Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1665: Broken jar

Xuantianzong and Jinyang Gang were barely considered brother gangs because of the relationship between Ye Xuantian and Hao Haidong.

Ye Qingyun is more domineering and domineering, and he doesn't usually put Hao Haidong in his eyes. If he can call him Uncle Hao, it is already on his father's face.

The corner of Hao Haidong's eyes twitched slightly, and the boy kept calling himself Uncle Hao, if he really put himself in his eyes, he would not help this bitch.

However, even if he Xuan Tianzong tried his best to cultivate this bitch, how could Hao Haidong easily admit it.

In his eyes, it was nothing more than a fight between two dolls.

"Nephew Qingyun, you just need to cultivate, if I can't even deal with him, am I worthy to be your Uncle Hao?"

The dean walked slowly to the center of the crowd, "If this is the case, then according to Tiancheng's words, a year later, Xiao Xiao will compete with Hao Gang."

The dean took a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Lin Tiancheng put forward this relief method in time.

Otherwise, with the tempers of Bai Xiaoxiao and Hao Haidong, there must be no way to end today.

Everyone dispersed, but Ye Qingyun embraced Bai Xiaoxiao's slender waist and walked slowly to Lin Tiancheng, looking at him with extreme contempt.

"Lin Tiancheng, it feels bad to be cuckold!" Ye Qingyun walked to Lin Tiancheng's side and said with a smile.

If Lin Tiancheng dared to do something to himself, Ye Qingyun would immediately publicize his cuckold and humiliate him in public.

He even looked forward to Lin Tiancheng doing something on himself, so that he had a chance to use his forbidden technique and completely defeat Lin Tiancheng.

Bai Xiaoxiao already knew that Ye Qingyun and Lin Tiancheng had something to do with each other.

She felt a little guilty in her heart.

After all, Lin Tiancheng once helped her, so she dare not look directly at Lin Tiancheng now.

The reason why Bai Xiaoxiao agreed to be Ye Qingyun's girlfriend was that he wanted to continuously improve his strength and seek revenge from the Jinyang Gang.

Bai Xiaoxiao once proposed to be Lin Tiancheng's girlfriend, but Lin Tiancheng refused.

Because in Lin Tiancheng's view, she was a broken jar, which would only hurt herself worse.

Lin Tiancheng ignored Ye Qingyun, walked slowly in front of Bai Xiaoxiao, and said softly, "What is the difference between you following Ye Qingyun and following He Hao?"

After saying this, Lin Tiancheng left without looking back.

Bai Xiaoxiao's expression was slightly taken aback.

She felt that Lin Tiancheng's words made sense, because she had long known that Ye Qingyun and He Hao were actually the same kind of people.

A kind of brother-in-law who doesn't take women or feelings seriously.

However, if Lin Tiancheng is willing to help herself, Bai Xiaoxiao does not need to do so.

She began to hate Lin Tiancheng a bit, so unkind.

Why can he be kind to other women, but he is so indifferent to himself.

Of course, Bai Xiaoxiao's appearance is not bad, otherwise He Hao would not be attracted to him.

Ye Qingyun frowned slightly, and there was a strange expression on his face.

"What's the matter with this guy? He was completely indifferent."

The follower who gave this idea to Ye Qingyun ran over immediately, got close to Ye Qingyun's ear, and said in a low voice, "Brother Ye, I think this kid Lin Tiancheng is willing to be a tortoise, he should have guessed our purpose. , Deliberately pretending to be calm, we must give him something cruel."


The little attendant leaned to Ye Qingyun's ear and muttered for a while.


Ye Qingyun nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, if Lin Tiancheng is still not angry and doesn't do anything to me, then he is not worthy to be a man, he is only worthy to be a tortoise for a lifetime."

Lin Tiancheng returned to his original room, but he did not find any trace of Rongrong.

He guessed that this girl should have gone back to report.

This matter gets more and more troublesome, and it may be difficult for Zhongdu Academy to take care of itself.

This is in line with Lin Tiancheng's mind. If he doesn't get to the Zhongdu Academy, the five major alliance forces that have been hit hard are probably not the opponents of the blood race.

This time Lin Tiancheng rushed 50 electricity from Rongrong's body.

After all, Lin Tiancheng rushed 170 electricity from Rongrong's body, which was quite impressive.

Of course, this is all thanks to Ning Qiutian's kindness.

Lin Tiancheng directly consumed 30 electricity and bought a seed of the soul-gathering fruit in the farmer's app store.

Lin Tiancheng felt the signs of a breakthrough in strength in the past few days, and wanted to use the Spirit Gathering Fruit to successfully break through to the middle of the Golden Core period.

Of course, he also knows that the Spirit Gathering Fruit is mainly aimed at the mid-Golden Core Stage to the peak realm of the Gold Core Stage, but it does not mean that the Spirit Gathering Fruit is not effective for the strong in the early Golden Core Stage.

Just because this kind of heaven and earth spiritual material is very precious and rare, ordinary cultivators will not waste it at the early stage of the Golden Core Period.

But for Lin Tiancheng, he has a farmer app, and for him, a small gathering of spirit fruit is just a matter of power.

Moreover, there is a greater benefit of using the Spirit Gathering Fruit to improve the skill cultivation, that is, the solid foundation, which is of great help to future cultivation.

Then Lin Tiancheng checked the tree of life planted on the black soil.

Now that the third day has passed, the tree of life has not yet fully matured, and the five-day deadline has not arrived. Lin Tiancheng is not in a hurry to hand it over to Shangguan Yanyu.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Pixiu beast, who had been silent in the Lin Tiancheng recycling station, started chattering.

This guy has not eaten for a long time since he swallowed the soul of Ouyang Jie Jin Dan in the middle of the dark night spirit python last time.

And this time when he woke up, Lin Tiancheng discovered that this guy was much bigger, and his strength had reached the early stage of the Golden Core Stage.

This is really scary.

It must be known that it started later than Lin Tiancheng, but in just a few months, it was already at the same level as Lin Tiancheng.

However, Lin Tiancheng guessed that the strength of the Pixiu Beast has improved so much this time, it is likely to be related to the dark night spirit python soul it absorbed.

After all, it was a spirit beast in the middle of the golden core period, and the gain it brought could be imagined.

Lin Tiancheng had no extra heaven and earth spiritual materials for him to eat, so he had to give some ordinary spiritual materials that the Zhongdu Academy had sent to the students to upgrade their cultivation to the Pixiu Beast, so that he could pad his stomach.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get something to eat at this time."

Although the farmer can plant all kinds of spiritual materials from heaven and earth, the benefits to the brave beasts are far greater than those grown in nature.

However, the seeds used by the farmer are very power-consuming, and Lin Tiancheng would not do this as a last resort.

The next morning, the first to appear at Zhongdu Academy was Ouyang Jie, the Great Elder of the Refining Sect.

The dean sat in the center of the lobby, Ouyang Jie sat on the right side of the lobby, and Hao Haidong and his wife sat on the left side of the lobby.

Coach Li got up and said to the disciple beside him, "Go and bring Ji Linxuan!"

Hao Haidong's face was as sinking as water, and he stood up and said to Ouyang Jie, "Elder Ouyang, killing is worthy of life, it is only natural and righteous that your disciples should pay for my son who killed my son."

The Refining Artifact Sect is one of the best among the silver rank forces in Dongcheng District, Central Capital, and Hao Haidong naturally has some scruples.

Ouyang Jie has only one eye, and the other has been blinded by Lin Tiancheng.

He blinked his eyes and said, "Is it right? I have to wait for my apprentice to come."

The dean stood up and said, "This is also the purpose for us to invite Elder Ouyang to come."

Soon, Ji Linxuan was escorted into the lobby by a disciple of Zhongdu Academy.

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