Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1782: Insufficient Essence

A hole card?

You must know that the strength Ning Qiutian demonstrated now is already very terrifying.

If he still has a hole card, then does Lin Tiancheng have no chance of winning.

They showed a worried look towards Lin Tiancheng.

Although, they also wanted to join this battle to help Lin Tiancheng.

But they looked like a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and they had no effect at all in the contest between Lin Tiancheng and Ning Choutian.

Although Lin Tiancheng had a surprised look in his eyes, his heart was still relatively calm.

In fact, he didn't expect to be able to suppress the blood evil technique of the blood race by relying on the dragon elephant magic of the Fengyue clan.

Lin Tiancheng's real trump card is the tree of life that is still planted on the farmer's red land.

At the beginning, when he was in Zhongdu Academy, Lin Tiancheng accidentally severely injured Shangguan Yanyan of the Mu clan.

However, Shangguan Yanyu was hurt because of this in order to save her sister.

In order to rescue Shangguan Yanyu, Lin Tiancheng had to plant another tree of life as compensation.

At that time, he was going to present this tree of life to two sisters, Shangguan Yanyu and Shangguan Yanyan.

However, Shangguan Yanyan insisted on not accepting it, and the dean also advised Lin Tiancheng to keep it.

After all, this tree of life is nothing ordinary.

In this way, Lin Tiancheng placed the tree of life on the red land used by the farmer.

Now, it's time for it to come in handy.

Lin Tiancheng didn't hesitate to fill a small bottle of juice from the tree of life on the tree of life.

The green juice exudes a strong fragrance, just a smell, as if the zhenqi power that Lin Tiancheng had consumed before has been replenished.

The tree of life contains the power of life, and this power of life is also one of the eight divine powers, which can just restrain the power of the blood of the blood race.

Looking at Ning Qiutian's fangs and claws, Lin Tiancheng didn't have the slightest fear, but instead greeted him.

Hundreds of blood-colored vines as thick as legs seemed to stab a huge sword towards Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng was surrounded by sharp swords in all directions, and there seemed to be no more dangerous situation than this.

Ning Qiutian shouted sharply, "Lin Tiancheng, go to death."

This scream was full of Ning Choutian's hatred for Lin Tiancheng.

If it weren't for the treacherous villain Lin Tiancheng, I'm afraid his two daughters should at least have reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

But now he is sending white-haired people to black-haired people, and only he knows the pain.

Even if it is to smash Lin Tian into thousands of pieces, it is not an exaggeration to frustrate his bones and ash.

Seeing this amazing scene, everyone couldn't help shouting Lin Tiancheng's name.


It's over, everything is over.

It seems that they are overconfident.

Even if there were two strong men in the mid-Mahayana stage, they still underestimated the blood power and blood evil technique of the blood family.

After Ning Qiutian executed Lin Tiancheng, it was Zhang Qiuyue's turn next.

Then there are the five major leagues.

And Master Nanxuan is still in a state of retreat, even if he leaves the gate by then, I am afraid the five major alliances will no longer exist.

It seems that no one really can save this situation.

When everyone felt extremely disappointed, a sentence came from the Scarlet Greatsword: "Do you want me to die so much? I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Lin Tiancheng directly smashed the medicine bottle in his hand, and the rich life force began to spread to the blood-colored giant sword.

A magical scene happened.

After the extremely strong Scarlet Greatsword touched the life essence, it turned out to be like a plant that had been exposed to the sun and began to wither quickly.

Yes, it is precisely because the force of life suppresses the force of blood.

The energy support of Ning Choutian's blood-colored giant sword is the power of blood. Without the power of blood, these blood-colored giant swords would be like soft cartilage swords.

The blood-colored vines that looked as thick as legs also withered quickly and shrank back.

Withered, completely withered!

"It's the spirit of life again, do you still have the tree of life?"

Ning Qiutian dared to challenge the five major alliances at this time, not only because he wanted to find Jinyang to help Hao Haidong avenge his daughter.

It was also because he found out that the tree of life in the backyard of the Alchemist Association headquarters had already been cut down.

After the second battle, he had already understood that the life force of the tree of life could suppress the bloodline power in their blood clan.

So he was fully prepared to launch this third battle.

But who would have thought that Lin Tiancheng still had the spirit of the tree of life.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "Although the tree of life has been cut down, can't I have a second one?"

The second one? What a precious treasure the tree of life is, Lin Tiancheng actually said that there is a second one.

This made Ning Qiutian feel incredible.

But like those treasures, even if there is a second one, I am afraid that there is not much life essence left in Lin Tiancheng's body.

Ning Choutian's real trump card is Ling Feng, so what he needs to do now is to use his own power to exhaust Lin Tiancheng's life essence.

When Ling Feng appeared, Lin Tiancheng had no life tree's spiritual solution to deal with him.

Lin Tiancheng also didn't know that this was Ning Choutian's trick, and thought that the blood state blood evil technique transformation realm was Ning Choutian's biggest trump card.

As a result, he constantly took the life essence from the tree of life and poured it on the blood-colored vines of Ning Qiutian.

As for the blood mother-in-law, of course she knew that the patriarch still had a big hole card.

But she knew better that Lin Tiancheng was not an ordinary person.

The only thing she can help the patriarch now is to completely solve the stinky girl Zhang Qiuyue.

When that happens, Lin Tiancheng will definitely be distracted.

The blood mother-in-law can win a bigger chance for the patriarch.

However, with the strength of the blood mother-in-law, it seems impossible to completely suppress Zhang Qiuyue.

However, her blood mother-in-law did not hesitate to sacrifice her life for the sake of the blood family.

She remembered that she had seen a record about the power of blood in an ancient book called ancient art.

I saw the **** mother-in-law slowly walked to the side of the scarlet giant.

The two are in touch with each other, although they didn't speak, the blood-colored giant knew what the **** mother was thinking.

The face of the scarlet giant showed hesitation, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

This scene made Zhang Qiuyue feel unclear.

"Could it be that this blood mother-in-law's trick deliberately exposed her flaws and wanted to get me hooked?"

Zhang Qiuyue did not act rashly, but chose to watch its changes.

The next scene that appeared shocked everyone.

Under the death order of Granny Blood, the Scarlet Giant opened his huge **** mouth and swallowed Granny Blood directly.

The Scarlet Giant's strength has actually doubled, almost no different from a mid-Mahayana realm powerhouse, and its aura has become extremely terrifying.

Of course, this scene also attracted Lin Tiancheng's attention, his face inevitably showed some worry about Zhang Qiuyue.

Ning Qiutian seized the opportunity to attack Lin Tiancheng.

The medicine bottle in Lin Tiancheng's hand was completely shattered, and it turned out to be an empty bottle.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ning Qiutian's mouth. He knew that Lin Tiancheng had reached the point where he was incapable.

Without the life essence, he wanted to see what Lin Tiancheng had.

The situation on the court looked as if Lin Tiancheng's crisis had just been lifted, and Zhang Qiuyue had a situation again.


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