Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 3882: War is coming

Wu Nian brought the disciples of the Taoist Court and the remaining disciples of the Fengyi Immortal Clan back to the back mountain of Wuliang Mountain again.

Wunian looked at the wounded people around her, her heart was full of guilt, and she didn't say much on the way.

Head Feng Yi saw Wunian's thoughts and stepped forward with a smile, "What's wrong? It seemed like something was going on along the way. This is not Wunian I know!"

Wunian and Fengyi are characters from the same era. The two have known each other for a long time. There are rumors that the head of Fengyi has been waiting for someone, and that person is guessed that Wunian!

At that time, the two were also considered talented and beautiful women, a match made in heaven, but the good times did not last long. The Daoyuan Court retreated bravely, and fell to the bottom in an instant at the most glorious time. Wunian was also ordered to support the Daoyuan Court's burden at that time.

However, under the influence of many forces, the Daoyuan court also rapidly declined, and the disciples under the clerks died and wounded, and only a few disciples who had not come out of the mountain were also secretly sent away by Wunian Xuezang.

The huge Daoyuan Court instantly became an empty nest, and the strong under the clan was the only one left without thinking.

The story between the two also stopped rumors at that time!

"I feel like a disaster star. Back then, my master told me to fight for the first place, but I pretended to be humble everywhere. I thought that this was the only way to show everyone's demeanor. As a result, I gave in everywhere until the court fell!" Wunian lowed. Said the head.

"Later, when I was desperate and gave up my heart, Dean Lin appeared. He thought it was light, shining into my dark life, step by step leading the court to the present, and once again became famous among the immortals. Million!"

"But... this time I abandoned him and left alone, you say...Is this person a calamity physique!"

Hearing this, Feng Yi stepped forward and comforted, "You have done nothing wrong in this matter. You have tried your best. For this reason, you burned all your dragon's blood and your realm has fallen, and we persuaded him, it was himself. How can you blame you if you refuse to leave?"

"Although I have a big factor because I believe in your vision to form an alliance with the Dao Court, the facts have proved that Lin Tiancheng is a responsible person. After he took the Dao Court from your hand, he has not been enchanted to reach the prestige of the court. Now, we are adhering to the principle of beginning and end. Although there was an accident in this operation, we did not expect this."

"Furthermore, your Dao court is considered to have done a great job in this matter. After all, if we didn't find that this vortex leads to the underworld, when the underworld army enters the galaxy continent, I don't know how many immortal gates will suffer disaster. We discovered in advance that we can locate the battlefield in the underworld and minimize the loss!"

Hearing that, Wu Nian sighed, "I am afraid that this time the human situation is inevitable. Let's inform the other immortals as soon as possible to make preparations, otherwise we will not be able to stop this catastrophe with the power of our two families!"

Feng Yi nodded heavily, "This is natural, I will go to the Temple of Gods and Demons, you go to the Ten Thousand Immortals League, let's split up!"

Death City.

At this time, it had become Lin Tiancheng's foothold. After Wunian and the others left, Lin Tiancheng also asked Bi Luo, who had recovered a little strength, to lead people to set up a large formation at the entrance, and personally guarded it here.

Lin Tiancheng's spirit is still a bit tired, but he still urges everyone, "Don't be lazy, this is our last line of defense. If the army of the dead is going to enter the human state, it will definitely pass here. Let's hurry up and deploy, at least Give the people over there time to react!"

"President, why don't we just move over to use the Great Formation in the City of Revenant? It takes so much support and energy to deploy the Great Formation..."

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng smiled, "Is it silly, where will the army come and live after the city is demolished? The formation here is just prepared. The city of the dead will be a nail of our human race in the underworld, and a safe haven. , We are free to choose offense or defense!"

"And here is the last line of defense related to the human environment, so we must take care of all precautions!"

Lin Fan said, "But it shouldn’t be our family’s resources. Didn’t you also say that this matter is related to the entire human situation? The court’s resources are all made by ourselves, and it’s not wind blowing. Come, this should be funded by everyone!"

"That is, Dean, what we are doing now is thankless, and... I guess that some people may not be willing to send troops. They may be anxious to use our Taoist court as one of the battlefields, and then it will be logical to destroy our sect. Up!"

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "Nonsense, our human race can be passed on from generation to generation in the Taoyuan realm, not by our talents, but by the spirit of support from all sides. Before the big righteousness, our human race has always understood right and wrong. of."

"Speaking of which, I am a little grateful for the appearance of this underworld. If it weren't for him, I really didn't know how to deal with the relationship with other immortals!"

"This is all right. The emergence of the underworld makes us no longer have to fight with them. Then their minds will be placed on the underworld, so that we can have a breathing time. When the time comes, we will become stronger. I It is no longer in the foreseeable future that the phase channel court returns to the top!

Hearing this, Lin Fan and the others were passionate about it. They dreamed that one day they would be able to see with their own eyes that the Daoyuan Court could return to its peak during their lifetime!

Galaxy Continent, Temple of Gods and Demons

A disciple came to report to the head of the Fengyi Immortal Sect at the foot of the mountain, and was soon received in the hall.

I saw five huge thrones above the main hall, four of which were empty, and only an old man with white beard and hair sat on one of the thrones to the right and met the head of Feng Yi.

"Head of Feng Yi, I don't know what is going on when you are here this time?" The old man smiled indifferently.

"Master, I really don't want to conceal it, this time I came here to announce a piece of news, which is about the life and death of my Galaxy Continent!"

Hearing this, the old man on the throne smiled disapprovingly, "Can you tell me more about it?"

As a result, Fengyi's headmaster told the truth about what happened in the underworld, including the news that there were three invincibles in a dead soul city.

The old man looked solemn, no smile on his face, he got up and fisted at the head of Fengyi, "Thank you, Daoist Fengyi, for telling me that this matter is of great importance. I must call other fairy kings to discuss together. In addition, I will tell the gods and demons. Order, call the Bahuang Immortal Gate to come, if you don't dislike it, please rest in the gate and discuss countermeasures together at that time!"

The head of Feng Yi stood up and clasped his fists, "Then there is Master Lao, Feng Yi is bothered!"

The Hall of Gods and Demons has the absolute right to speak in the sea area. The twelve fairy islands and the eight fairy caves are all based on the head of the Hall of Gods and Demons. Similarly, the Wanxian League also has the absolute right to speak in the Galaxy Continent.

At this time, Fengyi's head respecting the old man was also a kind of respect. These are the five strongest old monsters in the Hall of Gods and Demons, and they are all high-level powerhouses of the Nine Star Dao Ancestor!

The old man also smiled slightly at this time, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "You don't need to call me an immortal master, Taoist Fengyi doesn't dislike the Taoist name you can call me, Sanxingzi!"

The head of Feng Yi also quickly agreed, but she had a slight affection for Sanxingzi, and found that the other party was not as high-ranked as the rumors, and it was difficult to communicate.

Soon, Feng Yi was taken to a quiet small courtyard to rest, waiting for the heads of other immortals and the strong to come to discuss countermeasures.

On the other side, Wunian also settled down in the Wanxian League, waiting for other immortals to discuss countermeasures.

Wunian took out the communication Yujian Chuanyin Fengyi, and asked about the attitude of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

"My side is very smooth, San Xing Zi immediately issued the order of the gods and demons to summon the immortal gate to have a meeting after learning about the underworld!"

Wunian heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said, "That's good, I am too, but we still don't be happy too early, intrigue, and intrigue is the inferior nature of our human race, we still have to look at it!"

Feng Yi sighed and sat down, "Of course I know this, but now Qiangwei and Dean Lin are still in the underworld. We must find a way to persuade some strong men to take the initiative to bring them back. !"

"Don't worry, you have to trust our dean. He said that if he wants to save Qiangwei, he will not break his promise."

"Of course I believe him, it's just...I worry that they may not be able to do their best in the Temple of Gods and Demons, and I am afraid that they will lose a lot of people if they fail to save people!"

Speaking of this, Wunian was also silent, which was also what he worried about.

Wunian thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, it would be a good thing if something like this happens. Only if they have experienced the pain personally, will they know the danger of the underworld to the Galaxy Continent!"

"I also thought about what you said, but, in this way, the Galaxy Continent's high-end combat power will lose a lot... and then it will only be more difficult to deal with the underworld. This is a long-term battle!"

"Up to now, we can only take one step and look one step at a time. No matter how much we worry about it now, it's useless!"

Feng Yi nodded, "Well, the battle is coming soon, I hope they won't disappoint us!


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