Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1697: Sinister

Bailiyan said dozens of nasty love words in succession.

Jiang Suxi's expression remained unmoved, it seemed that her eyes only had the intent to kill Bailiyan.

"A hypocrite, you keep saying you love me, but you do something like that with your stepmother.

If I don't kill you, I swear not to be human. "

Just this sentence completely subverted Lin Tiancheng's view of Bailiyan.

"No, Su Xi, things are not what you think, I really love you, please give me a chance to explain." Bai Liyan reached out to grab Jiang Suxi.

Jiang Suxi shook his arm away very hard, "Don't touch me, and don't want to lie to me again."

Just a year ago, a large number of people from the Baili family suddenly came to recall Bailiyan.

Bai Liyan didn't explain anything, and left the Blurred Realm overnight, only to make Jiang Suxi wait here for him to return.

Jiang Suxi waited for several months, but there was no news of Bailiyan.

Later she learned that she was a hypocrite and a guilty man.

Bailiyan had an adulterous affair with his stepmother three years ago. In other words, after he had that kind of relationship with his stepmother, he even found Jiang Suxi.

In the past three years of living in the Misty Realm, Bai Liyan would often find some reasons to leave, saying that he was going back to the Baili family, but in fact it was with his stepmother...

After the matter was thoroughly investigated, Bailiyan was expelled from the Baili family.

Moreover, according to the family rules of the Baili family, he was to be completely abolished.

However, Bai Liyan's father only had such a son, who was the crystallization of him and his first wife, and he couldn't bear to turn him into a waste.

Therefore, he only suppressed his skill to the peak realm of the Jin Dan stage, allowing him to fend for himself and never return to the Baili family.

After understanding the truth of the matter, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but glance at Jiang Suxi.

No wonder Hai Dongqing keeps saying that its mistress has changed? It turned out to be hurt by the hypocrite Bailiyan.

I didn't expect Bailiyan to be such a person, and Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan showed contempt at him.

When he first met with Bailiyan, he turned out to be a gentleman who rescued Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan from Thor's hands.

No one had thought that Bailiyan, who looked kind and kind to others, turned out to be a hypocrite.

Even Sol, who was sitting on the back of the Celestial Illusion Lingpeng, showed a look of contempt at Bailiyan, "Stepmother? Bailiyan, you even got the hand of your stepmother, your shameless heart , Saul admires the five-body cast."

Although Saul was lustful, he would never do anything unethical.

What can't be more is the sea, what can't be seen is the human heart.

Yumian was so angry that Bailiyan would be a hypocrite.

It can only be said that the rivers and lakes are sinister and the hearts of the people are sinister.

At this moment, Suo Tu and Suo Dan have got up, ready to take the remnants of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group and leave.

They would ignore Lin Tiancheng and despise him.

Bailiyan quickly urged Lin Tiancheng, "Hurry up, Tiancheng, kill them for me, and never leave a living."

Anyone who dares to offend the dark union must die.

Lin Tiancheng immediately took a step back, and deliberately distanced himself from Bailiyan, "Sorry, you should do it yourself!"

After this battle, Lin Tiancheng believed that the people of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group would never dare to trouble him anymore, so he didn't need to kill him.

On the contrary, it was this hypocrite who wanted to use himself to help him from the beginning, Lin Tiancheng was not that stupid.

As the saying goes, those who are near Zhu are red, those who are near ink are black, and even a stepmother like Bailiyan..., Lin Tiancheng is better to stay away.

"You..." Seeing Lin Tiancheng unmoved, Bai Liyan's eyes were a little angry.

Bailiyan wanted to reach out again to save Jiang Suxi, "Suxi, things are really not what you imagined. It was my stepmother who seduce me. It's her fault. You must believe me."

There was a violent vibration from the surface, and the centipede that was more than ten meters and one hundred meters broke through the hard rock and appeared in front of Bailiyan.

"Su Xi, do you really want this?" Bai Liyan's eyes became a bit vicious, and in just an instant, it seemed that his face changed.

Jiang Suxi regained the purple jade flute and pointed to Bailiyan, "Do it! Today is either you or me."

Jiang Suxi began to play the jade flute, which attracted thousands of poisonous insects.

Bailiyan finally displayed the "Royal Beast Art" handed down from the Baili family.

A Phantom Demon Wolf in the peak realm of the Golden Core Stage leaped out of the dense forest with four other Phantom Demon Wolf in the initial stage of the Golden Core Stage.

They stared at Jiang Suxi grinningly, just like staring at a piece of delicious food, with long saliva drooping under their fangs.

"Su Xi, since you know everything, then I will have a showdown.

That's right, everything is what you find out.

Now, I want you to be the wife of my dark trade union, stay by my side honestly, don't even think about going anywhere. "

"Don't think about it." Jiang Suxi hated him so hard that she would rather die than return to him.

After a few rounds, Jiang Suxi made a succession of moves, completely not Bailiyan's opponent.

"Enough, don't seek your own dead end, you are not my opponent.

If you stay by my side for your life, I still remember my old feelings. "

The two girls, Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan, were completely disappointed in Bailiyan.

"How can there be such a shameless man in the world."

Hai Dongqing and Jiang Suxi are still very affectionate, watching his mistress being bullied, he wants Lin Tiancheng to help.

"Boss, the hostess has always been very good to me, can you help me save her."

I don't want her to be harmed by animals like Bailiyan. "

Hai Dongqing was also extremely disappointed with Bai Liyan, and did not expect him to be such a person.

Lin Tiancheng hesitated, because if he saved Jiang Suxi, he would definitely want to kill himself.

But if you don't save it, Hai Dongqing will be unhappy.

Moreover, he couldn't bear to watch such a beautiful lady suffer the scourge of the gentleman Bailiyan.

Moreover, Bai Liyan dared to use himself to deal with the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.

You must know that what Lin Tiancheng hates most in his life is that others use himself.

After much deliberation, he said to Costin, "You take the two of them away first. Don't worry, I will definitely save your mistress."

Because the next thing might be inappropriate for children, Lin Tiancheng didn't want Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan to see it.

After seeing Hai Dongqing's departure, Lin Tiancheng spoke to Jiang Suxi, who had been in the wind, "Although you really want to kill me, I am very pitiful and cherish jade. I can't bear to see a hypocrite bullying a woman."

"Lin Tiancheng, what do you mean?" Bai Liyan stopped and stared at Lin Tiancheng viciously.

In fact, since Lin Tiancheng was unwilling to help himself, he had already hated Lin Tiancheng.

Jiang Suxi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly with her beautiful eyes, "Say it! What conditions? If you want me not to kill you, don't talk about it."

In Jiang Suxi's view, Lin Tiancheng and Bailiyan are not good people, and she will not let them go.

"It's up to you to kill or not. My condition is very simple. Give me a kiss and I will help you solve her."

Lin Tiancheng now only has 8 batteries, and it is extremely dangerous in the Misty Realm. He has to try every means to charge it.

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