Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1685: spy

Gu Zilong's condition is related to the life and death of the entire dark trade union. There is no room for sloppyness, and it is also impossible for Bailiyan not to have a little doubt about Lin Tiancheng.

Wei Tian took out the Guiyuan Pill Lin Tiancheng gave him from his cuff, "Just now, this kid secretly stuffed a Guiyuan Pill for me, just to ask me about the condition of the vice president. ."

If Lin Tiancheng is not a spy, just out of general curiosity, then Wei Tian will definitely accept this Guiyuan Pill in private.

However, in this situation, Lin Tiancheng is definitely a spy.

If he continued to hold this Guiyuan Pill, he might be dragged into the water by Lin Tiancheng.

Moreover, as a disciple of the dark union, you have to work with the union at critical moments.

The man in commoner slapped Wei Tian's shoulder with a heavy palm, and said to him with a smile, "Junior Brother Wei Tian is good."

Bailiyan took the Guiyuan Pill in Wei Tian's hand, slowly came to Lin Tiancheng, and questioned, "Lin Tiancheng, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation for this matter."

At this time, Su Lan and Zhang Qiuyue two girls squeezed out of the crowd.

Su Lan quickly walked to the front of Bailiyan, and said anxiously, "President Baili, we are really disciples of Zhongdu Academy, if you didn't save us in time, I'm afraid we have been given by the **** Sol... ...You must trust us."

Zhang Qiuyue took a deep look at Lin Tiancheng, but she did not see the slightest anxious look on Lin Tiancheng's face.

Zhang Qiuyue tightened the long sword in her hand, and constantly winked at Lin Tiancheng, indicating that he was ready for battle.

What was wrong was that the Dark Union was in an extraordinary period, and the three of them shouldn't have followed Bailiyan to come here.

The people of the Dark Union believed that they were spies sent by the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group, and they could not get rid of the charges for themselves.

Unless, the instructor and dean of Zhongdu Academy appear here to prove for them.

But this is impossible. The dean and the instructor have already gone to the end of the autumn hunting trial to wait for them, and they will not appear here.

Bailiyan said to Su Lan, "Although I met you by chance, it does not rule out the possibility that you are spies. Come here, take them down for interrogation one by one!

And send heavy soldiers to guard, never let the news leak out. "

"Wait!" Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and said.

"Prince Baili, you said that we are spies. I'm afraid we are not easy to get rid of the charges. However, I want to make a deal with you here first!"

"Deal, what deal?" Bai Liyan looked at Lin Tiancheng puzzled.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was still able to talk with himself calmly and calmly, which made him wonder, is this really what a Zhongdu Academy disciple should have?

"I have a way to save Vice President Gu, and my condition is that you members of the Dark Union must protect us from being pursued and killed by the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group!"

Except for Thor, the magic wolf mercenary group has not moved yet. Lin Tiancheng guessed that it should be related to the dark union.

When they deal with the dark union, Thor's two brothers will definitely find themselves afterwards.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to save Vice Chairman Gu's life, so that the Dark Union could hold back the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group and indirectly help himself.

Otherwise, when the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group has annexed the Dark Union, no one can save them.

Lin Tiancheng now only has the strength of the mid-Gold Core period, he can never be the opponent of the entire Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.

The proposal of this transaction was actually for the safety of these girls.

In addition, there is one more point.

If Lin Tiancheng really rescued Gu Zilong, I would like to ask the Dark Union, who would think that this group of them are spies sent by the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group?

"You? Do you know what hurts my elder brother?" Bai Liyan looked at Lin Tiancheng suspiciously.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I don't know, but I believe that with my alchemy, it is not difficult to save your brother."

At this moment, not only were the other disciples of the dark trade union watching, but even the elders standing behind Bai Liyan showed extreme contempt towards Lin Tiancheng.

"Okay, take them down quickly!" Bai Liyan waved to the dark union disciples on both sides.

It's not that Bai Liyan looked down on him.

But Lin Tiancheng was so young, he didn't look like an alchemy master.

You know, even the Baiyao Sect that Bailiyan invited from the Baili family can't save his eldest brother, and where does Lin Tiancheng have the courage to say such arrogant words.

Baiyao Sect claims to be more advanced alchemy than President Nie of the Alchemist Association headquarters. May I ask Lin Tiancheng, a brat boy who has a more advanced alchemy than President Nie?

It is normal for people to speak without hesitation in the face of death.

Bai Liyan didn't plan to pursue this matter any more, he just wanted to know if Lin Tiancheng and others were spies.

The Baiyao Sect didn't even glance at Lin Tiancheng directly, and took the "Sleeping Fairy" from the Scar Man's hand.

Lin Tiancheng's gaze happened to fall on this star-like "sleeping fairy".

He felt very shocked in his heart, there was a record of "Sleeping Fairy" in the ancient alchemy secrets.

Knowing that it is a very effective but rare elixir to help the cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core Stage break through to the early Mahayana stage.

Lin Tiancheng said that she would help Zhang Qiuyue to raise her strength to the early stage of the Mahayana period.

And he also saw the seeds of "Sleeping Fairy" in the farmer's app store, which requires 30 electricity and has a long growth cycle.

So Lin Tiancheng thought of a good idea.

The Baiyao Sect said to Bailiyan, "Young Master, if you really have difficulties that can't survive, just bow your head and admit a mistake with your grandfather. Don't say a dark union, even ten, the Baili family can easily keep it! "

A few displeasure appeared on Bai Liyan's face.

This is not the first time that Bai Yaozong has talked about this.

Bai Liyan returned to this blurred realm just to retrieve what he had lost.

If he is willing to bow his head and admit his mistake, his strength will be restored.

A demon wolf mercenary group can easily crush it with his own strength alone.

No, he has missed it once, and will never go wrong again.

Bai Yaozong is also a person of knowledge, knowing that it is useless to say more, "Well! Since the young master's heart has been decided, the old man will not repeat it, and goodbye!"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly stepped forward and arched his hand toward the Baiyao Sect, "Senior, wait a minute! I have a soul-raising tree here, and I want to make a bet with the sleeping fairy in the hands of senior."

Lin Tiancheng carefully took out the Soul Cultivation Tree from his chest.

Young people just want to be a little bloody, and if they want to gamble, they gamble big.

If they don't come up with something real, they really think of themselves as three-year-olds and mess around here.

At first, the Baiyao Sect didn't put Lin Tiancheng in his eyes at all.

But when he heard Lin Tiancheng talking about the three words of the soul-cultivating tree, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, staring at the soul-cultivating tree in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

What is the soul-raising wood?

Soul Cultivation Tree: One of the three sacred trees. It can be worn on the body to nourish the soul primordial spirit, slowly let the soul grow, and it can also live in the soul to ensure that the mind stays.

It is the best divine object to nourish divine consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness is also a major foundation of the cultivator, so the importance of the soul-raising tree is naturally self-evident.

"Boy, you're still in the end, take a piece of broken wood and fool everyone here."

Scar Man waved his hand at the dark union disciple on the side, "What are you doing in a daze, don't you take him down quickly."


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