over.

After Lin Tiancheng smelled this strange fragrance, his whole body was agitated.

Rong Rong shook her head gently, and said in a voice that was as thin as a mosquito, "I don't know, it may be that she has been practicing too much recently. Just take a rest.

"Well, I will take you to rest now."

Don't guess, Lin Tiancheng also knows that this girl must be thinking about herself again.

After the two left, a dark shadow appeared on the roof of the room.

I saw the dark shadow gently uncovering the tiles and found He Hao lying motionless on the bed.

Then she heard some hot sounds coming from the next room.

The dark shadow uncovered the rubble on the roof of another room, and happened to see a touch of spring on the bed.

The girl Rongrong said she was a little uncomfortable, and after Lin Tiancheng sent her to the room, she hooked Lin Tiancheng's neck with one hand.

Rongrong said with blushing cheeks, "Tiancheng is actually not uncomfortable, I just suddenly want to..."

Rongrong couldn't wait, she had to let Lin Tiancheng reveal the flaws as soon as possible, so that she had a chance to kill Lin Tiancheng.

Otherwise, if you continue to drag on, Lin Tiancheng will discover her identity sooner or later.

Lin Tiancheng now only has 8 telegrams. Even if Rong Rong doesn't say she wants, Lin Tiancheng will definitely fulfill her.

If it weren't for eliciting Ning Xin's stinky girl, Lin Tiancheng wouldn't have to waste 25 electricity.

The wool is on the sheep.

These 25 electricity still have to come from Ning Xin's sister.

After seeing this scene, the dark shadow on the roof tilted his head directly.

"Yes, whether you can kill Lin Tiancheng or not this time, at least our goal has been achieved."

It is natural to be able to directly kill Lin Tiancheng.

However, eliminating the Jinyang Gang’s trust in Lin Tiancheng, thereby disintegrating the five major alliances, would also benefit the blood race without any harm.

Ning Xin opened the door and walked in lightly, a beam of the room turned over.

At this moment, she saw a dark shadow drifting past her eyes, and her whole heart was suspended.

I saw two dark shadows whispering at the same time, "Who are you?"

Ning Xin thought it was the Zhongdu Academy that specially arranged people to stay here, but there was really no need to wear black clothes.

After such a change, the first thing she thought of was to run away.

You must not show your horse's feet, otherwise, not only will all the previous efforts be in vain, and the hatred that killed He Hao will also burn the blood.

This is just shooting yourself in the foot.

Ning Xin drew back quickly, ready to seize the door and leave.

Unexpectedly, the dark shadow opposite came to the door of the room at a very fast speed.

The two unanimously grabbed the button.

Ning Xin thought that guy wanted to stop herself, "What? You still want to keep me out."

As for the other dark shadow, it was Ji Linxuan.

Although he could have He Hao already a dead body, after listening to Lin Tiancheng's nonsense, he still had some scruples in his heart.

Fortunately, He Hao was killed and he was killed.

In this case, no one can get rid of the charges for Lin Tiancheng.

After he died without a match, the **** thing was Lin Tiancheng.

This was the fate of offending him Ji Linxuan, and He Hao's life was not in his eyes.

But at this moment, he suddenly ran into another black figure, and his heart was also very shocked.

"Could it be that the kid Lin Tiancheng guessed that I was going to attack He Hao, so he is here to catch me?

But there is no need for him to wear a black suit. "

If this was really caught by Lin Tiancheng, wouldn't it be him who killed He Hao?

He didn't want to be taken advantage of, he just wanted to escape here quickly.

After a psychological game between the two, they actually competed with each other.

"Da, da, da..." Dense footsteps rushed here quickly, and many Zhongdu Academy disciples with torches in their hands quickly surrounded the wing where He Hao was.

"Quickly, surround this place quickly, not even a fly can be let go." Li coached.

In fact, he was also deceived by Lin Tiancheng at the beginning, and he really thought why Hao was only in temporary shock.

Until that afternoon, Lin Tiancheng called him aside and quietly told him the truth.

Lin Tiancheng asked Li to arrange for the manpower to lie secretly around him, and the murderer who killed He Hao would definitely show up tonight.

Lin Tiancheng expected things like a god. Not only did the murderer who killed He Hao appear, but two of them also appeared.

Coach Li hurriedly said to a disciple next to him, "Quickly, go and invite the dean and Gangmaster Hao, and he said that the murderer who killed He Hao had been caught."

Ji Linxuan and Ning Xin were completely stunned. It turned out that both of them were caught by Lin Tiancheng.

"Are you not Lin Tiancheng?" the two questioned in unison again.


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