Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1710: Too late to explain

Gu Ming coughed awkwardly, without replying.

Obviously he agreed with Zhou He's statement.

Not surprisingly, Lin Tiancheng was quickly drawn into the whirlpool eye formed by the magic of heaven and earth by a powerful suction force.

Su Jiu'er didn't want to waste time here anymore, and saw her hands start to close slightly like lotus flowers.

The nine giant Optimus Primes, under her control, began to gather slowly.

The power pressure of the whirlpool eye seemed to become more powerful, and some of the capillaries on Lin Tiancheng's skin, who had just entered the whirlpool, broke open and condensed into thin blood scabs.

Lin Tiancheng has already come to Elder Gu Ming's side. He stretched out his hand and handed a pill, and said eagerly, "Quickly, Elder Gu Ming has no time to explain. Taking this pill, you can definitely break through this pill. cage!"

This pill is just a cover, what Lin Tiancheng really wants to do is to use 360 ​​anti-virus software to help Elder Gu Ming purify his body a little.

At the same time, download and download the dragon-like magic of the ancient Ming elders by using Thunder, optimize it slightly, and then guide the ancient Ming elders.

Elder Gu Ming’s dragon elephant magic is very powerful, but because of his advanced age, it seems that he can’t stimulate the true power of dragon elephant magic.

If you want to save everyone, you can only rely on Elder Gu Ming.

Of course, this process will consume a considerable amount of electricity, but if you want to survive, there is no way.

Zhou He thought that what Lin Tiancheng gave to Elder Gu Ming was an augmentation medicine.

He glanced at Lin Tiancheng coldly, and immediately sneered, "Huh, it's so ridiculous. The Dragon Elephant Magical Art is originally an augmentation technique. Even if you have 100 Amplifying Pills, you can't have the power of the Dragon Elephant Magical Art. powerful."

Zhou He's meaning is very simple. Lin Tiancheng wants to increase the pill for someone who possesses the magical power of the dragon elephant. This is simply a joke.

This is like saying that you were originally a billionaire, and then a ten-thousand yuan household came and said that he would give you a lot of money.

What is this not a joke?

I'm afraid this kid was sent by a monkey to tease him!

Looking at the world and the world that shrank sharply like a lotus, Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan knew that everything was about to end.

No one can save Lin Tiancheng and them anymore.

Elder Gu Ming stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Tiancheng's pill back, and shook his head helplessly, "It's useless, even if there is a rejuvenation pill, it can't save us!"

If it were the beginning, Gu Ming believed that if he could be a hundred years younger, he would definitely be able to deal with Su Jiu'er.

But now, the elements of heaven and earth have begun to close together, and the energy is still rapidly increasing, and eventually everyone will be squeezed into a mass of flesh.

Therefore, even if Lin Tiancheng was holding the Pill for Rejuvenation, Gu Ming would not be able to withstand the continuously increasing energy of heaven and earth.

Looking around for a moment, the powerful energy that is rapidly approaching, the situation is already very urgent.


Lin Tiancheng didn't have time to think about it, and forcibly stuffed the pill in his hand into the mouth of Elder Gu Ming.

At the same time, the use of 360 anti-virus software spent 10 electricity to help Elder Gu Ming remove part of the body impurities.

The Thunder download is started, and after 5 power consumption, the Fengyue Clan’s Dragon Elephant Magical Art has been downloaded.

The optimization master turned it on, and it consumed another 5 electricity. Lin Tiancheng greatly optimized the Dragon Elephant magic of the Fengyue clan that he downloaded.

As a result, Lin Tiancheng had 60 electricity left.

However, he believed this was enough.

When Lin Tiancheng forcibly stuffed the pill into his mouth, Elder Gu Ming showed a full face of anger.

But, soon after he felt a hint of sweetness in his mouth, the true Qi power in his dantian was surging.

This long-lost feeling is as if he suddenly returned to a hundred years ago, when his skill cultivation reached its heyday.

The anger on his face turned into joy, and he quickly swallowed the pill that Lin Tiancheng had given him.

Soon, his skinny and skinny body began to swell rapidly, and the muscles all over his body bulged like a ridge, and even his skin reflected a bronze luster.

"Okay, what a miraculous pill, my body is about to burst!" Elder Gu Ming directly crossed Lin Tiancheng, and rushed towards the sharply contracting world.

At this time, elder Gu Ming was burning with a red flame, and a pair of fists poured like magma were wrapped in a strong and powerful energy.

Of course Zhou He also felt the changes in Gu Ming's body, but he shook his head, "It's useless, it was a waste of effort. ."

Feeling the energy change in Gu Ming's body, Su Jiu'er couldn't help but glanced at Lin Tiancheng, "This kid, it turns out that he sneaked in on purpose to give pills to the old man. But my world is about to shrink completely. Da Luo Jinxian can't break through either."

Lin Tiancheng's expression became extraordinarily solemn, and he said loudly to Elder Gu Ming, "Senior, hurry up and spur the Dragon Elephant Magic Technique to hit all of your power on one of the fox tails."

Take a break.

The heaven and earth have been completely formed, even if Lin Tiancheng's group of Gu Ming was completely purified, I am afraid it would be difficult to fully resist the power of the nine tails.

At this time, only Gu Ming himself could clearly perceive the changes in body energy, so he chose to believe in Lin Tiancheng.

He nodded towards Lin Tiancheng, and then straddled his left foot for a half step, taking a horse step.

At the same time, the dragon elephant magical power urged in the body, and the surging true energy power gathered on the fists.

Lin Tiancheng began to mutter words, "The dragon elephant, the heavens and the earth and all things have no right, so the name is dragon elephant..."

Under Lin Tiancheng's guidance, Elder Gu Ming began to guide the zhenqi in his body, his power wandered through the seven meridians and eight meridians, and finally gathered on his double fists.

A terrible scene appeared. Because of the concentration of energy, the position of the double fists actually reached the level of collapse in the void.

Zhou He put down his hands on his chest, raised his eyebrows, and slowly turned around, staring at the ancient inscription not far away, his eyes were a little bit surprised.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the collapsed void, Su Jiu'er's expression became particularly solemn.

Before she could hesitate, she immediately accelerated the movement of the heaven and earth phenomena, causing the energy in the whirlpool's eyes to shrink more violently.

Hong Mei opened her mouth slightly, looking at the collapsed void, she couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Su Lan pulled on Zhang Qiuyue's skirt, "Look, look..."

Lin Tiancheng still said something in his mouth, "The sky is clear, the earth is clear..."

Fengyue Clan’s Dragon Elephant magic has been roughly optimized by him with an optimization master, and it can be said that it has completely broken through from the mysterious high-level exercises to the earth-level primary exercises.

The practice of the cultivation world is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow, and each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Earth-level exercises are second only to heaven-level exercises, and the terrifying energy it brings is enough to move mountains and fill the sea.

Gu Ming's mood is far from being as simple as surprise.

When the energy reached a limit, Gu Ming's entire body had already expanded to a limit.

Lin Tiancheng shouted sharply, "It's now, smash!"


With one shot, two fire dragons larger than foxtails rushed forward, and the flames suddenly became blazing.

The speed of the two fire dragons is really terrifying, and they even entangled with each other, converging into a bigger fire dragon.

After a thunderous dragon roar, the giant fire dragon slammed into one of the Optimus Prime-like tails.

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