Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1700: What to do with you

The Beast King who is now in charge of the spirit beasts of the entire Misplaced Realm is the Monster Moon of the Fox Monster clan.

Zhou Henai is the chief disciple of the Guardian of the Fengyue Clan. He not only looks handsome, but also possesses extremely high cultivation talent.

Almost every young girl of the Fengyue tribe has a fascinating object.

Although he only completed the baptism of the Phoenix bloodline a year ago, he is one year older than Zhang Qiuyue, but his strength has reached the realm of the early Mahayana period.

The purpose of his coming this time is to bring Zhang Qiuyue back to the Nine Nether Realm.

Because the princess's 20-year-old adult ceremony is coming soon, the blood of the Phoenix in the body needs to be baptized.

Only in this way can she use the power of the Fire Phoenix bloodline to become a true Fire Phoenix.

And the current Misty Realm is led by Demon Yue, and the Fire Phoenix of the Fengyue Clan must not appear here, otherwise it will not end well in Demon Yue's hands.

Yaoyue not only wanted to kill the Fengyue clan, but also wanted their Phoenix blood to improve her strength.

Zhou He didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so he reached out a little anxiously and clasped Zhang Qiuyue's wrist, "Princess, even if you don't remember me, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you must follow me right now."

Although Zhou He's original form was also a fire phoenix, which was considered similar to Zhang Qiuyue, but based on this alone, Zhang Qiuyue naturally couldn't believe him so easily.

Zhang Qiuyue tried her best to break free of Zhou He's shackles, but she only had the strength of the middle of the golden core period, and her entire wrist was restrained by a vise.

Lin Tiancheng noticed Zhang Qiuyue's displeasure, stepped forward and pushed Zhou He away, and protected Zhang Qiuyue behind him.

"There is no proof for nothing. Why do we believe that what you are saying is true, because you have the appearance of a phoenix?"

Zhang Qiuyue is Lin Tiancheng's friend, and Lin Tiancheng also said to protect Master Zhang's daughter, so of course he would not allow Zhou He to come.

Zhou He glared at Lin Tiancheng fiercely, "Human race boy, this is my Feng Yue Clan business, what to do with you!

I advise you not to be nosy! "

Zhou He's body was filled with the blood of the ancient phoenix, the blood of the legendary beast, he regarded himself as superior, and he didn't put Lin Tiancheng, a human like an ant in his eyes.

Zhou He was even more unhappy to see the relationship between the princess and Lin Tiancheng, a human boy.

Su Lan's heart thumped and thumped straight, and seeing Zhou He's fierce look, she was very worried about Lin Tiancheng's safety.

Seeing that Zhou He was so powerful, Zhang Qiuyue quickly pulled Lin Tiancheng back, "Maybe what you said is true, but at least you have to give me time to think about it!"

Ever since Zhang Qiuyue knew that her body was a fire phoenix and not an ordinary human, she wanted to know her life experience.

Last time, before her father Zhang Yuanjin became addicted, Zhang Qiuyue found a clue to her mother.

But this was not enough for her to follow Zhou He to Fengyue Clan rashly.

The Blurred Domain is extremely dangerous.

Zhang Qiuyue has been led by a mysterious force dozens of times since she was a child, and has rushed into this place, almost killing her.

Fortunately, her father found out in time and took her back to the Alchemist Association despite the danger.

Zhou He stared at Lin Tiancheng, his eyes full of killing intent, not hostility.

This is the princess of the Fengyue tribe, once the coming-of-age ceremony of the Fengyue tribe is completed, it will be the king of the entire Fengyue tribe.

In fact, the elders of the clan sent him to bring the princess back, not only to help her complete the baptism of the blood of the beast, but also to let her inherit the throne.

Not to mention that Zhang Qiuyue has the shame of closing the moon. Just as a princess, I don't know how many young men from the Fengyue clan want her.

Zhou He was one of them. He volunteered and took the initiative to leave the Nine Nether Realm, risking his life to find the princess, just wanting to act first.

At the moment when the stalemate was not enough, a faint fragrance came from the gloomy woods.

This peculiar smell is still gradually increasing, and people can't help but want to take a few more puffs, like an addictive drug.

Lin Tiancheng became vigilant immediately, and with a strong sense of consciousness, he soon felt an extremely powerful aura approaching quickly.

Zhou He had also noticed the abnormality, and shook his sleeves, with a proud look on his face, "What, get out, don't pretend to be here!"

Zhou He not only had the strength of the early Mahayana period, but he also had the blood of ancient gods and beasts flowing in his body.

In the outer ring area of ​​this blurred domain, there is absolutely no possibility of his opponent.

"What a powerful blood aura! It turned out to be the remnant of the Fengyue Clan!" A spirit fox jumped out of the darkness and turned into a beautiful woman.

I saw the woman's enchanting posture, inhaling the blood in the air, and couldn't help licking her bright red lips.

Her devilish figure, long wavy red hair, and her body are extremely exposed, showing her perfect body.

Bright and enchanting pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, white and flawless skin revealing a tinge of pink, and thin lips are as tender as rose petals.

Just looking at it a few times like this made people feel evil in their abdomen.

This person is the subordinate of Yaoyue of the Fox Demon clan, whose name is Hongmei, and possesses the strength of the mid-Mahayana realm.

You know, if it is not for the spirit beast with the blood of the ancient **** beasts, in order to transform into a human form, at least it needs to be above the realm of the Mahayana period.

The reason why Zhang Qiuyue can transform into a human form from the moment she was born is because of the extremely noble Phoenix blood flowing in her body.

Suddenly two powerful men of the Mahayana stage appeared in the forest. Under the pressure of such a terrifying aura, the breathing of the three of Lin Tiancheng seemed a little difficult.

Su Lan grabbed Lin Tiancheng's arm, her arm trembling unconsciously, "Tiancheng, what should I do?"

In front of the real powerhouse, Zhang Qiuyue, who was strong on the outside, also showed an uneasy look for a while, staring at Lin Tiancheng with bright eyes.

Lin Tiancheng gave them a firm look, "Don't worry, we will act on the occasion."

Zhou He put his hands on his chest, and said arrogantly, "It's really bad luck, I ran into the Sao Fox as soon as I came out!"

Originally, the ruling power of this blurred domain belonged to their Fengyue Clan.

Later, they were snatched by their fox-monster clan using various despicable means.

He even killed Zhang Qiuyue's mother, the patriarch of the Fengyue Clan, the last Beast King of the Misty Realm.

Not only that, but Yaoyue of the Fox Demon clan even ordered all the Fire Phoenix of the Fengyue Clan to be wiped out.

Zhou He did not expect that he had carefully hidden his whereabouts, and this was discovered by the fox demon clan.

In that case, in order not to expose his whereabouts, he had to kill the fox demon in front of him.

Zhang Qiuyue is the princess of the Fengyue clan. After completing the blood baptism of the beast, he will inherit the position of the patriarch of the Fengyue clan and become the beast king of the Fengyue clan.

The orthodox royal blood of the sacred beast was flowing in her body, and Yaoyue was struggling to get it.

The red eyes are very charming, standing still, like a seductive work of art, it is really fascinating.

I saw her cover her mouth and said with a clever smile, "Hey, your Fengyue people have been hiding for 20 years, and the demon master thought you were extinct.

You are now risking your death to appear because of this little Phoenix!

She is the remnant of the last Beastmaster! "

Hong Mei had long overheard Zhou He calling Zhang Qiuyue a "princess", she covered her mouth and giggled, the flowers trembling.

She seemed to see Zhang Qiuyue's body at a glance.

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