Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 2203: Repeat the same trick

Lin Tiancheng sneered, "Hehe, I just remembered that someone thought I would lose, and wanted her brother to kill me!"

Lei Yanyan let out a laugh, "Ah, there is such a person, how ignorant she is. I don't think she will treat you badly in the future, after all, you helped her so much. "

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "Not necessarily, maybe it was a dog biting Lu Dongbin but not knowing good people!"

Lei Yanyan knew that Lin Tiancheng was angry with him, and he also realized that what he did just now was indeed a bit too much.

After all, Lin Tiancheng was risking his life to help himself, and he even demolished him.

"Let's talk! How do you want me to compensate you, as long as I can do it, I will try to satisfy you!" Lei Yanyan said sincerely.

Lin Tiancheng still has 15 electricity, naturally he wants to add a wave of electricity to him.

"If you are sincere, then you will kiss me!"

Lei Yanyan's face suddenly darkened, "I know you like me very much, but it's impossible between us. I never thought about getting married. I hope you don't act like a fake one."

Lin Tiancheng smiled helplessly, "If that's the case, then forget it."

In fact, Lin Tiancheng also wanted to ask her for the Profound Yin Sacred Order, but now it is an extraordinary period, and this matter is still in a hurry.

Even if Lin Tiancheng didn't take his own life seriously, he still had to consider the best friends.

Lei Yanyan saw that Lin Tiancheng looked a little lost, worried that he would not have the motivation to cooperate with him in acting.

So he said shyly, "Well, when my father leaves the customs, if you can cooperate with me in the trick in front of him, and even get his approval, I can kiss you, no, three!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled with joy, "Okay, a word is settled."

"I have one more thing I want you to help me. Although I have broken through to the early stage of the Golden Immortal stage, I think my strength is still too weak. I want you to help me improve."

Because Lin Tiancheng's Heart Sutra of Flames gave Lei Yanyan a great help, she tasted the sweetness, and naturally wanted Lin Tiancheng to help her again.

Lin Tiancheng felt that the set on Ye Huan's girl could be completely transferred to Lei Yanyan.

"You also know that the Heart Sutra of Flames has a limit, and it cannot help you infinitely improve your strength!"

"Of course I know about this. But I'm really anxious to improve my strength, so you can help me again! Even if I fail, I won't blame you."

In fact, Lei Yanyan is eager to improve her strength, not only because she is obsessed with cultivation, but also because of a secret hidden in her heart that is difficult to tell.

Lin Tiancheng said solemnly, "Actually, I am not only talented in cultivation, but I also have my own secrets in helping others improve their strength. I can help you for the sake of your destiny."

Lei Yanyan's eyes widened like a curious cat, "Really? But, if you really have the secret to improving your strength, then your own strength..."

Lei Yanyan realized that his words were a bit hurtful and quickly explained, "Sorry, I don't mean anything else, I'm just a little curious."

Lin Tiancheng helped him improve, and he even laughed at him in turn, how disgusting he should be.

Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and smiled, "I'll tell you, my secret of this kind of improvement method is only useful for female individuals, and it has no effect on myself or male individuals."

In fact, it’s okay for the Tiandi Lingcai planted in the farmer’s app store to help anyone improve their strength.

But Lin Tiancheng didn't want to make trouble for himself. He was not a living Buddha. Where did he get so much power?

Lei Yanyan couldn't wait to pull Lin Tiancheng into his wing, "Well, you tell me what I want to do."

Lin Tiancheng hesitated at this time.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say that you can help any female individual to improve their strength?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded and said bitterly, "Yes, any female individual can do it, but my secret is called pinching technique, which is to massage some acupuncture points on your body to stimulate the flow of true energy in your body. And then improve your strength."

Lei Yanyan opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Ah! There is such a thing!"

Lin Tiancheng continued to say solemnly, "If you don't believe me, I can use your waist for a test! Then you will know if what I said is true."

Lei Yanyan felt extremely shy when he heard Lin Tiancheng want to massage his waist.

However, if the pinch tree is really useful, it can not only improve its strength, but also quickly get rid of the abyss.

She simply closed her eyes, opened her arms, gritted her teeth and said, "Come on!"

Lin Tiancheng hasn't taken any action for a long time, "My pinching technique must make your body feel the temperature of my fingers to be effective, otherwise, even if the massage is in vain."

Lei Yanyan gritted his teeth, "Okay, do it!"

It's not very courteous to live in the same room with a lone man and a widow. Now Lin Tiancheng has to have close contact with herself, which really makes her embarrassed.

But she urgently wanted to improve her strength, in order to get rid of that devil.

So, she decided to give it a try.

It stands to reason that Lin Tiancheng likes himself so much, he shouldn't deceive himself.

Lin Tiancheng's hands slipped into Lei Yanyan's slender waist along the corners of his clothes.

Lin Tiancheng directly spent 5 electricity to help her optimize, and Lei Yanyan's strength has also been greatly improved in a short time.

Not to mention Lei Yanyan herself, but Lin Tiancheng, standing next to Lei Yanyan, could clearly perceive her becoming stronger aura.

As the so-called long-line fishing for big fish, Lin Tian's achievement is to let Lei Yanyan know that her own grip can indeed increase her strength in a short time.

Only in this way, Lei Yanyan will let Lin Tiancheng further pinch her.

Only in this way can Lin Tiancheng get a quantitative supplement on her body.

Otherwise, without electricity, it can be said that Lin Tiancheng can hardly move in the Protoss.

Lin Tiancheng said while squeezing, "Actually, my squeeze number is divided into three steps."

At this time, Lei Yanyan was already blushing, and it was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

Lin Tiancheng's slender waist felt the warmth of Lin Tiancheng's hands, which caused the adrenaline in her body to soar, and the temperature of her whole body suddenly rose by several degrees.

She gasped a little and said, "Well, these three steps."

Lin Tiancheng accelerated the movements of his hands, and every time he squeezed it was just right, making a girl like Lei Yanyan feel like a spring breeze.

"The first step is a shallow grasp, and the strength that can be improved is also limited."

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Lei Yanyan couldn't help being a little bit stunned.

Because he felt that his strength had been greatly improved, but Lin Tiancheng actually said that the strength that this kind of shallow level of manipulation has increased is actually limited.

This means that the strength that can be improved by the next two steps will be even more terrifying, which has deeply aroused her expectations.


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