Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1797: Sell ​​fakes

Lin Tiancheng came to the place where the enchantment under the Broken Soul Cliff was.

Sure enough, everything was as Yun Menggu said, the barrier was forcibly destroyed, and the map inside had long since disappeared.

In fact, this enchantment has been supplied with the energy of the attribute elements in the red sun spar, coupled with the strength of its own formation, logically speaking, it is not that simple to break it down.

Lin Tiancheng inspected the enchantment for a week, and found no clues.

Finally, he came to Zao Wou-ki's grave and wanted to pay homage to this senior.

Although Lin Tiancheng didn't call Zhao Wuji Master, in Lin Tiancheng's heart, he was already his master.

However, it was really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless.

Lin Tiancheng unexpectedly found clues here.

In front of Zao Wou-Ki's grave, there are some husks used to make wine, and the grass at the head of the grave has also been touched by others.

After thinking about it carefully, Zao Wou-ki's son Zhao Guzi has been crippled by Lin Tiancheng, and it is impossible to come down to this cliff of broken soul.

It is even more impossible for someone in the same category to find Zao Wou-ki.

In order to prevent the sect from being implicated, the three brothers and sisters of Zao Wou-ki willingly left Taiyi with a map, which is equivalent to drawing a clear line from Taiyi.

The last time, Song Qingyun, the deacon of Taiyi, found Lin Tiancheng only because he heard that Zao Wou-ki was dead and worried that the map would fall into the hands of others, so he found Lin Tiancheng.

After various analyses, Lin Tiancheng made a bold conjecture: It was someone Zao Wou-ki knew who stole the map, and the relationship with him was not shallow.

This made Lin Tiancheng's heart suddenly startled.

After paying homage to senior Zao Wou-ki, Lin Tiancheng was going to visit Qin's house to visit Qin Xue's girl.

He needs to give a 7-star Spirit Gathering Fruit to Qin Xue.

It takes at least one day and one night for Wanlong Villa to reach Yiqizong, so during this time, Lin Tiancheng is not worried that the zongmen will be attacked.

When heading to Qin's house, Lin Tiancheng passed by the underground shopping mall in Tianshi, where the Yunjia Sihai Pavilion was located.

As soon as he entered the underground mall, Lin Tiancheng found that many cultivators had surrounded the Sihai Pavilion, as if something major had happened in the Sihai Pavilion.

A Qin character hangs high above the Sihai Pavilion plaque.

At the beginning, the power of the Yun family was hit hard by the blood clan, and the pavilion master Meng Changfeng of the Sihai Pavilion had also died.

Therefore, they had no time to manage the Sihai Pavilion, which was far away in Tianshi. For the face of the new Patriarch Lin Tiancheng, the Yun family sold the Sihai Pavilion to the Qin family at a low price.

"Miss Qin's family, the first time our two brothers came to your Sihai Pavilion for business, would you fool us with such fakes?" A bald man with a big horse sitting on a chair with an arrogant look on his face Said.

And sitting next to him, the bloated fat man also yelled, "Brother, in my opinion, they sell fakes here."

The bald man Huo Ran stood up from his seat, "Then what are you waiting for? I dared to lie to my uncle, causing me to have diarrhea, and smashed them all. See how they lie in the future?"

Without a word, the fat man came to the middle of the wooden shelf and began to shake violently.

Suddenly, the Four Seas Pavilion shook the mountains, and all the medicinal materials on the wooden shelves fell to the ground, making a mess.

"Smash, continue to smash me until they can't sell it." The bald man continued yelling.

The guys in the shop are about to move, wanting to teach these two **** a lesson.

Qin Xue reached out to stop them, "Don't go, you are not their opponents..."

At this time, Qin Xue's eyes were slightly flushed, and her chest was violently ups and downs, but she looked helpless.

In fact, she knew that these two weren't customers who came here at all, they were clearly the guys sent by the Changsheng Medicine Shop opposite to make trouble.

The power behind the longevity medicine shop is Wanlong Mountain Villa.

Because Wanlong Villa needs to continue to grow and develop, the demand for medicinal materials is naturally greater than that of ordinary sects.

It has tried to win over the Qin family several times, but Father Qin would rather die than yield.

Father Qin said that he was only responsible for providing medicinal materials to Yiqi Sect and Liuli Sect, and it was absolutely impossible to give it to Wanlong Villa.

Wanlong Mountain Villa wants to be the enemy of Yiqi Sect and Liuli Sect. Of course, Old Man Qin does not want to see it continue to develop and grow.

Wu Zhihai of Wanlong Mountain Villa even tried to annex the Qin family's influence several times, but because of the Yiqi Sect's talk about Miaoyin, the Liuli Sect's Yunmenggu came forward, and Wu Zhihai has not succeeded.

However, the development of their Wanlong Villa couldn't stop, so Wu Zhihai, in a rage, opened a parent's medicine shop opposite the Sihai Pavilion.

The Changsheng Medicine Store almost monopolized all the business of Sihaige, and also cut off the source of its medicinal materials, in order to make Old Man Qin succumb to their Wanlong Villa.

Old man Qin was so angry that he fell ill on the bed.

Old man Qin was worried that he would drive a crane westward, so he entrusted Qin's affairs to Qin Xue.

I hope she will learn alchemy in the Alchemist Association while learning how to stabilize her foundation in Sihai Pavilion.

But the people at the longevity medicine store had to make an inch.

They deliberately sent people to slander Sihaige's medicinal materials as defective or fake, and then it was a mess.

This behavior of them has been going on for several days, sometimes they don't even say anything, they just came up with a mess.

The strength of this girl Qin Xue has reached the pinnacle level of the expansion phase, and it is completely nothing to deal with these two nonsense guys.

However, these two guys were instigated by Wanlong Mountain Villa.

If she teaches these two guys a lesson today, maybe tomorrow Wanlong Mountain Villa will be a big force to crush the Sihai Pavilion.

When the time comes, Yiqizong will have to come forward again, and Tan Miaoyin, the deputy master of Yiqizong, will let them back down as much as possible.

It's endless like this, it seems that you can't see a head at all.

Seeing that Qin Xue could still bear it, the bald man began to show interest in Qin Xue.

"Miss Qin, I think you are so beautiful, if you don't stay with me for one night, let this matter go."

Qin Xue immediately took a step back, "Don't think about it, you Wanlong Villa has done a lot of evil, and sooner or later you will be retributed."

"Retribution, haha. You are unwilling to join Wanlong Mountain Villa, this is your retribution." The bald man is not worried about exposing himself as a trust from Wanlong Mountain Villa.

What if someone else knows it? Who in the entire sky city can win Wanlong Villa?

As for the onlookers, all of them dare not speak.

Even if everyone saw that a big beauty like Miss Qin was about to be defiled by a bald man, no one would dare to stand up and say something fair for her.

The bald man reached out and touched Qin Xue's white cheeks.

Just when Qin Xue was about to come and break the net, a strong palm firmly contained the bald man's wrist.

The bald man glared at Lin Tiancheng fiercely, "I'm from Wanlong Mountain Villa. How dare your kid do something to me, wait for death!"

Qin Xue looked at this familiar back, tears from the corners of her eyes shed unconsciously.

This feeling is as if the boat in the storm has finally found a harbor.

However, there is another very serious problem.

Can Lin Tiancheng be able to deal with Wanlong Villa and Jiang Shen with his strength?

If she couldn't deal with it, wouldn't she be exhausted.


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