Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4078: Storm is coming

"Be careful this time. After all, I just robbed the Cai family not long ago. Although the Cai family can't help me because of Wang Xu and the Criminal Justice Department, the other families must have strengthened their vigilance through the last time!" Lin Tiancheng His eyes flickered, and he scanned the door of a heavily guarded house.

Lin Tiancheng wandered around the streets aimlessly, in fact secretly inquiring about the tightly guarded situation of each house.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng chose his goal this time. One of the three major families, Yejia, the manor where the souls are stored is actually in the western suburbs of the outer city, although there are guards guarding them all around, and the defense is not the best. Weak, but Lin Tiancheng still decided to take him.

There is no other reason. It is because this manor is too rich. Lin Tiancheng only took care of the people in charge of several large shops in and out of the house during his stay for more than ten minutes. Of course He Lin Tiancheng knew what they were doing.

"That's it!" Lin Tiancheng's eyes flashed, and he swallowed hard.

"Don't blame me, blame you for being too rich..." Lin Tiancheng smiled, and then began to investigate the situation of the guards carefully.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng had a frown. The guards of the Ye family were too strict, and less than ten miles away was a house where the spirits were stored in the Mu family. Once the looting was revealed, he chased him this time. There will never be fewer people!

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng must figure out a way, how to grab the soul in the shortest time, and then how to escape after being spotted...

During this period, no mistakes can be made in any part of the process, otherwise, this trip will undoubtedly be looking for death!

"Bah... this night family has no structure at all, it is also a three-family family, is it necessary to arrange so many invincibles in a place where the souls are stored... Isn't it good to go to the front line?" Lin Tiancheng cursed with resentment.

Lin Tiancheng sighed helplessly, decided to leave first, and waited until he thought of a way, and he had stayed here for too long. A stranger staying here for too long would easily arouse suspicion.

When Lin Tiancheng wanted to return to the sky prison, he suddenly saw a figure walking away from the sky.

Although they are far apart, Lin Tiancheng can still see the appearance of this person at a glance. It is the Wuxin City Lord who repelled An Qingshan before, especially the other's python robe, which is very eye-catching.

"Eh? This is... to the Eastern Suburbs?" Lin Tiancheng looked at Wuxin who flew to the Eastern Suburbs to settle down with a shocked look on his face, and he didn't want to rush towards the inner city in a hurry.

However, when Lin Tiancheng entered the inner city, he suddenly felt a powerful pressure emerge, and then a figure wearing a dragon robe walked out of the sky, it was King Burning Heaven!

As King Fen Tian stepped into nothingness, the spirit races around him knelt down and got up.

"I finally saw the lord, to see the prince!"

Suddenly, there were people kneeling on the avenue, and Lin Tiancheng had no choice but to fall on the ground honestly on one knee, sneaking up the other foot, and did not imitate the other spirit race's five-body throwing to the ground.

"It's really sick if you don't kill the three major families so powerfully!" Lin Tiancheng slandered to himself.

King Fen Tian crossed the void, his eyes fell on Lin Tiancheng's body intentionally or unintentionally and smiled indifferently.

Lin Tiancheng suddenly felt a powerful pressure fall on him, and Lin Tiancheng, who was frightened, didn't dare to think about it any more. Being so close to a semi-god powerhouse, it is easy to be perceived by his own thoughts.

When King Fen Tian saw Lin Tiancheng's frightened look, he smiled and then went away.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked by the aura from the opponent that seemed to suppress the heavens and the earth. "What does the old fellow Fen Tian Wang mean? What are you smiling at me? I am laughing!" Lin Tiancheng kept praising Fen Tian Wang in his mind to cover up his inner thoughts.

King Burning Heaven also looked at Lin Tiancheng in the crowd with a funny face. Although the worship of him by outsiders was very obvious, this kid was a bit too fake. He seemed to know the characteristics of some demigods, so he deliberately did it?

When other people saw King Burning Heaven, they worshipped more in awe, and this kid clearly didn't have the slightest sense of awe, and some were just a **** worship.

King Fen Tian ignored Lin Tiancheng, instead he broke through the void and disappeared in no time.

Lin Tiancheng saw that this strong man finally left, and immediately got up and hurriedly walked towards the prison. The Burning Heavenly King was dispatched. He believed that the real turmoil would happen soon. He had to think of a way as soon as possible how to make the night’s house Ransacked.

Settle your home in Eastern Suburbs.

An Qingshan looked at the man who was sitting on the seat that originally belonged to him with a worried expression. At this time, a middle-aged man in a python robe looked at An Qingshan under the stage with a gloomy face.

"I have seen Master Wuxin, and I don't know if Master Wuxin comes from afar, I will welcome you..."

"Don't talk too much nonsense, let your ancestor come over, I have something to discuss!" Wuxin waved his hand and said that he was not interested in listening to An Qingshan nonsense.

An Qingshan also looked embarrassed when he heard the words, "My lord, you don't know that the ancestors have run out of time, and they are in retreat at this time!"

"Then you haven't died yet? Let him come out to see me if you haven't died!" Wuxin said coldly.

"My ancestor, you... My ancestor was also a veteran who followed King Burning in the Southern and Northern Wars back then. How can you treat such meritorious officials like this? If you have the courage to hold on to my ancestors, if you insist on letting our ancestor go out regardless of your life, even if I risk If you are in danger of being killed by an adult, you must report to the prince Ming and ask the prince to be fair!" An Qingshan said excitedly.

Wuxin heard the words and was silent. During this trip, he got the Prince's password, and passed it on to his previous subordinates. The three major families are going to be opposed. Who wants to stand up and destroy the three major families during this period of time, and they can replace them in the future!

Wuxin also knows that this is the Emperor Burning Heaven’s showing the enemy’s weakness, but also to lead the snake out of the cave... Otherwise, even if the Emperor Burning Heaven is unhelpful, it won’t even let the second-rate family like Anjia make a trip to bring the words to him personally. It is to verify who among these people want to rebel with the three major families regardless of the love of the year.

If once the identity of this rebellion is confirmed, even the old ministry who has fought on the battlefield will not be able to avoid liquidation afterwards!

Wuxin has misery in his heart, and there is also a hint of warmth in his heart. Even at this time, King Fen Tian is still willing to believe in himself, and he has not placed himself in the scope of the assessment person!

"Okay, don't think about it, no one thinks that your ancestor died. This is the wood-attributed spirit rewarded by the prince. Although it can't make your ancestor heal, the action is not a major problem. Send it over and let him come to see me!" Inadvertently threw out a soul bottle and said faintly.

An Qingshan caught the soul bottle, and his eyes suddenly showed greed, but he soon recovered his Qingming. He knew that this thing was rewarded by the prince to the ancestor. If he dares to get involved, the ancestor can swallow himself alive without the prince’s hands. .

"Thank you, Mr. Wuxin, your lord, wait a minute, I'll go and invite the ancestors!" An Qingshan hurriedly ran to the backyard holding the soul bottle.

Soon, the An family's ancestor appeared in the hall with a lifeless expression, and bowed to Wuxin.

"Sir Wuxin, what do you call me when you summon me?" An family ancestor asked straightforwardly.

"It's not me, but the prince ordered me to send you a letter!" Unintentionally took out a jade slip and handed it to the An family ancestor.

After reading the news in the jade slip, the An family ancestor was shocked and unable to speak for a long time. It took a long time to react and asked Wuxin who looked aside in disbelief, "Master Wuxin, what the prince said is true?"

"It's true, as for what to do next, you know yourself!" Wuxin said indifferently.

The Ancestor nodded heavily when he heard the words. An Qingshan stepped forward and wanted to take the jade slip to see the prince's warrant. As a result, the Ancestor didn't give An Qingshan a chance at all. The soul power shock reduced the jade to fly ash. .

"The news has arrived, I will stay soon, and there are still a few more waiting for me to pass!" Wuxin got up and wanted to leave.

The ancestor of the An family gritted his teeth at this moment, "Sir Wuxin, one thing I must say is that the old man was also a veteran who followed the prince in the Southern and Northern Wars. Can't deny it?"

Unintentionally staring at the An family ancestor, he exhaled for a long time, "Just say what you want to say."

"If this is the case, then I am bold. Anping must be handed over to me. This son is the rebellion of my Anjia. It has lost my face for Anjia... If I can't deal with him, I will be speechless to see the Anjia ancestors. !"

Unintentionally glanced at the An family ancestor indifferently, "Your body...actually has little meaning, but since you have said it, I have nothing to say. The prince only confessed that I passed the order to you, and I don't know anything else!"

After all, Wuxin turned and walked out.

An ancestor with a happy expression on his face, hurriedly thanked Wuxin, "Thank you, Wuxin!"

Wuxin heard the words and sighed, "You...oh, do it for yourself!"

After that, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the Anjia Hall.


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