Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1812: Conspiracy

Jiang Suxi asked, "You didn't admit that you killed Jiang Shen, do you want to blame others?"

She wasn't sure if Lin Tiancheng did this thing, but to be able to kill Lin Tiancheng through the hands of others, why not do it for her?

For Jiang Suxi, everyone still has a lot of criticism.

Everyone thinks she is a witch, as long as she is dedicated to the dragon, this crisis can be resolved.

However, the witch said that after 15 days, he would give everyone an explanation, and the priest also asked everyone to wait.

Therefore, Jiang Suxi appeared here, and everyone did not point her to her.

After the fifteenth day, if the witch cannot give an explanation, the witch must be sent into the dragon cave.

Jiang Suxi has nothing to fear about this. If her death can clear her father's charge and let the Bai people get rid of the magic dragon, she is still willing.

The priest said, "Lin Tiancheng, you are an accomplice of the Devil Dragon, what else do you have to argue with?"

Speaking of the magic dragon, everyone felt frightened, as if a lingering fear of death was pressing on their heads.

The elders standing in front of the priest stared at Lin Tiancheng, "If they are not of my race, their hearts must be different."

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng's figure shot out like a bolt of lightning, and the next moment he appeared beside the two guards behind the priest.

Although the priest found it in time, he had not practiced flying techniques, so the speed was naturally not as fast as Lin Tiancheng.

"Quickly, isn't this kid also a strong man in the mid-Mahayana realm, so he won't be able to keep you even more." The priest's expression was a little startled.

Lin Tiancheng grabbed the shoulders of the two guards, "They were the murderers who killed Jiang Shen."

That's right!

These two were the killers who killed Jiang Shen. Although they were wearing black clothes and black scarves on their faces, Lin Tiancheng could see through their flashlights.

They stood behind the priests, they were the guards of the priests. Could this matter have something to do with the priests?

The two guards who were clamoring to kill Lin Tiancheng immediately became nervous.

"How did this guy know we did it?"

In that situation, the two guards didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng saw their true colors.

Thinking of this, the two people's uneasy hearts were forcibly calmed down.

Don't panic in any way, or you will show your feet.

The priest's great cause is about to be completed soon. If you help him with things like this, I'm afraid he will die miserably in the hands of the priest.

The priest stared sharply at the two guard disciples, as if to warn them that if they dared to leak the secret, they would definitely be killed.

"Nonsense, these two are the guards of the village. Jiang Shen has no grievances with them. Why did they kill Jiang Shen?" the priest quibbled for the two.

The priest did not want to spend any more time. The longer the time was, the easier it was to change.

At that time, if Lin Tiancheng, a kid who has been able to figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing, will ruin his good intentions.

Jiang Suxi also stood up and said, "That is, although Jiang Shen is not very good, we in Baicun are very united. Only if you have the motive to kill Jiang Shen, you still want to quibble."

Lin Tiancheng said unhurriedly, "I just arrived in Baicun. The Devil Dragon incident happened before I came. Some of you can't wait to kill me now, just because I want to break the conspiracy. Kill them!

If I cannot prove that they are the murderers, I will leave it to you. "

Lin Tiancheng's words are somewhat skillful.

He has already said that as long as he can't prove it, he is willing to accept the disposition.

If anyone can't wait to kill him, wouldn't it be equivalent to having no silver three hundred taels here?

Stand up and tell everyone, is there a conspiracy in his heart?

The priest's face was a little ugly, and he said solemnly, "Then you prove it to everyone."

The priest had a plan in his heart, and this matter would not involve him in any way.

Lin Tiancheng is afraid that he will not survive.

Jiang Suxi did not obstruct Lin Tiancheng either.

First, she wanted to see how Lin Tiancheng argued.

Secondly, she also wanted to see if there were any tricks in the Devil Dragon incident.

The Devil Dragon incident has been passed on from one to another, and the roar of the beast that shook the sky is indeed from time to time in the Devil Dragon Cave.

Everyone almost believed that all of this was indeed caused by the magic dragon, and believed in this.

If this was man-made and caused her father to be ill in bed for a year, Jiang Suxi would certainly not take him lightly.

Lin Tiancheng pointed to the tall guard on the left and said, "Extend your arm."

The tall man's expression was a little startled, and he thought to himself, "This guy must have discovered that I accidentally got mercury on my arm just now."

However, not long after he was exposed to mercury, he used his true energy to force it out of his body.

When I think of this, the tall man feels much better.

Lin Tiancheng definitely couldn't find any mercury in himself.

So he stretched out his arms frankly, "Boy, you slander the reputation of my brothers so much, wait a moment if you don't give us an explanation, I won't spare you lightly."

"That is, our two brothers faithfully follow the priest to protect the safety of the village. There is no credit and hard work!" said the fat guard standing aside.

The priest nodded immediately, "Yes, these two brothers are very loyal to me and our village, Lin Tiancheng, you can check them, but later, if there is no evidence, you have to think about the consequences."

It seemed like a kind of danger, these people almost bet that Lin Tiancheng could not find anything.

At this moment, a gentle flame slowly rose from Lin Tiancheng's palm.

The onlookers in Baicun were a little surprised.

"This guy turned out to be a cultivator with a fire attribute elemental physique!"

In this cultivation world, there are still a few people who have elemental physique, and they will naturally be shocked when someone suddenly appears with a fire attribute elemental physique.

Lin Tiancheng put the tall man's arm on the fire ball in his palm.

The tall man yelled, hurriedly trying to withdraw his arm, "You want to burn me to death."

Lin Tiancheng forcibly contained his arm, making him unable to break free and return, "Don't worry, this temperature will not burn you to death."

It turned out that Lin Tiancheng controlled the temperature of the flame, only to make the tall man feel a little scorching heat, not to burn his arm.

The tall man thought to himself, "What does this guy want to do, does he want to use the temperature to force the mercury out of my body?"

It was really ridiculous, Mercury had already been forced out of his body by him, and Lin Tiancheng couldn't find anything.

The tall man took a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Tiancheng with a little sarcasm in his eyes, "Boy, who are you fooling around here!

If you dare to collude with the dragon, just wait to die! "

In addition, the fat man also yelled, "In order to prove our innocence, we can cooperate with you, but if you dare to burn my brother, I will not take you lightly."

Except for the priest and Jiang Suxi, others didn't know Lin Tiancheng's true strength, and they only thought he was an ordinary kid brought by a witch.

But the next scene that happened suddenly blocked the mouths of these two guards.

The tall man's arm actually reflected a silver-white light in the firelight, not only that, but also a thin silver-white smoke rising up.

The onlookers asked in a puzzled manner, "What is that?"

Lin Tiancheng led everyone to Jiang Shen's corpse again, baking it with the flame of his palm.

A magical scene happened. The corpse of Jiang Shen who had been stripped of his skin also reflected silvery white light, and thick silvery white smoke rose up.

The priest held two Gu worms in the palm of his right hand.

Once discovered that the two guards wanted to leak secrets, the priest would kill them in the first place, and it was a deadly trick.

Everyone still looked at Lin Tiancheng in a puzzled way, "What the **** is this? Could it be that Jiang Shen died of this kind of thing?"

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