Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 331: Can it be my turn

The expressions of Zhi Yong and others sank suddenly.

"Brother, how do you talk?" Chen Zhuo looked at the men with sharp eyes.

The one who took the lead was suddenly Lu Baoguo's proud disciple. Big head, Big head was also a hooligan on the street before he entered Lu Baoguo's gate. He was ordered to test Lin Tiancheng's skills, and it was a piece of cake for him to find a way to create a conflict.

The big head's eyes widened, and he said to Chen Zhuo, "How do I talk? That little sister said that she was tired, and I felt sorry for her. I kindly asked her if she should recite, what's the problem?"

"You..." Chen Zhuo was an honest person, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

The big head turned his head to look at Song Jing again, and smiled shamelessly, "In addition to carrying you on his back, he can also help you massage, to ensure that you are ecstatic and you know your taste."

At this time, Zhi Yong's face was already cold. He put down his bag, took two steps forward, looked down at the big head and the others, and said in an unquestionable tone, "You apologize now, and then get out, I don't care about you. "

Zhi Yong's heart was dark.

It's really sleepy and someone gives pillows!

Yesterday, when he and Lu Baoguo fought, he lost face because of his carelessness and wanted to save himself, so today he did everything possible to invite everyone out for outdoor activities. In fact, he had made arrangements, but he didn't expect that someone would come to the door.

If he knew this, his arrangements could be omitted.

"Hurry up and apologize, have you heard me?" Zhi Yong increased his tone.

The big head glanced at Zhi Yong contemptuously, "Why should I apologize? How old are you?"

Xia Xue was unwilling to have trouble, and said to Zhi Yong, "Zhi Yong, forget it, don't have general knowledge with them and affect our mood."

Zhi Yong said awe-inspiringly: "Xiaoxue, if it's something else, as long as you say it, I can give in. But this is not possible. Patience without a bottom line is not humility, but cowardice. Today, they must I want to apologize to Song Jing."

Song Jing stared at Zhi Yong, a little obsessed in his eyes.

Zhi Yong is handsome, has money in his family, and he has both medical and martial arts skills. He is suave and handsome. Unfortunately, Zhi Yong didn't like her.

"Xia Xue, don't care about this matter." Chen Zhuo also said.

The majority of people were not afraid, they walked up to Zhi Yong and others provocatively, "I won't apologize, how about it?"

Another man on Zhi Yong snorted coldly and said to the big head and the others, "I urge you to apologize quickly. They have practiced."

The big head made an expression of horror, scanned several juniors and said, "I'm so scared, are you scared?"

"I'm so scared."

"It's scary!"

A group of people said so, but the ridicule was too obvious.

The man on Zhi Yong shook his head, just looked at Datou and the others with pity, and said nothing.

Zhi Yong desperately wanted to behave. He stepped forward two steps, stood in front of the big head, and asked: "I will ask you one last time, do you apologize?"

The big head looked at Zhi Yong without showing any weakness, "Do you really think I was scared?"

As soon as Zhi Yong's momentum rose, he was ready to do it.

As a man, Lin Tiancheng also came to Zhi Yong to help.

At this moment, Chen Zhuo walked over and said, "Zhi Yong, use a sledgehammer to kill the chicken. Just leave these garbage to me."

Zhi Yong hesitated and took two steps back.

In fact, he can also see that the big head and others have practiced, and Chen Zhuo is probably not the opponent. However, Xia Xue and others knew that Chen Zhuo was a master of Taekwondo. When Chen Zhuo was cleaned up, he Zhi Yong swept again, which was even more shocking.

"Let me help you." Lin Tiancheng said to Chen Zhuo.

Chen Zhuo said: "You stand up a little, don't wait to hurt you by mistake."

The goal of the big heads was Lin Tiancheng, but Lin Tiancheng didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, they could only clean up Chen Zhuo and Zhi Yong first.

Seeing that the big head and others were unwilling to give up, Chen Zhuo was no longer polite. He suddenly violently kicked and kicked towards the big head.

The contempt in the big head's eyes was fleeting, he clasped his hands, hugged Chen Zhuo's calf, and squatted upwards, pushing Chen Zhuo to the sky, and fell heavily to the ground.


With a muffled sound, Chen Zhuo lay on the ground with a painful expression on his face and a little fear in his eyes.

Xia Xue and the others also took two steps back subconsciously, with a little nervousness on their faces.

Lin Tiancheng saw that the big head was strong and worried that Zhi Yong would suffer, so he walked to Zhi Yong and said, "Let's go together."

Zhi Yong stretched out his hand to block Lin Tiancheng, and said calmly: "No, they have practiced, you will be injured by them if you are not careful."

Since Zhi Yong is about to make a move, of course the limelight must be monopolized.

Lin Tiancheng said: "Mr. Zhi, they are not weak."

Zhi Yong smiled contemptuously, glanced down at the big head and the others with a down look, and said: "I'm in a hurry, you guys go up together."

The man on Zhi Yong knows that Zhi Yong is powerful, and he is a little worried that Zhi Yong's shots are not serious, and he will hit the big head and others good or bad.

After all, he has no background in the family, and it would be very troublesome in case of injury or disability.

He said to Zhi Yong nervously: "Zhi Yong, just teach them a lesson, don't hurt anyone."

"I have a count."

Because Zhi Yong decided to have more than one enemy, he didn't dare to hold it big. After speaking, a gust of wind rushed towards the big head and took the initiative to attack.

The big head and the others didn't rush forward, the big head just single-handedly met and fought with Zhi Yong.

Zhi Yong has a strong desire for performance and eagerness to win, and every move is doing his best, hoping to knock the big head in a shocking way.

It's just that the big head is Lu Baoguo's most proud disciple, Ming Jin master, and he has accumulated a lot of fighting experience when he was a gangster. How could he deal with it so easily.

After the two played against each other a few times, Zhi Yong didn't get the upper hand, and he began to panic.

Even though he can remain undefeated in Big Tou's hands, Big Tou still has several partners.

He retreated in his heart and decided to negotiate with the big head, so he made a false move and took a step back.

It's a pity that Zhi Yong forgot the steps behind him in a panic. He tripped over when he retreated. Thanks to his agility, he suddenly turned sideways in a hurry, and supported one hand on the ground, so that he did not fall. inverted.


However, before Zhi Yong had time to rejoice, he was seized by the big head and kicked between Zhi Yong's legs.


Zhi Yong let out a scream and clamped his legs hard, if it weren't for Xia Xue and others, he wanted to reach out and stroke a few times to ease the pain.

Seeing that Zhi Yong was not an opponent, Song Jing and the others turned pale.

Song Jing didn't dare to be arrogant again.

The man who had just spoken here by Zhi Yong also changed his previous indifference and pity, the expression on his face was shrinking and gentle, with a little bit of fear.

"You just spoke very loudly?" There was the man with big eyes.

The man showed an ugly smile and said, "No, no, I don't. We are just a few classmates who came out to play, we accidentally offended you, I hope you don't get angry."

The big head looked gloomy, "You said you wouldn't be angry if you didn't get angry?"

The man was taken aback and dared not say anything more.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, very speechless.

The strength is not as good as that of human beings.

He glanced at several men including Zhi Yong and Chen Zhuo, and said, "Now, is it my turn to take action?"


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