Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1689: Apprentice

The Baiyao Sect completely couldn't accept this fact at first.

He is a generation of medicine sect in the alchemy world, and even Nie Li's super-shen alchemy is slightly inferior to him.

But even he didn't save anyone, but he was saved by a young kid who didn't seem to be an alchemist at all.

However, after he knew that Lin Tiancheng was a ghost alchemist, he completely accepted this fact.

What kind of character is Ghost Alchemist?

That can be said to be an alchemist who has truly acquired the ancient heritage.

Bai Yaozong looked at Lin Tiancheng with a hesitant expression, he wanted to worship Lin Tian as a teacher.

He didn't think he was ashamed of being defeated by the ghost pill master.

On the contrary, he felt that it was an honor for him to be able to see the Ghost Alchemist here.

However, according to his own knowledge, the ghost pill master recruits disciples is very strict, and he must have extremely talented practitioners in alchemy, and he has been trained since childhood.

But he is now a lot of age, I am afraid it is too late, Lin Tiancheng may not agree.

If you can become a teacher by worshiping Lin Tian, ​​you can learn one or two ancient alchemy techniques even if you can't become a real ghost alchemist.

Maybe it can help him break through to the emperor of medicine!

The more Bai Yaozong kept thinking about it, the more he couldn't restrain his inner excitement.

He strode to Lin Tiancheng, clasped his fists in his hands, and bowed his body deeply, "Little friend, Bai has a merciless request, and wants to worship him as a teacher!"

He knew that the probability of Lin Tiancheng's promise was very small, after all, he was already a long time old.

Moreover, he despised his alchemy just now, maybe he still hates himself in his heart!

The faces of the cultivators of the dark union in the entire tent were full of shock.

The dignified generation of Medicine Sect was willing to worship a young boy as a teacher, which is really incredible.

However, after thinking about it carefully, everyone felt that they could fully understand what the Baiyao Zong did.

After all, Lin Tiancheng relied on a pill to help them win the vice-chairman back from Wangye Yan.

In contrast to the Baiyao Sect, there was nothing he could do except to feed the vice president a Profound Wu Pill, so he believed that the vice president was hopeless.

Everyone sincerely admired Lin Tiancheng, who was so young, but possessed the alchemy that even Baiyao Sect admired.

They all felt very regretful, and they just insisted that Lin Tiancheng and others were spies.

Lin Tiancheng didn't expect that the Baiyao Sect would come here, and he was naturally a little shocked.

The other party was a real medicine sect, and he was a long way old, Lin Tiancheng couldn't bear such a big gift.

He hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, "Baiyao Sect, you are trying to break me! How can I, Lin Tiancheng, He De, receive such a gift from you! Or please hurry up!"

Bai Yaozong's heart sank. He knew that Lin Tiancheng was politely rejecting him, and his whole body was depressed for a few more points. "If the little friend does not agree to Bai's request, Bai will keep bowing like this until the little friend agrees. !"

It is very rare for a ghost pill master to be able to encounter an existence that is only heard in rumors once in a lifetime.

The Baiyao Sect did not want to miss this opportunity, he also counted on Lin Tiancheng to point himself to one or two and break through to become a generation of Medicine Emperor.

In the entire Zhongdu Zhongyu, Yaozong is actually one of the few, and most of them have become the worship of some legendary families.

As for the medicine emperor above the medicine sect, they are even rarer. If someone can become the medicine emperor, I am afraid that many legendary families are vying to hire him for the family worship.

The Baiyao Sect quickly realized that he had no sincerity when he became a teacher by Lin Tian.

So he hurriedly took out a bag of heavy spiritual stones from his own space medium, which was more than 500 pieces.

As an offering to a legendary family, there may not be anything else, but as an offering to pay, the most is the spirit stone.

"Little friend, the old man is in a hurry. He only took five hundred yuan with him. It is considered to be an apprenticeship. When I return to the middle domain, I will definitely offer another thousand spirit stones! If the little friend feels that it is still not enough, Just mention it."

A total of five hundred spirit stones, just to carry them anytime, anywhere, as the worship of a legendary family, it is really rich and rich.

These five hundred spirit stones, placed in the dark trade union, are equivalent to a month's food for hundreds of disciples.

And sometimes, they worked hard for a month, even if they were killed, they could barely earn a thousand spiritual stones.

Bai Liyan smiled and said to the Baiyao Sect, "Baiyao Sect, it seems that you have benefited a lot from our Baili family over the years!"

In fact, Bai Liyan just didn't want to expose him.

He knew that this old guy was insatiable, and as the worship of the Baili family, he also had a lot of contacts with other small families, and he often benefited from them.

Bai Yaozong turned his head and smiled and said to Bai Liyan, "Young Master, you have wronged me. All these have been accumulated by the old man as an offering over the years!"

"Get up! I won't agree to be your master." Lin Tiancheng refused again.

Everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng with sorrow. The Baiyao Sect had already given such a generous offer, but Lin Tiancheng still refused.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng's heart had been resolved, Bai Yaozong slowly stood up straight, with a look of loss on his face.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said to the Baiyao Sect, "Although I said I wouldn’t be your master, I didn’t tell you not to teach you ancient alchemy. Let’s do this! I don’t want any of your spirit stones, you give the spirit gathering fruit just now. I will do it!"

Five hundred spirit stones were actually enough to buy two Spirit Gathering Fruits, but Lin Tiancheng didn't have so much time.

Moreover, he handed the tree of life to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association to refine the natural pill.

President Nie transferred all the spirit stones he earned from selling Tiancheng Pills, and seven of them were passed to Lin Tiancheng for his disciples.

Lin Tiancheng didn't count them, and all of them were thrown into the recycling bin.

According to the disciple who sent it, it was about 6,000 spiritual stones.

Lin Tiancheng knew that this should be considered small.

In the situation at that time, Tiancheng Pill could be said to save people from fire and water, and its medicinal ingredients contained the sap of the tree of life, so its preciousness was self-evident.

President Nie did not choose to make a huge fortune at this time, and just sold one back to the original price.

So Lin Tiancheng is not short of spirit stones now, what he really lacks has always been power.

Obtaining this Spirit Gathering Fruit from the hands of the Baiyao Sect, Lin Tian's achievement can save 30 electricity to purchase the seed of Spirit Gathering Fruit.

The Baiyao Sect looked at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief, standing there in a daze.

It took him a moment to relax, and quickly took out the Spirit Gathering Fruit from his space ring and handed it to Lin Tiancheng's hand.

His hands were shaking violently, and even his lips were trembling, you can see how excited he is.

"Master is here, please be respected by the disciple." The Baiyao Sect was so excited that he wanted to kneel down for Lin Tiancheng, not caring about his identity as an elder.

Lin Tiancheng stopped him again, "Senior Bai, you have misunderstood, I said not to be your master. However, since I have received your Spirit Gathering Fruit, I will show you a clear way!"

The Baiyao Sect said solemnly, "Please speak!"

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