Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1891: Optimized version of Bi Hai Chao Sheng Ju

Fang Zimo showed a look of surprise, "I didn't expect your kid to have a fire attribute profound level technique, but if you think you can defeat me in this way, then you are too weird."

Fang Zimo only heard a soft drink, and the flame temperature in the palm of his right hand rose suddenly.

Those plants that were close to the flame burned into nothingness in an instant.

At the same time, the fireball in his palm was expanding rapidly, and it seemed that it might explode at any time.

Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to underestimate him, and he was about to use the Flame Art to its extreme.

Each hand squeezed a giant fireball, and it was spinning at high speed in the palm of the hand.

Fang Ziru knew the power of the fireball in his brother's palm, and immediately urged Lin Tiancheng, "Go, Tiancheng, you are not my brother's opponent."

This is the first type of the "Devil Fire Burning Heart" advanced practice method of the Vulcan Sect: Fireball!

"Devil Fire Burning Heart" is divided into seven styles. With Fang Zimo's current strength, he has mastered the first three styles.

It is not Fang Zimo's bluff, if her brother exerts his strength to the extreme, I am afraid that Lin Tiancheng will not even be able to bear the first formula of "Devil Fire Burning Heart".

However, Lin Tiancheng did not flinch. He not only wanted to avenge Yun Mengyao, but also to avenge Zhao Wei.

When Lin Tiancheng pushed the fireball out of his palm, the two fireballs quickly merged into a giant fireball.

Fang Zimo unhurriedly pushed the fireball in the palm of his hand, "You can't help yourself!"

When the two giant fireballs collided violently, the flames suddenly skyrocketed.

This mountain range was like a rain of fire, and many wild beasts began to flee around.

The impact of the impact of the two fireballs instantly razed the surrounding towering ancient trees to the ground.

If it weren't for Song Chuhe and Bestton to dodge in time, I'm afraid they have been exposed to everyone.

Things were exactly as Fang Ziru thought, the first style of "Devil Fire Burning Heart", the fireball technique easily took Lin Tiancheng's fireball on the plane.

And impacted Lin Tiancheng in an extremely swift posture.

Yun Mengyao's whole heart mentioned it in her throat. If Ruo Shui hadn't caught her in time, she might have rushed forward to block the fireball for Lin Tiancheng.

Ruoshui's heart trembled fiercely, "Is this the strength of the powerhouse in the peak realm of the Mahayana period?"

There was only one level difference, but the difference in strength between Lin Tiancheng and Fang Zimo was obvious.

A smile appeared at the corner of Song Chuhe's mouth, "It seems that Lin Tiancheng is bound to die."

At this critical moment, Lin Tiancheng unexpectedly displayed the "Bihai Chaosheng Jue" of the primary level technique.

A giant water wall nearly 10,000 meters high stood impressively between Lin Tiancheng and Fang Zimo.

Both Fang Zimo and Fang Ziru were shocked by the giant water gun that Lin Tiancheng had displayed. They didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to have this ability.

The giant fireball attacked on the wall of water, and it turned out to be like a stone falling into a pool, just a ripple.

It did not cause any substantial harm to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng didn't stop in the slightest, and immediately pushed the giant water wall towards Fang Zimo.

Among the five elements, water overcomes fire.

The Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue put a lot of pressure on Fang Zimo.

This forced him to resort to the second style of "Devil Fire Burning Heart": the fire burns the clouds.

In an instant, the entire mountain range was burning with a huge flame, like the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles cast from fierce fire, coming over the sky like Lin Tiancheng.

"Boy, you can force me to use the second style of "Devil Fire Burning Heart", you are already very impressive. But your provocation to me ends here."

Burning Lingyun is indeed terrifying, Lin Tiancheng has already exerted the power of the Bihai Chaosheng Jue to the extreme, but he can barely be able to equalize with Burning Lingyun.

You must know that Lin Tiancheng's basic exercises at the ground level are enough to crush the "Devil Fire Burning Heart" level.

The strength gap between cultivators is often compensated by powerful exercises.

Therefore, in the realm of comprehension, it is impossible for a person with a less powerful ability to kill the opponent.

Among them, a large part of the reason is because of the powerful exercises.

However, Lin Tiancheng had already exerted the power of the Bi Lang Chao Sheng Jue to its extreme, but it could only be equal to Fang Zimo's second life.

If this Fang Zimo performed the third pattern of burning the heart with devilish fire, wouldn't Lin Tiancheng surely lose.

Lin Tiancheng thought of the five poison ancestors.

However, Lin Tiancheng still has 15 electricity left in his body. If he wants to help the five poison ancestors to remove that part of the influence and use it for himself, at least 20 electricity must be consumed.

It is too late to charge Ruoshui's body now.

This road will not work.

Fang Zimo seems to have seen that Lin Tiancheng is at a stretch, "Lin Tiancheng, can actually force me to use the third formula of "Devil Fire Burning Heart", you are still the first opponent I have encountered for so many years! "

I saw Fang Zimo yell softly, "Vermilion's Heart Flame!"

The flames on Fang Zimo's body suddenly condensed into a Vermillion Bird whose whole body was full of flames.

Of course, this Suzaku is just a condensed form of fire, not the Suzaku among the four real beasts.

However, the power of the flame emanating from this Suzaku seems to be even hotter than the previous two styles.

Lin Tiancheng realized that it was not good, and once again displayed the Bihai Tide Health Art.

And hurriedly urged Ruoshui, "Quick, Ruoshui, protect Mengyao for me, and quickly take her away."

Lin Tiancheng knew the temperament of Yun Mengyao, if she urged her to leave, she might not be willing.

So Lin Tiancheng had to ask Ruoshui for help.

Lin Tiancheng has one last way. He is not sure whether he can succeed, but he has no way out of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"唳" The Suzaku on the nine heavens let out a cry that shook the sky.

Immediately afterwards, his huge body impacted on Lin Tiancheng's giant water wall, and even tore a hole, and went straight to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng immediately used the optimization master to fill in the incomplete part of the Bihai Chaosheng Jue after consuming 10 electricity.

Moreover, the powerful optimization master has successfully promoted Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue to an intermediate level.

The 10,000-meter water wall turned into a giant water dragon, entwining the flaming Suzaku tightly.

Coupled with the five-element characteristics of water overcoming fire, the giant water dragon completely extinguished the Suzaku.

Fang Zimo showed an incredible face.

He didn't know that the Bihai Chaosheng Art that Lin Tiancheng used at the beginning was a fragment.

He thought that Lin Tiancheng had just displayed the greatest power of the Bihai Tide Health Art.

In other words, he has always reserved something just now, which is simply a great shame to himself.

After the giant water dragon extinguished the Suzaku, it took advantage of the trend and rushed towards Fang Zimo.

Fang Zimo wanted to dodge, but he didn't expect the giant water dragon to be so fast.

Suddenly the chest became tight, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

At the same time, the corners of Lin Tiancheng's mouth also overflowed with blood.

Because the complete Bihai Tide Health Art is very powerful, it is difficult for Lin Tiancheng to use all of it with Lin Tiancheng's current strength.

But in the kind of emergency just now, Lin Tiancheng abruptly used the Bi Hai Chao Sheng Art to its extreme.

This also caused him to suffer a certain amount of backlash, resulting in extremely serious internal injuries.

Fang Zimo was also very injured, "Boy, you really surprised me. However, I will never finish this matter with you."

Then, Fang Zimo winked at his sister, "Go!"

Fang Zimo has other killer moves, but he has also suffered serious injuries. If he continues to struggle with Lin Tiancheng, he is afraid that both will suffer.


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