Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 2029: completely annihilated

The young woman called Lan Yu is the peak master of Saint Nv Peak, and she is the only female among the eight peak masters.

As if realizing that he was in trouble, Lan Yufeng nodded and pointed to the red switch in front.

"That one……"

Hearing these words, the faces of the other seven peak masters suddenly darkened.

"It's over, there are eight ghost kings sealed in this ecstasy formation. You released them all at once!"

Each of the Eight Nether Ghost Kings possesses the strength of the middle realm of human immortality.

The original intention of the old man was to let Peak Master Lan Yu put a ghost king to play with them.

Who knew that Lan Yu Peak Master actually...

Peak Master Lan Yu panicked, "Then, what should I do?"

In fact, the eight peak peak masters knew that none of them could enter the ecstasy formation.

This ecstasy array was set by the supreme powerhouse who founded Infinite Hell ten thousand years ago, and there are restrictions on powerhouses whose strength exceeds a certain level.

Some peak masters blamed Lan Yu peak master, "Lan Yu, you are really too reckless. The eight ghost kings are very difficult to deal with even if you let us in. It seems that this group of disciples may require the entire army. Annihilated."

"Coming to the Infinite Hell is a life of nine deaths, but they didn't even step into the door of the Infinite Hell, just..."

"It's okay for others to die, but you even killed the young man who was waiting for the fifth, this..."

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the peak owner who was called the "Old Five".

The look on the face of the peak master, who was called the old fifth, also appeared a little disturbed.

Peak Master Lan Yu's eyes flushed anxiously, "There must be a way, you must have a way, right?"

Although a large number of disciples came to Hell every year, Peak Master Lan Yu killed so many people at once, and he felt very self-blame in his heart.

And there was the young man waiting for the "fifth brother" in the crowd.

Among them, the old man said, "Unless it is the power of our eight peak masters to jointly destroy this ecstasy array."

Peak Master Lan Yu looked very excited, and said quickly, "Okay! Then let's start now!"

An old man smiled bitterly, "How easy is it? The ecstasy array set up by the supreme powerhouse who created the infinite hell, with the strength of the eight of us, it will take a day to crack the array one by one."

And by that time, the people in the Ecstasy Formation had already been killed by those eight ghost kings, I am afraid that there are no bones left.

Lao Wu waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's take a look first!"

Since Lin Tiancheng was a destined person designated by Wuwang ancestors, he would definitely not be able to die in the ecstasy so easily. The fifth person felt that Lin Tiancheng should be able to get out.

In the ecstasy bamboo forest, strong winds are blowing, and the dense bamboos are swaying around, as if the entire space is shaking, making people feel dazzling.

A low and loud roar came from the depths of the earth, as if many abyss demons were being held below.

The disciples who entered the ecstasy array showed nervous expressions, and some were even scared to cry on the spot.

Suddenly someone yelled, "You, ghost king of ghosts! Run away, everyone!"

Lin Tiancheng saw the ghost king from a distance, half of his body was already higher than the bamboo forest, like an ancient ape with green face and fangs.

The terrifying aura radiating from the whole body is definitely not comparable to those ghosts.

Seeing Nether Ghost King took a step forward, the whole bamboo forest began to shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost king opened the huge mouth of the blood basin, and the souls of some weaker people seemed to have received some mysterious power and were directly pulled out of the body.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost of the ghost king has absorbed the souls of three ghosts.

When the Nether Ghost King continued to take a step forward, its huge soleplate seemed to have received a very powerful impact.

I saw the entire body of the Ghost King Netherworld was strange, and then he slammed heavily on the ground, and the whole earth trembled.

Gu Shan patted the dust on his body, and said with an arrogant expression, "Huh, he is just a ghost king in the middle stage of the immortal realm, and he dares to be arrogant in front of me."

Gu Shi glanced at the surrounding ghost demons who were frightened and desperate, and sneered, "With your strength, you also want to enter the hell."

Gu Yan didn't say anything. He shrank behind the two brothers, his face turned blue with fear.

The majesty of the ghost king seemed to be insulted, its hands slammed on the ground, and its huge size unexpectedly ejected.

The next moment, he squeezed the giant fist and smashed it towards the Tianling cover of Gushan.

Gu Shan kicked his feet on the ground, and his body ejected out like a sharp sword.

It went straight through the giant arm of the ghost king at a speed beyond the naked eye, like a sharp sword.

Nether Ghost King was seriously injured and fell to the ground again.

Gu Shan's powerful strength was seen by everyone, and everyone showed admiration.

They were thinking, "If you can follow the two brothers Gu Shan, maybe you can get out of the ecstasy."

These people are ready to die when they come to Infernal Hell, but when facing death, there are a few who are not afraid.

If you can get out of the ecstasy alive, then it is naturally the best.

Gu Shan had guessed their thoughts a long time ago, and winked at the brother beside him.

Gu Shi knew it right away, and squeezed his throat and said loudly, "Everyone present has seen it. The strength of our brothers is absolutely top-notch among you. There will be more ghost kings in the future. Appear, if you want to survive, stand in this circle."

Gu Shi stroked his hands and drew a big circle in front of him.

At this moment, many people seemed to have grabbed the straw and swarmed in.

But Gu Shi stopped them, "First hand over the treasure in your body. If our brothers see it, you are eligible to enter this circle. Later, even if the ghost king appears, we can protect you from death. ."

In the bamboo forest, the roars of the ghost king beasts one after another, and the screams of the ghost demon are endless.

But at this moment, the fallen ghost king suddenly let out an urgent and manic cry.

Immediately afterwards, the whole earth began to tremble violently, as if a tide of beasts was coming here.

In this case, even if Lin Tiancheng didn't use the translation wizard, he knew that the ghost king was calling his companion.

"No, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave!" Lin Tiancheng said hastily.

Knowing things hesitated, "Big Brother, Gu Yan is the grandson of Elder Gu Yi. Elder Gu Yi is kind to us. I, I want to take him along!"

There are several powerful ghost kings that are constantly approaching, and Gu Shan cannot be their opponent.

At that time, Gu Yan will only have to die.

Lin Tiancheng said loudly to Gu Yan, "Brother Gu Yan, you are Xu Heng's friend. There are already several ghost kings coming here. We can't bear to follow them to death. You can go with us as soon as possible. Keep you from dying."

Lin Tiancheng continued to add, "And you people, don't wait to die here, run away quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late."

Although this bamboo forest is tightly closed and it is very difficult to find an exit, don't forget that Lin Tiancheng has a flashlight.

It is very easy to get out.


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