Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 3941: Warring Pluto

Lin Tiancheng's long black hair is flying in the air, and his spiritual power rises like a **** of war!

"My God, Lin Tiancheng is a little too strong, right? I feel difficult to breathe after this coercion is so far away. If this is really confronted, who can eat it?"

At this time, the onlookers spontaneously retreated to the distance. The coercion brought by the invisible confrontation between King Lu Ming and Lin Tiancheng made them a little overwhelmed. They looked at the two people standing still in the void with a frightened expression.

At the same time, more and more powerful men of the Underworld are attracted by the heaven and earth vision here, and they are constantly rushing towards this place.

However, the cultivators of the human race did not attack them, and at this time their minds were all placed on the figure above the void.

Although Lin Tiancheng had promised those strong people who participated in the No. 1 Conference in the world, as long as they asked for help, they would help to kill the strong underworld.

But no one is sure if he has such strength. It can be said that the success or failure of this battle lies with Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang. If one of them loses, then they will lose all the games!

In the sky, there was a constant stream of light passing by, and an invincible underworld powerhouse arrived here, quietly staying aside and daring not to speak.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng had no intention of caring about those people. He needed to concentrate all his energy to deal with the extremely careful Lu Ming Wang in front of him.

"Lu Mingwang, you and I could have avoided this battle. You will continue to be your underworld boss, and I will bring people back to the human state without invading each other. Whether this battle is necessary depends on you!" Lin Tiancheng said calmly .

Hearing this, King Lu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Impossible, you want me to hand over the Dzi Bead, which is equivalent to asking me to put my head under your butcher knife. From now on, I will be at ease? "

Lin Tiancheng didn't reply. After all, Lu Mingwang's words were not unreasonable. Dzi's ability was to open the door. If Dzi was in his own hands, it was equivalent to having the initiative to counterattack the underworld at any time.

Although the human race does not peep into the underworld, but on the side of the couch, no one can allow others to sleep soundly. Once Lin Tiancheng or the human realm has the power to destroy Lu Mingwang, then I believe many people are willing to see Lu Mingwang being eradicated.

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath, "Well, since you and I can't convince each other, let's see the truth, you and I are destined to be unable to avoid this battle today!"

After that, Lin Tiancheng yelled, holding the God and Demon Sword high in his hand, and the sword was launched instantly.

Upon seeing this, Lu Mingwang's figure flashed, and his figure instantly disappeared in place, and he appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng in the next second.

At some point, there was also a bone sword in Lu Mingwang's hand, and a six-pointed star array emerged from the sword, and the sword broke through the void and slashed towards Lin Tiancheng.

The speed of his sword light was incredible, beyond Lin Tiancheng's reaction, and instantly fell on Lin Tiancheng's body.

A loud explosion sounded, and Lin Tiancheng was forced to step back a few steps, covering his chest with his hands and looking at King Lu Ming with a pale face.

"What a fast sword!" Lin Tiancheng said, the speed of Lu Mingwang's sword was so fast that it was impossible to distinguish the speed of the opponent's moves.

King Lu Ming smiled slightly, and the bone sword in his hand once again rippled with the sword light to kill Lin Tiancheng. Lin Tiancheng was not to be outdone, and once again offered a sword to fight against him.

This time, King Lu Ming did not escape, but used the six-pointed swords to cut each other, and an astonishing aftermath of spiritual energy erupted between the two.

The strong people all around held up their shields and raised their arms to block the glare. The figure couldn't help but back up a few steps to counteract the retreat of the aftermath of spiritual energy.

"Have you made a mistake? I was shaking with blood so much after being so far away? Are these two really invincible?"

"Oh... the two of us have exceeded us too much. If they really meet, it will be us who will die without accident. Let's go back a thousand meters, otherwise they will not have a victory or defeat in a while, we will have to do it first. I was shaken out of internal injuries!"

"The speed of the shot was too fast, right? The bodies of these two people were beaten with iron? The aftermath of such a strong shock just didn't hurt at all!"

The outside world was amazed, the two people who were fighting didn't know it, and after staying for a while, they rushed to each other again.

The bone sword in Lu Mingwang's hand was pierced again, the sword intent was overwhelming!

I saw a sword aura that was like the light of stars shot towards Lin Tiancheng in an instant.

Lin Tiancheng also frowned, his figure torn apart and the void quickly dodged, and his hands were not idle, the sword of God and Demon rose up with the light of fire.

Immediately after the God and Demon Sword was cut out, the sword energy mixed with the heart of the earth instantly shot towards King Lu Ming.

King Lu Ming let out a cold snort, leaving behind afterimages in the same place, disappearing in the same place instantly, and then he shot out from behind Lin Tiancheng.

"Bring me to death!" Lin Tiancheng roared, and a ring of fire burst out of his body. He immediately pushed back the Lu Mingwang who was about to sneak attack him, and then dashed towards Lu Mingwang.

This time he was prepared, or he was using an example to lure King Lu into a sneak attack, and that's what he was waiting for!

I saw Lin Tiancheng cut out with a single sword, and as soon as the battle was hurried, King Lu Ming was cut and flew out with a single sword.

Lin Tiancheng didn't waste such a good opportunity. He once again dodged and came behind Lu Mingwang. The God Demon Sword exploded with star-like sword energy, and the overwhelming Chaolu Pluto was killed.

King Lu Ming's reaction was also extremely quick, before Lin Tiancheng's move completely besieged him, he turned around and resisted a few sword qi and fled to the side.

"You are so courageous, you deliberately exposed your flaws to lead me to take action, and you are not afraid of being a cocoon!" Lu Ming said in a cold voice.

"To deal with you, naturally you can't use ordinary ways. As for whether you are cocooning yourself, isn't the result very clear now?" Lin Tiancheng smiled.

Hearing this, Lu Mingwang's face suddenly became darker, and he pinched the sword art in his hand, the bone sword began to spin frantically, and the Sky Jade Sky Pearl also flew on the bone sword and began to spin frantically, like a lotus leaf.

An extremely terrifying aura began to grow on the bone sword, and the long sword madly rotated towards Lin Tiancheng and killed it.

Lin Tiancheng frowned and drew back in a hurry, this move was terrifying, and he might be able to do it if he took it out of the blue!

Lin Tiancheng screamed, his figure accelerated again, flew towards the distance, consuming the power of the bone sword, and the **** and demon sword in his hand kept attacking towards the bone sword to consume the power of the bone sword.

At the same time, Lu Mingwang's figure did not stop, approaching Lin Tiancheng, and slashed with the sword three times in a row. Three huge swords attacked Lin Tiancheng, reflecting each other with the bone sword, and the stars were attacking from left to right.

When Lin Tiancheng saw the sword attack, he had to give up the attack, and hurriedly pulled away.

However, the power of the three swords remained undiminished, and they still left a few scars on his body, blasting into the distant mountains and forests.

With a few loud noises, the distant mountains and forests were razed to the ground, and the huge mountain peaks were cut into several sections.

The crowd watched in horror as they moved the mountain and reclaimed the sea, and they stepped back again for fear of accidental injury.

"My god, this is still human fighting, it's just a fight between gods and gods. The mountains and rocks of the underworld are as solid as iron, and they are so easily destroyed. This is too terrifying!"

"Be careful, these two are the real powerhouses. The power of a random strike is above the invincible high-level. Even if you go all out, you may not be able to block them!"

At this time, these invincible powerhouses who thought they were already strong realized that in the eyes of people like Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang, they were no different from the ants who forced a little bit. They were still the existence that the other party could kill at will.

During the time everyone was talking, Lin Tiancheng and Lu Mingwang fought against each other many times. Both sides were dangerous, and the speed of offensive and defensive changes was too fast.

At this time, the two of them slashed a sword again and quickly moved apart, taking the opportunity to breathe, and by the way, adjust the boiling aura in the body so as not to explode.

Lin Tiancheng stared at Lu Pluto, the opponent's strength was too strong, and he was very energetic, he didn't want to head-to-head with him at all, he just wanted to use his skills to injure himself hard.

If it weren't for his excellent fighting skills, and his physical strength was slightly better than him, he might have actually killed him today.

Regardless of his strength, the difficulty of this King Lu is far above that of King Wu, no wonder he has been able to hold the position of King Pluto for countless years.

"Who are you? Why is there the breath of King Wu Pluto in the body?" Lin Tiancheng asked coldly.

"Haha... guess?"

Lin Tiancheng stared at Lu Mingwang, "Are you Lu Mingwang or... Wu Mingwang?"

"Of course I am King Lu Ming, isn't King Wu Ming dead, and... it's still in your hands!"

Lin Tiancheng's brows couldn't help but frowned. The more the other party denied it, the more he felt that there was something tricky in it.

However, when he was distracted, King Lu Ming killed him again.


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