Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 2229: Don't forget to dig the well

Right now is a very critical moment, Lin Tiancheng yelled to Zhong Tai who was beside him, "Stop him for me!"

Zhong Tai did not hesitate at all and rushed out immediately.

Lei Yan and the others were dumbfounded.

"Master just said that he had suffered a serious internal injury and couldn't help himself. Why now when Lin Tiancheng asked him to go, he rushed forward without even thinking about it."

After consuming 5 electricity, Lei Yan's injuries were completely cured by Lin Tiancheng.

His current strength has been restored to the same level as before.

Lei Yan felt incredible in his heart, he didn't expect the Guardian to have such a method.

This made him even more convinced that Lin Tiancheng was really the guardian of the Burning Heaven Secret Art.

Lei Yan once again released the physique of the flame demon, and the aura in his body instantly rose, "Master, you go back."

Zhong Tai was seriously wounded by Han Shou this time, and he quickly retreated a few steps with the scars, looking at Lin Tiancheng imploringly.

The patriarch's internal injuries can be healed, does that mean that these injuries on his body can also be healed?

He did this for the master, for the patriarch, and for the entire Yan clan.

Lin Tiancheng coughed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, it took me a lot of anger to help your apprentice to recover from the injury. I am afraid I can't help you anymore."

Zhong Tai was bitter and couldn't tell, so he had to withdraw his pleading gaze.

He knew that Master was taunting himself.

After getting Lin Tiancheng's help, Lei Yan seemed to have transformed into a killer god, and his strength was no longer at the same level as Han Shou.

I saw Lei Yan throw the Promise Club out of his hand, and immediately shook the broken dragon halberd away.

At the same time, a secret palm came out, and the endless wind swept Han Shou's chest.

After all, Han Shou couldn't stand the violent attack from the patriarch, and his whole body was shaken out.

However, the offensive in Lei Yan's hands did not stop in the slightest, palm after palm, directly slamming Han Shou into the pit, and the whole street trembling.

Kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

Han Shou already has a rebellious heart, leaving his life will only dig his own grave, so he must be killed.

When the final scene was about to be celebrated, Han Shou actually struggled to get up and knelt in front of Lei Yan.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the invader. Please let go of my Han family bloodline, I am willing to die."

Victory or defeat is a foregone conclusion, and Han Shou no longer resists.

It wasn't a pity that he died, but he didn't want the Han family to be broken.

Otherwise, Han Shou would have no face to face his group of sects when he arrived at the Yin Cao Jifu.

Lei Yan turned around and took a look at Lin Tiancheng, as if he wanted to get an answer from Lin Tiancheng.

Before coming to Fenglin Night Restaurant, Lei Yanyan had already told him the grievances between Lin Tiancheng and Han Long.

The reason why Lei Yan was able to turn defeat into victory was naturally also helped by Lin Tiancheng.

Moreover, Lin Tiancheng had competed with the Half-Step Saint before, and Lei Yan naturally did not dare to ignore his attitude.

Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, "What does my father-in-law think about me? Naturally, you have the final say."

Lin Tiancheng is not a murderous person, in fact, as long as the general is dead, Han Long will naturally have no backing.

He is also a useless person, and there is no need to do it himself, I am afraid that Uncle Liu, Yaya and others will not let him go.

Lei Yan nodded intently, turned around and said to Han Shou who was kneeling on the ground, "You can judge yourself, I can keep your Han family blood."

Han Shou banged his head three times in front of Lei Yan, then hit his chest with a backhand, and died suddenly on the spot.

Han Long knelt down in front of his father and wept bitterly.

Uncle Liu and others accused Han Long, "You, an extinct fellow, even know how to cry. Have you ever thought about this when you ruined our families?"

Although these people don't agree with the patriarch's decision, they can't change it, they can only acquiesce.

But all this is thanks to Lin Tiancheng.

Had it not been for the banner of Lin Tiancheng, they would not have known that the year of the monkey could only avenge their dead relatives.

Seeing everyone accusing Han Long, Lei Yan said in a loud voice, "Well, Han Shou, although Han Long and his son are extremely guilty, don't the Han family use their lives to protect our Yan clan for generations?"

This sentence was true, and everyone who was accusing Han Long closed their mouths.

Lei Yan continued, "Let's stop this matter! All the property of the Han family will be distributed to families who have been persecuted by Han Long as compensation."

All of the Han family's family business is not a small number, it is enough to match the cultivation resources of half the Yan clan.

Hearing the wise decision of the patriarch, Uncle Liu took the lead, and everyone onlookers began to applaud.

Halfway through the applause, Uncle Liu suddenly raised his right hand, and the whole audience received the gentleman.

Do not forget to dig a well when you drink water.

Uncle Liu knew very well that everyone's grievances could be appealed, largely because of Lin Tiancheng.

"Without this young man Lin Tiancheng, I'm afraid we would never see this day, we should bow to him and thank him."

Before the words finished, more than half of the entire Yan Clan bowed 90 degrees to Lin Tiancheng.

Lei Yan, Lei Kai, and Lei Yanyan were extremely shocked when they watched.

Lei Yan finally realized how much trouble he had planted in his repeated concessions to Han Shou and his son.

If it weren't for Lin Tiancheng to expose this bane in the air, I'm afraid this popular grievance will accumulate.

When it accumulates to a certain level, and then burst out, I am afraid that it will be an unprecedented revolution.

Lei Yan told the Red Armored Army beside him, "Come here, take the body of the commander-in-chief and bury it well."

Just as several soldiers lifted Han Shou's body, a letter fell out of his chest.

One of the disciples hurriedly handed the letter to the patriarch.

After Lei Yan read the letter, he actually burned it with a fire, but at the same time, he also gave Lin Tiancheng a meaningful look.

This look made Lin Tiancheng look a little hairy, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Could it be that what Lei Yan discovered?"

Lin Tiancheng vaguely remembered that Lei Kai sent the General Commander out to investigate the cause of death of the second and third Yan clan leaders.

Could it be that this letter is your own evidence of crime?

However, Lei Yun Tian and Lei Yun Jie died outside of the Divine Realm Song Realm, and there were hardly any clues to follow.

Lei Yan suddenly smiled and said to Lei Yanyan, "Daughter, good eyes, you really found a good son-in-law for me. Maybe you are all curious, why did I respect him so much in the first place?"

Lei Yanyan and Lei Kai nodded.

"In fact, I didn't believe it at first when I said it. But now I believe it. Tiancheng is the guardian of the Burning Sky Art. In terms of seniority, I have to honor him as a senior."

Lei Yanyan and Lei Kai looked at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief, their eyes filled with surprise.

"The guardian of the Burning Sky Technique?"

"This is incredible, right?"

How could Lei Yanyan dare to believe that he could hit the guardian of Fentian Jue by throwing a red hydrangea at random.

Lei Kai seemed to have discovered something, and said with some surprise, "No wonder my brother-in-law's cultivation talent is so high. My sister and I think he is absolutely extraordinary. I look down upon my brother-in-law."

Lin Tiancheng always felt that Lei Yan's smile was not so natural. He felt that Lei Yan must have discovered something.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so he must be prepared.


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