Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1683: At stake

The Scarlet Man leaned in Bailiyan's ear and whispered, "Chairman, the vice president is going to die soon, you should go and see!"

"What?" Bai Liyan's face immediately became gloomy, and he walked quickly to the camp.

Before leaving, he even told the Scarlet Man, "These are the disciples of Zhongdu Academy. Please help me entertain them."

"Yes, Dean!" The Scar Man bowed towards Bailiyan again.

Judging from the faces of these dark union disciples and Bai Liyan's suddenly darkened face, it seems that the dark union should be something important.

Scar Man noticed that Lin Tiancheng's eyes were always on the other side of the camp, so he said to Lin Tiancheng very rudely, "Boy, what to look at, look at you again!"

A student of Zhongdu College, he really didn't care about it.

In his opinion, President Bailiyan is good at everything, but he is too kind, and often shows kindness and takes in some weak people.

Not to mention the waste of union resources, it is still not a small burden.

"There are no more tents. The four of you will squeeze here tonight!"

"This, how crowded, this is clearly a tent that can only accommodate two people, you are too shabby!" Ning Rong, who had been silent for a long time, finally said.

Scar man stared at Ning Rong fiercely, and said fiercely, "Live if you can, and get out if you don't. Are you really treating this place as a refugee camp?"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly stepped forward and smiled and said, "No, no, how can this be a refugee camp? Thank you, eldest brother, for taking us in for one night. We are grateful that it is too late!"

Scar man then withdrew his angry color, angrily flung his sleeves, turned and left.

Zhang Qiuyue's expression was a bit displeased, she glanced at Ning Rong coldly, "Keep your life for you, don't make us all tired! If you are too young, just sleep in the open air!"

Zhang Qiuyue realized that in the entire dark union, except for Chairman Bailiyan, no one seemed to treat them much.

If Scar Man is really offended, maybe he will drive the group away!

It was already night, and the roar of wild beasts echoed in the mountains and forests, and it was obvious that they had already begun to forage.

Even if there is only one tent, it is better than sleeping in the wilderness.

Su Lan's girl was rather well-behaved. She didn't complain, and immediately started to clean the tent.

Lin Tiancheng was not in a hurry to fall asleep. He guessed that Jiang Suxi who was chasing him must be around the camp.

He also wanted to figure out what happened to this dark union? Why are all faces so dark?

"Could it be related to the serious injury of Vice President Gu that Saul said before?"

Sitting in front of a fire not far away was a dark union disciple with thick black eyebrows. He lowered his head as if thinking about something.

Lin Tiancheng walked over slowly, sat directly by the fire, looked up at the night sky, and said to himself, "The night tonight seems a little gloomy!"

Da Nong Mei seemed not in the mood to pay attention to Lin Tiancheng, and rolled his head directly.

After some discussions, the big thick eyebrows seemed to be full of strong hostility towards Lin Tiancheng.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng took out a maroon pill from the recycle bin, "Big Brother, your dark union took us in for one night, and I have nothing to repay you. Let me repay you with this Yuan Yuan Pill! "

Huiyuan Pill is a second-class high-level pill, not precious, but it is by no means cheap.

It takes at least 5 spirit stones to put it on the market.

The Huiyuan Pill is the best medicine for this kind of hunter. After hunting a large number of spirit beasts, their spiritual power must be huge.

A return to the original pill can help the strong person in the expansion period to immediately restore spiritual power, even if it is the golden pill stage, it can recover 50 to 60% of the spiritual power.

Lin Tiancheng directly stuffed this Yuan Dan into Da Nong Mei's hand.

Da Nong eyebrows looked around for a while, hurriedly hid the Huiyuan Pill between the cuffs, turned his head and whispered to Lin Tiancheng, "Boy, if you have any questions, please hurry up and ask, but you shouldn’t ask me. I can't say it either."

"Look at what this big brother said, we are your president's friends, it is impossible for your president to bring back a bunch of people who don't trust!"

Lin Tiancheng's thick eyebrows paled, "That's not necessarily true!"

Don't say it, the disciples of these dark unions look very casual.

However, they are exceptionally united and have done a very good job of confidentiality to the outside world.

Lin Tiancheng said leisurely, "In fact, there is nothing, I just want to know who lives in that tent?"

Lin Tiancheng pointed to the tent guarded by heavy soldiers and Bailiyan entered.

Da Nong eyebrows cast a deep look at Lin Tiancheng, "That is the residence of our vice chairman."

Lin Tiancheng continued to ask, "Looking at each of you looking depressed, could it be that your vice president was seriously injured?"

"I've said don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked!" Da Nong eyebrows stared at Lin Tiancheng.

Naturally, Lin Tiancheng was also very interesting, and if he continued to ask questions, he might still be regarded as a gap for these people to explore the enemy's situation.

However, from all the signs, Lin Tiancheng was able to guess that the vice president of the Dark Union should have been seriously injured, and it is very likely to endanger his life.

However, the entire dark union seemed to conceal this intentionally.

Inside the vice president’s tent...

"Elder Bai, is there really no alternative?" Bai Liyan looked anxiously at the old man with white beard and hair.

This old man is a strong man in the alchemy sect, and he is also an enshrinement of the Baili family.

Bailiyan concealed the elders of the Baili family, and secretly invited him to the dark union, wanting him to save the vice chairman's life.

Just a few days ago, Gu Zilong, the vice-chairman of the Dark Union, led a small team into the Central Region of the Blurred Domain.

In the beginning, everything went very smoothly, and they also hunted a lot of spirit beasts.

But just when they were about to leave the central area of ​​the Misty Realm, Gu Zilong's arm inadvertently touched the ice sand toad.

This is a very poisonous toad, even in the entire Blurred Domain.

But it is this rare toad, and it does often kill some powerful people even in the Mahayana realm.

Gu Zilong just touched the skin of Bingsha Bufo, and the venom quickly spread all over his body.

"Young Master, don't you still believe in my alchemy? I have already given him the last profound mist pill refined from the profound mist grass. If it was two days ago, the profound mist pill It can help him remove the poison of Bingsha gargoyle, but now that he has poisoned it into the bone marrow, even the Emperor of Medicine cannot save him."

Bai Yaozong patted Bailiyan's shoulder gently and comforted, "Young Master, you have done your best, and Vice President Gu will not blame you."

"No, the eldest brother obviously still has a pulse, he won't die, there must be some way?" Bai Liyan didn't want to believe this fact.

Scar Man stepped forward and said, "President, Sodan of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps has already brought a small team stationed in the opposite mountain col."

"Well, keep an eye on them for me. We must not let their people sneak into our team. Also, if anyone dares to reveal a little bit of information about the big brother, he will just drag it out and kill him."

Everything in the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group is like a hungry wolf, staring at the dark union with enthusiasm.

Once they found that Vice President Gu was in danger, they immediately passed the news to the ears of the head of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.


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