Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 2235: Hurt invisible

In fact, Lei Yanyan has never liked any man, she just had a relationship with Wu Zixiao.

But at this moment, Wu Zixiao appeared to be very familiar with her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She struggled and said, "This is not the first time I have come to Black Cloud City. I will naturally go to the Wu Mansion with them later, and you hurt my hands."

Lei Yanyan's task is to monitor Lin Tiancheng, she naturally cannot leave Lin Tiancheng easily.

Wuzi Xiao is indeed not at all polite to Lei Yanyan. Although Lei Yanyan rejected him, he still firmly grasped Lei Yanyan's wrist, "Yanyan, I really like you, as long as you promise Marry me, I will do whatever you want me to do for you."

Lin Tiancheng unceremoniously slapped Wu Zixiao's hand with a palm, "Sorry, I am Lei Yanyan's husband. It seems inappropriate for you to hold my wife's hand in front of me!"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng was a little angry, he had never seen such a shameless person.

Lei Yanyan was already so disgusted, Wu Zixiao even clung to Lei Yanyan's hand.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng's slap was also a bit harder, leaving a clear red mark on the back of Wu Zixiao's hand.

This is his own portable power bank. Of course, Lin Tiancheng will not let any other men get involved in her.

And even though this Wuzi Xiao is the young patriarch of the Dark Black clan, he wears a dog-like look, but the ruffian air can't cover it up.

There was an ominous hunch among the people of Besttone and others.

This had just come to the Dark Clan, and he actually offended the young patriarch of the Dark Clan.

Doesn't this invisibly increase the difficulty of getting the bloodthirsty order?

Is it too simple to get the Diablo Token? Does Lin Tiancheng want to add more fun to the game?

Wu Zixiao felt the fiery pain on the back of his hand, and stepped forward, even wanting to do something to Lin Tiancheng.

Fortunately, Lei Yanyan shot him in time and stopped him, "Wu Zixiao, it's my face, don't do it."

Whether Lei Yanyan's father's injury can be cured depends on Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, before returning to the Yan Clan, he could not lose a hair.

Wuzi really stepped back, and looked up and down Lin Tiancheng a lot. After sensing that he only had the strength of the peak realm of the Celestial Immortal Stage, a hint of sarcasm could not be avoided in his eyes.

"Yanyan, how could you choose such a wasteful husband based on your strength and status?" Then he pointed to Lin Tiancheng and said, "Just ask me what is inferior to him, why did you choose him and not me."

Lin Tiancheng's heart was suppressed with anger, Wu Zixiao is not digging the wall, just demolishing!

He didn't put Lin Tiancheng in his eyes, and in front of Lei Yanyan, he said that she had found a waste.

As long as it is a spineless man, he can't stand such a temper.

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward, hugged Lei Yanyan tightly, and kissed her on the spot.

Lei Yanyan struggled a little at first, after all, Lin Tiancheng hurt her father, she couldn't resist emotions.

Lin Tiancheng blamed her while kissing her, "Don't forget that you still owe me a favor. Now is the time for you to act well with me."

Lei Yanyan really became obedient, but after all this was a street where people came and went, and her cheeks instantly became red.

After a lot of crookedness, Lin Tiancheng embraced Lei Yanyan's slender waist and looked at Wu Zixiao with a playful expression, "Sorry, even if I'm a trash, I won't be you if Yanyan likes me. "

In that case, Wu Zixiao is not even a waste.

Baishitong and others also opened their mouths wide, with a big "service" written on their faces.

This is really hurting people invisibly, and it is definitely a fatal blow to Wu Zixiao.

During this process, Lin Tiancheng's power returned to thirty.

Seeing that the goddess he was thinking about was played by others like this, Wuzi Xiao suddenly became angry.

"This is the realm of my Dark Clan. I have the final say. Only Yan Yan can stay. You all get out of Black Cloud City for me."

The goddess she was thinking about came to Black Cloud City on her own initiative. In any case, Wu Zixiao had to seize this opportunity to dismantle them first, and then take the Goddess Yanyan in one fell swoop.

Lei Yanyan yelled at Wu Zixiao, "Wu Zixiao, I didn't come to Black Cloud City to find you, and I never liked you. You should stop making troubles unreasonably, okay?"

This is definitely salt on the wound, and more than 10,000 critical strikes.

Lin Tiancheng continued to add fuel and jealousy, "I heard that, we are not here to look for you, so we don't rush away."

Wu Zixiao suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that Lin Tiancheng was deliberately **** him off.

If he could be fooled in this way, how stupid he would be.

He hugged each other with his hands and said with a rogue face, "I'm sorry, my father is not here, I have the final say in Black Cloud City. I said they can't stay here, they can't stay here."

"We all have Diablo Orders. You drove us out of Black Cloud City for no reason. When your father blames him, can you bear it?" Seeing Wu Zixiao so helpless, Lei Yanyan was so angry that his chest rose and fell violently.

Wu Zixiao looked at Lei Yanyan with a distressed look, "Hanyan, don't get me wrong. I'm not targeting you, I'm just targeting them."

"You are targeting me by targeting them. Well, in that case, I'll go back and report the matter to my father, and I will see how you end up at that time."

Seeing that Yan Yan was about to be mad at him, Wu Zi Xiao was so frightened, he quickly let go, "Okay, okay, Yan Yan, can't I let the way out? Don’t be angry, okay? ."

Lin Tiancheng felt amused inexplicably. The Wuzi Xiao really performed the word "lick the dog" to the extreme.

Women are not for licking, but for conquering.

Only when your own strength and charm can deeply attract her, she will naturally worship you and be obedient to you.

But if you lick her up high like a queen, she will only treat you as a minion or a dog next to her, and it is even more impossible to take you to heart.

So men must work hard to improve themselves. When you are good enough, women will naturally flock to you, even if you are an old man or a very ugly man.

At this moment, a guard supporting an imposing middle-aged man was coming here quickly.

The roar of the beast that shook the world came from outside the city gate.

The streets that had just been stricken by people have now become deserted.

Wu Zixiao had an ominous premonition, and quickly greeted him, "Song Huai, what's going on?"

After a column guard discovered that it was the young patriarch, he quickly gave up to Wuzi Xiao.

Song Huai said with some irritation, "The important thing is bad, the young patriarch, and I don't know which of the gods killed the patriarch of the white ape clan's son.

Hearing Song Huai's words "killed by heaven", Wu Zixiao's expression looked a little embarrassed.

He never thought that he was just idle to hunt in the hidden fog forest, but he did not expect to provoke the white ape clan chief.

You know, the White Ape Divine Beasts have been resting and living in the Hidden Fog Forest for tens of thousands of years, and they have surpassed the Dark Race in terms of number and strength.

Song Huai continued, "Now the entire White Ape Clan is under pressure. The patriarch has led the soldiers to the west for reinforcements, and the young patriarch should also go and take a look! Let's go ahead!"

"I'll go with you." Then he stared at Lin Tiancheng viciously, "Boy, you should never offend me, you should wait for me with this account."


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