Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4076: Cai family elder

"Brother Anping, come to live!" Zhao Peng came to Lin Tiancheng's residence excitedly and called Lin Tiancheng.

"How big is the job? The new prisoner is here? Which one is from?" Lin Tiancheng asked lazily. "I won't know this for a while, come with me!" Zhao Peng excitedly pulled Lin Tiancheng to run outside.

"I said what a big job, you are so excited!" Lin Tiancheng asked helplessly.

"You'll know it when you get there!" Zhao Peng laughed, seeing that Lin Tiancheng also wanted to know, mainly because he was holding it back and uncomfortable, so he explained as he hurried.

After Lin Tiancheng heard it, he understood the reason...According to Zhao Peng, there was a new prisoner with a very hard mouth. The Criminal Law Department specifically confessed to Wang Xu to promote Lin Tiancheng. It can be seen that the people above pay great attention to it. This matter.

"Brother, you have to be beautiful in this life. As long as you can make that guy speak, I dare to say that even the Criminal Justice Department will take a high look at you in the future, and you will soon become so prosperous in the future!" Zhao Peng said.

"And, think about it... This guy can be detained by the Criminal Law Department for so long without being executed, which shows how much wealth he has behind him! When you get rich, don't forget the brothers!" Zhao Peng said, getting more and more excited.

"You are excited about this little thing, don't worry, since he is here, it's up to him whether he wants to speak or not, it depends on whether I want to listen or not...hehe..." Lin Tiancheng raised his head. , Snorted a few proudly.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng came to a torture room, and saw a middle-aged man in the room. This man was looking at Lin Tiancheng with disdain, and his eyes were even more contemptuous. .

"I thought you had any talent in the jail, but in the end, you sent such a stinky hairy boy over. The plane despised me too...Come on, let him use whatever means!" The middle-aged man had a face. Disdainful way.

Hearing this, everyone in the prison was immediately in awe. The last time I remembered the person who said this, he finally cried and begged Lin Tiancheng to inquire. As a result, Lin Tiancheng was unwilling to listen. He added half an hour to the execution time, and finally the criminal law. When the chief executive beheaded him, he was happily shed tears.

"Brother Anping, you have seen it too. He is a ruthless man. We really have no choice but to ask you to do it. Then we will leave it to you!" Wang Xu helplessly put down the special torture instrument in his hand.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and nodded, and sent Wang Xu and others out of the jail. After that, a ban was placed so that the outside world could not see what was happening inside, and then he started his exclusive execution.

Soon, there was an inhuman roar from within the prison, followed by a begging for mercy, and finally turned into angry verbal abuse and curse.

Still, half an hour later, Lin Tiancheng walked out with a faint smile on his face.

Wang Xu hurriedly greeted him and looked at Lin Tiancheng and asked, "How is it? Has it come out? What is the identity of this person?"

Lin Tiancheng looked at Wang Xu with a smile on his face and held Wang Xu’s hand tightly, “The warden, you are so kind to me. You must know that I’m not dealing with the Cai family, so let’s I'm here for the interrogation!"

Hearing this, Wang Xu was also slightly taken aback, and asked in disbelief, "What are you talking about? He is from the Cai family?"

Seeing this, Lin Tiancheng was also stunned, "You really don't know?"

Wang Xu shook his head, "The Criminal Justice Department doesn't know his origin. How can I, a janitor, know this?"

Lin Tiancheng was speechless, "The warden, we are not the gatekeeper, we are monitoring illegal crimes, pay attention to our words!"

"This person, after my severe torture, has all confessed. It is a chess piece placed in the Cai family by the Mu family of the three major families, and is also the elder of the Cai family. According to him, his task is to find out what the Cai family's spirit has consumed over the years. How many attributes!"

Lin Tiancheng pondered slightly for a while and continued, "If my analysis is good, the Mu family wants to do something with the Cai family. His task is to find out the truth of the Cai family, and how much of the exercises they have practiced, so as to target the strengths of the Cai family. By!"

As soon as Lin Tiancheng said this, he immediately evoked a lot of associations...Wang Xu also shined before his eyes, and then his face was gloomy. It was related to the three major families, the Mu family. This matter was beyond his scope of authority. He didn't dare to make decisions, let alone guess like Lin Tiancheng.

However, what is certain is that the Mu Family definitely has no plans to do anything good, and even... Lin Tiancheng's guess is likely to be true.

If this is the case, then the Cai family is in danger, and the heart of the Mu family deserves caution from the superiors. The purpose of centralizing power in the royal city against the aristocratic family under his command is undoubtedly to divide the royal power and rebel.

"Brother Anping, this matter is very important. I hope you can keep it confidential. Don't say anything except me. I will report your interrogation to the Criminal Law Department now. Don't worry, the credit this time is yours!" Wang Xu said solemnly.

After that, Wang Xu left in a hurry, and Lin Tiancheng looked thoughtfully at Wang Xu's back.

"As the three major families, the Mu family wants to centralize power privately. Is this trying to rebel?" Lin Tiancheng smiled slightly, actually already having an answer in his heart.

"So, King Burning Heaven is soliciting people like me in order to cultivate some people secretly as the sword in his hand?"

"It's just... how can people like us be worthy to be the swords that cut the three big families in his hand? Why should our strength fight against the demigods? And... with the strength of King Burning, we can just kill them directly, why bother? trouble?"

"Could it be that... the rumors are true? There is really something wrong with King Burning's body?"

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help taking a deep breath. He knew that the turmoil caused by this incident in the future would not be small, and even the entire Burning King City might be affected.

"It's miserable. I have to find a way to leave this place of right and wrong. God knows whether the three big families will win or the Burning Heavenly King. By then, these people will be forced to stand in line, in case they stand wrong..."

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng turned around and was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have missed some important things.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng remembered that he didn't seem to ask the other party where the treasure was placed, how many spirits there were!

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng turned and walked into the cell behind him again with a smile, looking at the Mu family elder who was shivering in the corner.

"You...what else are you doing? I have said everything I should say, and you promised me not to hurt me again!" The Mu family said in despair.

"Cough cough..." Lin Tiancheng touched his nose awkwardly, "I forgot to ask some things just now. It's convenient and inconvenient for you to answer some of my questions!"

"You...you don't believe me, I don't believe you anymore, if you have the ability, you will kill me, otherwise the Mu family will not let you go!" The old eyes of the Cai family raised extreme hatred and murder. Yi, but the Xiu base was sealed, and he could only spit on Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly, "What is your attitude? Forcing me to be tortured, right? Ok...I will fulfill you!"

When the words were over, Lin Tiancheng placed a ban and summoned several fierce beasts again. At this time, these fierce beasts stared at the ragged Cai family elder with very excited expressions, and immediately rushed at the moment when Lin Tiancheng released the ban. Go up.

"Ah... beast, you must not die!"

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