Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 3683: God blood advancement

"Bold, this thing belongs to my Dongyuan imperial family, the idlers are waiting to retreat!"

"Withdraw from the center, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

Almost at the same time, the three powerhouses attacked and killed the guys who rushed to the light group. Lin Tiancheng was a little anxious and wanted to take a snatch, but when he thought of Xiao Jinli's high ring, he took a few breaths of anxiety in his heart.

If what the little golden carp said is true, then what appears now is probably not a treasure, but a reminder!

At least most of what Xiao Jinli said has been fulfilled. This treasure is really dangerous. The previous vision left a group of people dead, and now it will only become the target of everyone's fire.

At this time, the hundreds of people in the central area who rushed to the light group found desperately at this moment that there were people who were constantly interfering with them, and there were three powerful men behind them who were chasing after them. For a time, they were beaten by two punches. In the flesh, only some spirits were left to flee.

"Fortunately, they didn't make a move. These people... Blinded by desire, they didn't even look at their own strength, so they dared to make a move!" Lin Tiancheng sighed helplessly. Even in such a situation, there is still more than enough power to **** him. Treasure leaving?

Just as Lin Tiancheng sighed that people died for wealth, a familiar spirit wave appeared around him.

"Little golden carp?" Lin Tiancheng whispered.

A familiar and somewhat helpless voice came into Lin Tiancheng's ears, "Benefactor, my name is Longli, why haven't you left? Do you really want to grab that blood?"

"That's natural, and I just get back what belongs to me. It's not a snatch, they are snatches!" Lin Tiancheng smiled slightly, "I am the successor after the Iori General, and I also have the duty of a protector. , I took away the blood of the gods, it was also to restore the prosperity of the past, it is orthodox, they are the thieves!" Xiao Jinli was silent, and said for a long time, "the benefactor knows something, the guard of the gods blood is in fact the gods’ life. Evil thoughts, and the blood of the gods is not as powerful as imagined, and ordinary people can't integrate into themselves if they get it. Instead, they have to face the attack and killing of that evil thought!"

"The blood is part of his life. If it wants to be reincarnated, this drop of blood is his key. If you grab the blood, it must be an endless situation!"

God Will Can Nian? Lin Tiancheng frowned slightly, God General Cannian had also seen him, it was early in the morning, but he didn't expect it to be there.

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath. When he didn’t know what the treasure was before, then forget it. Now that he knows that it is the blood of the gods, it is even possible to trace the whereabouts of the gods, so he has to find a way to get everything. . If the blood of the gods has no effect, it will be fine. If it can really help him find the whereabouts of the god, then he will unblock the power of the source of chaos, then his combat power will surely reach its peak, and maybe it can stimulate the golden body to reach it. At that time, even if the black dragon recovered, there was a battle!

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng said firmly, "Little Jinli, thank you for your persuasion, but this thing is very important to me, I still don’t want to give up, there may be a big battle here, you take advantage of everyone’s attention now. If you are not here, leave me quickly, otherwise I am worried that you will be implicated!"

Xiaojin Carp also sighed helplessly when he heard this, "Benefactor...is it really worth a drop of blood? Even if it's a big man once!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "Of course it is worth it. I know you are worried that I might die, but...Isn't there still hope of life!"

Xiao Jinli still wanted to comfort him, but when he saw Lin Tiancheng's firm gaze, he finally sighed and shook his head helplessly, "Benefactor, I won't say anything. If you are safe and sound, you can go to Shichahai to find me, and I will be there waiting for the benefactor. !"

When the words fell, the breath disappeared instantly, Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, the little golden carp grew fast enough, it seemed that the chance was not small, and he didn't even find out how it left.

Lin Tiancheng touched a bead in his arms, took a deep breath, his eyes firm, "I must get this blood!"

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the originally split sky, exuding vigorous death and resentment!

As soon as they saw this thing, everyone took a deep breath, disappearing into the spot and staring at each other very guardedly.

"This is the general's resentment?" Lin Tiancheng looked at the figure walking out of the void with curiosity and frowned slowly. Although this was just a resentment of the general, its strength was absolutely extraordinary.

"Even if it is the general resentment, the strength is strong, but...I still want to grab the blood of the god!" Lin Tiancheng secretly said in his heart.

There are many people who share the same ideas as Lin Tiancheng. These talents, regardless of their status in the life of the resentment, are now dead, and death is like a lamp, and they have grabbed this treasure!

Moreover, according to the rule that the stronger the guardian, the stronger the baby, this baby is terrible! This also strengthened the heart of these people for treasure!

"Everyone has an idea. The treasure has come to the world. Kill this guardian. We will seize the treasure by our own ability!" "Yes, it's just an undead soul. Even if he was not alive, he is still dead now. If he died, he is not worthy of possession. Such a treasure is a blasphemy against the treasure. Everyone obeyed the order and killed him together and took back the most precious treasure!"

The strength of resentment was too strong, and these people were forced to prepare to jointly deal with it in private, robbing the blood of the gods behind him.

Lin Tiancheng also took the opportunity to sneak into the central area. The resentment at this time seemed to him not too strong. Maybe he could really take the opportunity to steal the blood of the gods while they were stuck, and I believe no one can help. Yourself.

It's just that when Lin Tiancheng stepped into the central area did he realize that he had miscalculated. This place was already full of invisible suppressing power. The moment Lin Tiancheng entered, he felt that the world was spinning around and his strength was suppressed severely.

"This is the power of the Primordial Chaos? It is really powerful, even if it is dead, it can control so many people!" Lin Tiancheng was surprised.

Soon, Resentment seemed to be impatient. Many people blocked his way and even blocked the void in all directions. I saw Resentment summoning a river of dead spirits to rush into the void, and everyone flew back for a while.

Lin Tiancheng also hurriedly avoided, and this was the only way to avoid the erosion of the water of the dead.

However, some of the onlookers not far away were not so lucky. They were hit by the river of dead spirits and turned into dead bones, with no vitality, and died on the spot!

"I'm going..." Lin Tiancheng was horrified.

The same is true for those strong behind them, but soon someone raised their arms and shouted, "Don't panic, this undead is limited in strength, so many of us are here, and we will join forces to kill it first!"

Although the strength of these people alone is indeed not as good as the necromancers, but they can't stand the crowd, once they join forces, it is not difficult to kill the evil spirits.

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