Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 3835: Stance

Lin Fan defeated Long Fei yesterday and successfully surpassed Xiao Zhan, who was originally ranked first, in total points, defending the top spot.

For a time, the Daoyuan Court became famous, and many disciples wondered if Lin Fan suffered such a serious injury today, and whether he still had enough power to fight Xiao Zhan.

If not, then it is not a big loss, the strongest matchup between the two young generations was so missed!

However, just when everyone was discussing privately, the Daoyuan Court's answer came out. Xiao Zhan asked Lin Fan to fight. The game was accepted, and the time was set for the next day!

When the news came out, many immortal disciples rushed around in excitement and told each other that they agreed on a good time to find a good place tomorrow to prepare to watch the battle.

However, contrary to the enthusiasm of these disciples, the faces of several big men in the big account of Beichen Immortal Gate were ugly and scary.

You know, the strength of Long Fei and Lin Fan is almost the same. Although Long Fei said that he received one more palm, his injury would be a bit more serious, but at that time Lin Fan was already in a state of exhaustion, the power of that palm. In fact, it is very limited.

Now Long Fei is still in retreat to heal his injuries, but Lin Fan still has time to say a word to set a time for the battle, and the gap between the two is instantly revealed.

It is not the level of cultivation level, but the solid resources of the immortal door behind him and the solidity of the family.

"This is impossible. We all have witnessed the battle between Lin Fan and Long Fei. Although neither of them had a life crisis in the end, it is not difficult for us to infer the injuries. Now Long Fei is still in retreat and healed. What about Lin Fan? Enough?"

"By now, you still can't see clearly? I've said that Lin Fan's state was a bit wrong before. The more he fights, the more brave he is, and he is not afraid of being injured. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to hit Long Fei!"

"This, the family background of this court is really terrifying, such a good healing holy medicine is not reserved for the strong in the invincible realm, but it is actually used on a disciple of Lin Fan!"

"God knows how the Daoyuan Court suddenly emerged so many geniuses and treasures, these are not what we need to consider now, what we have to consider now is how to face the rising Daoyuan Court!"

"It goes without saying that, of course, it is a dead end. The grievances between us and the Taoist court are not clear to the younger generation. We don't know? It's a state of endless death long ago!"

Long Zhanye frowned, "This matter is very important, I can't make a decision, I need to ask my senior brother!"

Ouyang De also nodded when he heard the words, and signaled everyone to discuss first, and he immediately disappeared from everyone's sight, apparently also going to ask for instructions.

Suddenly, the two immortal gates representing the strongest retreat, leaving behind some second-rate immortal gates, which suddenly became headless flies, all panicked.

"Elder Ouyang, Elder Long, what do you mean by the two of you? When the siege came to the court, you invited us to help with the punches. Now that something goes wrong, you don't want to stay out of it, do you?"

Long Zhanye also frowned upon hearing this, but did not answer, but waited for the senior brother's reply.

When everyone saw Long Zhanye’s refusal to express his stance, they became even more panicked, "Elder Long, even if you show your favor now, the Dao Court will accept it? Don’t forget, we almost let the Dao Court be removed from the Wanxian League before, and even if we put aside these things. , Do you think the Temple of Gods and Demons will let you go?"

Soon, Long Zhanye’s voice transmission Yujian received a message. After releasing the divine sense exploration, Long Zhanye’s face changed. Looking at Ouyang De who also walked out from behind the screen, the two exchanged glances. Nodded.

"Well, you two are just talking about it. The dragons can't be headless. Do you have any plan to say it and let everyone add it together!"

"That is, even if the Dao Court is now showing signs of rising, but with so many of us together, we are still afraid that he will not succeed in the Dao Court alone?"

Long Zhanye signaled Ouyang De to speak, and Ouyang De also took a deep breath and took a step forward to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, it’s not that I’m afraid, but...I believe you all know the secrets of the Daoyuan Court. The Treasure Pavilion has scoured the top resources of the Galaxy Continent for thousands of years. When we sealed it, we were worried that the Daoyuan Court would resurrect with this thing. ."

"Now everyone has seen that Lin Fan fought Long Fei fiercely, double-doubled creation, but it was only one night, Long Fei was still in retreat to recuperate, but Lin Fan wandered around vigorously. I believe everyone understands the information revealed! "

"Take a step back, when I besieged the Daoyuan Court, it was not my intention, but because I was bewitched by the Temple of Gods and Demons. There is no unsolvable misunderstanding in the world. Even if the Daoyuan Court comes to the door, we dare to swear to God!"

Long Zhanye also stepped forward at the right time when he heard the words, "Everyone, Elder Ouyang said it was right. We had no choice but to understand at the beginning. I believe that the court will understand it. After all these years, some misunderstandings should be resolved. Up!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the representatives of those little immortals changed drastically.

What a shit, it is obviously that the fairy gate behind Ouyang De and Long Zhanye is now strong, and wants to cherish the feathers, does not want to be a fighter in the Palace of Gods and Demons, and now wants to withdraw from this melee.

However, the fairy gates such as Beichen Immortal Gate that have grown into behemoths are different. They are second-rate immortal gates who want to not listen to the command of the Gods and Demon Halls, which is equivalent to seeking death.

There was a long silence. Someone couldn't help but care about their identity, "What do you mean, you guys are trying to stay out of the situation and trap us in the fire?"

The people who were originally arrogant and domineering, with nostrils on the top of their heads, are now panicked after hearing that some big guys such as Beichen Immortal Gate are evading the battle.

The movement of Lin Tiancheng of Daoyuan Court when he was promoted to Invincible was really terrifying, plus the unknown treasure pavilion...

Everyone had no doubt that as long as Lin Tiancheng was given time, the top combat power of these immortals could not stop his liquidation.

"Everyone, we are also helpless. Daoyuan and us have no blood and deep feuds. Everything stems from a misunderstanding. We believe in the instigation of the Temple of Gods and Demons. It is time for the misunderstanding to be solved!"

"Fart, you, what are you thinking we don't know? Don't you just want to stay out of the matter? The ugly words are the first, but you are not the first to say that you can advance and retreat together. Now you want the strong man to break his arm and sacrifice us? There is no door. !"

"Yes, the form is not right now, you just leave us alone? Huh... the big deal is dead, and the strength of the Taoist Court has not been fully revealed. The big deal is when we descend to the Taoist Court, and we will shake things up that year! "

Hearing this, Long Zhanye and Ouyang also had a headache. Although they had known that everyone would gaffe, they had never expected it to be so outrageous.

However, this is also reasonable. After all, it is related to the rise and fall of the Zongmen. The power that the Taoist Court has now shown has exceeded their tolerance. Now their first-class fairymen want to withdraw from this melee and no longer be a gods and demons. The gunners, united together indeed have such confidence.

But these second-rate immortal gates are already weak, and their wealth is not abundant. If they are tied together, they will only become a burden on their immortal gate growth. It's time to leave them alone.

"You guys, don’t worry, I know everyone’s feelings now. To be honest, we don’t want to get to where we are today, but... the grievances between the Taoist Court and the Temple of Gods and Demons will be mixed in this again, and I’m worried. We won’t know how to die by then!"

"You also know how rich the family of the Taoist court is. Back then, our eight major sects were besieging Wuliang Mountain, and we suffered heavy casualties. In the end, we watched the treasure pavilion hidden into the void. It can be said that we have become an accomplice of the Temple of Gods and Demons. What did the Demon Temple do? Nothing was done. It was... the injury afterwards gave us some compensation, but how many geniuses we died in the battle back then? Those resources can be compensated back?"

"The Lord of the Temple of Gods and Demons wants to seize the opportunity of the gods. Our Beichen Immortal Sect has no such aspirations, and we are even more unwilling to mix into this kind of grievances!"

"I put my words here now. From now on, my Beichen Immortal Gate will also remain neutral, and all the grievances from the past will be cleared up, and I am willing to make compensation!"

Long Zhanye also took a step forward, "We also mean the same thing. If you are still interested in working against the court, you are free!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly stopped talking, staying neutral, and willing to make compensation, so showing weakness?

This situation is so familiar. The head of Tianhe Immortal Sect also said the same thing. At that time, it was rumored that Ye Xiong, the head of Tianhe Immortal Sect, was hiding his powers and bidding his time, preparing to attack the realm of enshrined gods! Now, Beichen Immortal Gate and others have released such messages, and the time has passed thousands of years. Is it possible that this thousand years...

"This Star River Continent is going to change the sky, when did it happen? Why didn't we notice it beforehand? We have all reached this state?"

Long Zhanye and Ouyang De did not answer everyone's questions. They lowered their heads and said, "You are all old acquaintances, and some things can't be seen through. Today we have already expressed our position, where are you going, make your own decision, and say goodbye!"

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