Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1741: In distress

Zhou Heqiang endured the sharp pain in his abdomen and coughed a few times, "I will let everyone see your true colors later."

The guard leader said, "Everyone may not know something. Just yesterday, Zhou He discovered a major secret that concerns the survival of our entire Fengyue Clan."

Zhou He sang a peace with one of them, and the final spearhead was directed at Elder Gu Ming.

Said that he had planned for a long time, he randomly found a snake monster, transformed it into a human form, and brought it to the territory of Jiuyou.

The purpose is to make this snake demon succeed as the patriarch of the Fengyue clan, so as to realize the purpose of Gu Ming holding the emperor to make the princes.

It happened that Zhou He heard this secret, so they sent someone to hunt down Zhou He.

However, fortunately, Zhou He survived and overheard their cracking method of disguise.

Zhou He took out a cinnabar pen from his cuff, stained it with his own blood, and then walked to Zhang Qiuyue's side and tapped her brow.

Zhang Qiuyue also wanted to know what trick Zhou He was playing, and did not dodge.

A magical thing happened, and the princess of the Fengyue clan turned into a snake demon.

Even Elder Gu Ming was dumbfounded in this scene.

Of course he knew that this was not true, but he didn't know how Zhou He did it.

Zhou He put away the cinnabar pen in his hand, turned around and said to the Fengyue people under the altar, "Now everyone should believe that I am not lying! This princess is a fake princess, she is simply a snake monster! "

"This, this... you talk nonsense, it must be something you made to blind your eyes." Elder Gu Ming shouted sharply.

He stepped forward quickly, looked up and down the princess carefully, but he didn't find the slightest flaw.

At this time, even his own heart couldn't help but beat a drum. Could it be that the one I brought back was really not a princess, but a snake monster?

But how is this possible?

Elder Gu Ming suddenly thought of a very important point, "Impossible, if she is not a princess, it is impossible to absorb the energy of this enchantment, you must be a blindfold to deceive everyone!"

The guard leader stepped forward and said, "This is exactly what I want to say, Gu Ming, in order to achieve your own goals, you do not hesitate to destroy this enchantment. I am afraid that you want to absorb this part of the energy by yourself, but you are worried about causing everyone's suspicion. That's it!"

Zhou He directed at the Fengyue people under the altar, "If you have any doubts, you can come up and check one by one to see if she is a snake demon."

Zhang Qiuyue herself didn't know what was going on, but found that she turned into a snake monster.

She knew that Zhou He must have made the blindfold, but she couldn't resolve it.

However, Luo Shiyi had a doubt in her heart: She knew that Lin Tiancheng knew how to disguise, but she didn't think it was Lin Tiancheng this week.

So what is going on?

Su Lan quickly came to the altar and stopped those Fengyue clan children who wanted to find out, "Don't believe it, this is not true."

Seeing that Zhang Qiuyue wanted to escape, the guard leader immediately sent people to surround her.

Zhou He stepped forward quickly, shaking Su Lan with a palm, "Where's the wild girl? Go away! Everyone come and take a look, look at this snake demon, look at the ugly crimes of Elder Gu Ming. "

Seeing the snake monster that was really a replacement, even Rob was a little bit suspicious, "Gu Ming, what the **** is going on? Why did you become a snake monster?"

Seeing his grandfather looking shaky, Gu Yiyi quickly stepped forward to support him, "Grandpa Luo, don't you even believe my grandfather? This must be a trick by them."

Luo Shiyi silently prayed in her heart that Lin Tiancheng would come soon. She didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng would be Lin Tiancheng for that Zhouhe meeting, let alone that Lin Tiancheng would harm everyone.

At this moment, I am afraid that only Lin Tiancheng can expose his blindness.

After looking at the so-called princess, the people of Fengyue tribe all sighed.

"Fortunately, the guard leader found out in time, otherwise, everyone is supporting a fox demon to be our patriarch."

"Yeah! Elder Gu Ming, who usually looks honest and honest, unexpectedly turned out to be a traitor."

What's more, he even shouted loudly, "Kill this fox demon and drive Gu Ming out of the Nine Nether Realm."

"It would not be an exaggeration to destroy the enchantment of our Nine Nether Realm, even if you kill Gu Ming. You can't let him go."

"I was almost deceived by this old thing, but fortunately the guard commander found out in time."

Seeing everyone's convincing appearance, Zhou He nodded in satisfaction.

The guard commander waved his hand and calmed the anger, "Don’t worry, everyone, I will definitely kill this snake monster. As for Elder Gu Ming, he has done a great job for us to seal the moon, so he will be put in prison for the time being. Inside!"

Of course the guard commander knew that there was no snake monster at all, and that was the princess of the Fengyue clan.

But he didn't want her to continue to live in the world.

Since he couldn't take out the secret box, So Xing killed it.

Without the Tianji Box, in this critical situation, the people of the Fengyue Clan would naturally respect Tianyu as the patriarch.

When the guard leader said this, everyone showed admiration for the guard leader.

"The guard commander is kind, and Gu Ming has committed such a big fault, and the commander is not willing to kill him!"

Zhou He immediately stood up and said, "Right now, the Fengyue Clan is in the autumn of survival. Since this princess is a snake demon, we should elect the patriarch as soon as possible."

The guard leader cast a blank look at Zhou He, and sternly shouted, "Shut up, I, Tianyu, promised to protect the lord for life, and I will never be the chaos and thief. You don't want to mention such things in the future."

The people in the audience began to agree again.

"No, the guard commander, the barrier of the Nine Nether Realm has disappeared, and the entire Sealed Moon Clan may only rely on you to survive. You must save us!"

"I am a big man, I only know that this patriarch must be led by a guard, and it is not appropriate for anyone else to be the one." A burly man said, patting his chest.

At this moment, the people of the Fengyue clan knelt down on the ground one after another, sincerely asking the guard leader to assume the position of patriarch.

If they want to survive, they must elect a strong person of comparable strength to serve as the patriarch.

But right now, in the entire Fengyue Clan, there is only one powerhouse at the peak state of the Mahayana period, and that is the guard leader.

Moreover, it is obvious to everyone that the guards lead the way.

In the past 20 years, if he hadn't been diligent and conscientious to protect everyone, I am afraid the fox demon clan had already broken into the Nine Nether Realm.

At this time, Zhou He clasped his fists in his hands and knelt down directly on the ground, "Major commander, we know that you don't want to be that chaotic courtier and take the pretext of usurping power.

However, this is the season when you have been in the hands of the defeated army, and you are ordered to be in crisis. There is no such saying.

You must agree to our request anyway. "

The people kneeling at the stage also began to agree, "Promise us, Commander!"

The sharp sword in the guard commander's hand suddenly shook, "Enough, no one can be the patriarch without this heavenly box. And I said, I won't be the rebel thief, you all have to play for me."

Since it is installed, it must be installed to the end. How could the guard leader give up halfway?


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