Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4107: Jian Zhi An Jia

Seeing that Mu Fangping could no longer hold it, Lin Tiancheng was going to lead the team to ransack his home in the face of resignation, but his spiritual consciousness suddenly throbbed, and Lin Tiancheng was suddenly excited.

"This is... the natural spirit of light attribute? It can't be wrong, except for the natural spirit of light attribute, it is impossible to have such a pure resurrection power!" Lin Tiancheng swallowed hard.

"Asshole, I handed over some treasures, but the most valuable ones are hidden so deeply. This is forcing me to go crazy!" Lin Tiancheng's face suddenly became gloomy when he thought of this, his eyes squinted slightly and looked at Mu Fang with a smile. Pinghe Mu family elders.

Everyone in the Mu family suddenly snorted when they saw this. Where did their minds provoke this manager An?

"Patriarch Mu, I heard that there is a white jade pearl in your house that is amazing, I don't know where it is? An Mou also wants to open his eyes!" Lin Tiancheng said lightly, a flash of coldness in his eyes.

As soon as he said this, Mu Fangping's face suddenly became very difficult to look at, even his body trembled undetectably, and his eyes flashed with incredible color.

The white jade pearl is a vessel for storing light attribute spirits. Apart from the Mu Family Patriarch Mu Fangping, only the deceased Mu Family Patriarch knew about this matter. Even the elders knew nothing about this, but Lin Tiancheng In one word, how could this make him not shocked?

"Is it... the King of Burning Heaven? It's also... it's impossible for anyone other than King Burning to know this secret. Now that the ancestor is gone, King Burning must have found the whereabouts of the light-attributed natural spirit by means that we can't detect. Send him to fetch..."

Mu Fangping's face changed wildly, and his heart was extremely complicated, his face showed unwillingness, but he dared not show it.

Mu Fangping suddenly seemed to be in his teens. He sighed with a wry smile, and said weakly, "General Manager Ann waits a moment, I will get it now. I am older. I even forgot this treasure, please. The adults have looked over, and I hope the adults don’t blame..."

Having said that, Mu Fangping dragged a heavy pace towards the backyard, followed by a few invincible high-ranking soldiers, guarding him to take the opportunity to escape.

Upon seeing this, Mu Fangping smiled bitterly. At this time, it is impossible for him to escape the net of the city guards, let alone ruin the entire Mu family for a treasure. Although this treasure is scarce, its ability is also very single. It may be a rare treasure for people like King Burning with a dark body, but for a normal monk, it is just about the same as a normal natural spirit, or even worse!

Soon, when Mu Fangping reappeared, he was holding a wooden box in his hand. The box was opened, and a light-attributed natural spirit was quietly stored in it, and he suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

When the light attribute spirit appeared, Chen Jiahao suddenly took a breath, and the color of greed flashed in his eyes, but he quickly cleared it away.

Although he also wanted this treasure very much, after all, he had a lot of dark illnesses on his body after following King Burning in the Southern and Northern Wars. If he could obtain this spirit to purify his body, his cultivation level would be more stable.

However, he did not dare to get involved, because he knew that this treasure Lin Tiancheng would definitely be dedicated to King Burning Heaven. After all, the problem of King Burning's body has now been spread. If you touch this treasure, it is equal to King Burning Heaven. almost.

Lin Tiancheng walked to Mu Fang’s plane, picked up the white jade pearl with a faint smile, and then instantly shattered the outer layer of jade with his soul power. After a short time, a strong vitality instantly rushed to all directions. Suddenly the sky was full of glow.

This scene immediately stunned all the people present, their hearts trembling endlessly, and their eyes flashed with greed and their eyes stared at the natural spirit of the light attribute in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

You should know that the light attribute natural spirit also has a major characteristic of purification, which can remove impurities from the body to achieve the effect of cutting hair and washing the marrow. This is an opportunity for the monks, and no one wants to miss such an opportunity.

However, at this time the treasure fell in Lin Tiancheng's hands, and although everyone present was tempted, no one dared to get involved.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing. When I reach my level, it would be great if I could purify my body!" Lin Tiancheng's heart was moved, and when he was about to take the light attribute spirit directly into his storage space, it suddenly became rich. The vitality dissipated in an instant, and the people present also recovered their qingming one by one.

The city guards looked at Lin Tiancheng enviously, but the members of the Mu family looked very angry at this time. You must know that the treasures in Lin Tiancheng's hands belong to their Mu family, although there is a high probability that they will not May fall into their hands.

However, it shows that there is still hope in the Mu family. Now that Lin Tiancheng has taken it away, there is nothing left!

However, these people soon lowered their heads and dared not look at Lin Tiancheng again. After all, the Mu family at this moment has gone, and now his life and death are between Lin Tiancheng's thoughts, if he really provokes him, I don't know how many people are going to die. There is no need to provoke such a big man for a treasure that no longer belongs to the family!

"Oh... As expected of the family, I am greedy for all these good things!" Lin Tiancheng turned his head and looked at Mu Fang with a flat smile.

Hearing this, Mu Fangping's heart was dripping blood. At this time, the Mu family could no longer bring out half of the valuables, so he could only look at Lin Tiancheng with an awkward smile, cursing in his heart.

"Asshole, even if you take it by force, you still have to sprinkle salt on my wound... People like you can't die!"

However, he naturally did not dare to say these words in front of Lin Tiancheng, so he said, "General Manager An is joking, and there is no king in the world. We are all serving the prince. Naturally, these treasures belong to the prince. Correct!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng nodded in satisfaction. What he wanted was this effect. Although he was ransacking his home, he wanted them to take the initiative to offer it, so that he appeared to be particularly kind!

"Since Patriarch Mu is so enlightened, I will accept it for the prince first. Come here, and all the treasures will be numbered and put into the treasury. Before today, I will see these treasures in the treasury of the palace!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding city guards immediately rushed into the Mu's house in the form of tiger wolves, numbered and sealed the treasures in the Mu's treasury, and then put them into the storage space.

The Mu family masters around were all restraining their anger at this time, watching the treasures that belonged to their own family were taken away by force, and even showed a flattering smile on their faces.

"Okay, Patriarch Mu, today I am here to tell you the old story too. There is nothing else to do. You are all gone, take a good rest!" Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and turned around and was about to leave. The Mu family has no oil and water. , This is the conclusion he got after searching for several times.

As for how the Mu family would deal with it later, that was the matter of King Burning Heaven. This time he was only ordered to ransack his home, and he did not get the instruction of King Burning to destroy the three big families!

Although Mu Fangping wanted to kill Lin Tiancheng at this time, Lin Tiancheng was a celebrity next to King Fen Tian, ​​but he didn’t understand etiquette. He immediately trot all the way and sent Lin Tiancheng away with a smile. Mu's family.

"Stay!" Lin Tiancheng turned and looked at Mu Fang with a flat smile.

Suddenly, Chen Jiahao understood, and demigod coercion broke out on his body, and he sneered coldly, "Patriarch Mu, please go back, the ban on the Mu family has not been lifted, I hope you order the good people and don't let my brother make any misunderstandings!

Hearing this, a flash of cold light flashed in Mu Fangping's eyes, and he looked at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief.

"There is no way, this is what the prince meant. We are only acting on orders, but Patriarch Mu can rest assured that I will truthfully tell the prince what you said and attitude today. I believe that you are such a smart person, even if the prince has some prejudice against your family, It won't be too embarrassing for you!" Lin Tiancheng smiled.

Hearing this, Mu Fangping sighed helplessly, and thanked Lin Tiancheng with a wry smile, "So, thank you, my lord..."

"Palm Master Mu is polite! Don't send it away, come visit again when you have time!" Lin Tiancheng said, dashing up into the sky, and Chen Jiahao led the army of the city guards behind him to catch up instantly.

"Manager An, is the Luo Family or the Ye Family the next step?" Chen Jiahao asked.

"No hurry. I remember that not far after leaving the city is the site of Anjia! Why...Let's go to Anjia first!" Lin Tiancheng smiled.

Hearing this, Mu Fangping, who was originally unwilling to heart, suddenly felt cold, and the clan elders around him also had incredible expressions in their eyes, and they were silent.

"Oh... it's nothing more, we are lucky to be able to avoid the disaster of extinction with such a guy on the stall!" The elder of the Mu family sighed.

The Mu family was one of the leaders of the rebellion, and now it was worth the crime to be ransacked. It would be a blessing to be able to temporarily save the lives of these masters. I believe that the Ye family and the Luo family will not escape such bad luck.

After all, the guy who was ordered to ransack his home this time was rumored to be an unrecognized and cruel Anping!

The three big families do not have the order of King Burning Heaven, ordinary people dare not kill, but settle down...

This family that was full of injustice to Anping, and even chased and killed him several times, would not have such a good life!

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