Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4134: All tied up

Seeing the golden hurricane coming straight to him, Lin Tiancheng frowned slightly. Although his physical defenses were amazing, he couldn't help being devastated for a long time. This hurricane couldn't resist!

I saw Lin Tiancheng flashed and walked to the side, holding a punch with his right hand and blasting out!

A powerful fist light bombarded the hurricane in an instant, but it did not affect the hurricane too much. In the blink of an eye, the golden hurricane wrapped Lin Tiancheng in it, and the golden hurricane instantly turned into a light wall and sealed it inside. .

"Anping, I know that your physical body is very strong, especially after the five elements are tempered by the soul, but it is impossible to break away from my golden seal, you just wait for death!" Yuying saw her move. Hand, immediately excited.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng, who was confined within the golden hurricane, was also shocked. The cultivation level in his body could not be mobilized at all as if he had lost his induction. Moreover, an invisible force was invading his body. Lin Tiancheng understood that once he waited. The amount of this power invasion has reached a critical point, and that will be his own death period.

Before he could think about it, Lin Tiancheng immediately mobilized his physical strength and punched the light.


There was a muffled sound, and the golden light wall flickered for a few times and then recovered again. It was obviously very strong and not so easy to break.

When Lin Tiancheng saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand clenched a fist again and stamped it on the light wall again. This punch was a bit heavier than before, and then one punch after another, leading to a series of punches. The sound of the sonic boom directly blasted the light wall out of spider web-like cracks.

"Come on!" Along with Lin Tiancheng's roar, the light wall was instantly broken, a huge roaring sound shook the sky, and an impact instantly spread to all directions, directly flying Yuying with a look of astonishment.

After Lin Tiancheng broke free from the shackles of the light wall, his eyes instantly fell on Yuying who was shot out, her figure flashed, and she chased after she turned into a meteor, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand appeared instantly, severely slashed. Go down.

This halberd was as fast as lightning, and instantly smashed the sky with an amazing momentum. Once it hits, Yuying will surely fall!

"Anping, thank you for fighting me with all your strength today! In order to thank you, if I win today, I will only abolish your cultivation base to protect you from death!" Yuying looked at Lin Tiancheng who was flying towards her with a calm expression. Said.

Lin Tiancheng snorted when he heard the words. He clearly knew that this Yuying should be in a very sensitive state, and now he wanted to use himself as a grindstone, and stimulate himself into a demigod state with the feeling of life and death.

"If you want to use me as a sharpening stone, I'm afraid you can't stand this knife!" Lin Tiancheng roared, and the speed soared again.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng rushing over, Yuying burst into laughter. Today Lin Tiancheng puts him under enough pressure, especially after seeing Lin Tiancheng’s broken void and the seven-star dzi all kinds of methods, he just realized it. , Today is a good time for a breakthrough.

In the face of Lin Tiancheng's lore, Yuying did not dodge, she had to use the pressure from the other party to make her fighting will become stronger first, until the extreme, at the moment of life and death, try to break through. If he succeeded, he would enter the realm of a demigod, and he would naturally not be a problem to Fu Lin Tiancheng!

If you fail... then there is nothing to be a pity. Cultivation is originally a struggle with heaven and humans, and it is normal to fail.

Lin Tiancheng's face suddenly changed when he approached Yuying, his eyes almost stared out, and he looked at Yuying who was full of golden light in front of him in disbelief. He didn't expect that Yuying really broke through...

"I... why do you carry it like this!" Lin Tiancheng was furious, and immediately flew back, feeling a little envious in his heart.

More of it is unwilling to break through the invincible peak realm that he has worked so hard to break through. As a result, people break through before the battle and become a demigod step by step. Thinking about it, it will not be balanced.

"Hahaha... Anping, have you seen it? I succeeded..." Yuying laughed loudly, and secretly cried out a kind of aftermath of a great road in every move, a large amount of spirit power was pouring into her body.

"I said, in order to thank you, I will give you a way to survive, provided that your cultivation is abolished, now... are you ready?"

Hearing that, Lin Tiancheng was angry. Not only did you not know how to thank you for helping you break through the half-god state, but instead you turned your face and you would abolish my cultivation base, why don't you die?

"Huh...Is a demigod great? Like you, a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know how to repay you, I will teach you a lesson today and let you know what is called a person outside of a person!" Lin Tiancheng said angrily.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng has decided that this Yuying is bound by himself, and when the time comes for the national teacher to redeem the person, the price of the demigod must be higher than that of the invincible, and the national teacher must increase the price!

Lin Tiancheng let out a low roar, raised his right fist, and slammed out again with a fierce punch, Lin Tiancheng actually took the first shot! "I don't know how to live or die, I will show you the power of a demigod today!" Yuying sneered, and reached out a finger, a black vortex instantly appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng was also not afraid, and blasted the black vortex with a punch. Suddenly, an astonishing black light erupted between the two, an astonishing aura soaring into the sky, and then the black vortex was instantly shattered. The breath of terror went straight to Yuying.

"Did you see it? This is called the power of a demigod. What are you guys who have just entered the demigod pulling in front of me!" Lin Tiancheng snorted coldly. In fact, his body was already very weak.

Yuying, who was still proud of her face, was instantly dumbfounded, her complexion drastically changed, and she looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tiancheng's fist mark appeared in front of him, and the vortex formed by the power of the demigod she released instantly shattered.

"Impossible... I'm a demigod, how could I lose... It's impossible!" Yuying shouted hysterically, squeezing her hands to mobilize her whole body to resist.

Lin Tiancheng sneered when he saw it, "Don't say that you have just become a demigod, even if I let you step into a demigod earlier, what if you are alone, you are not my opponent!"

"I helped you enter the demigod. Not only are you not grateful, but you also want to abolish my cultivation base, you white-eyed wolf, today I will tie you back and give you a lesson!"

After that, Lin Tiancheng broke out again with his full strength and blasted out a punch. The powerful fist suddenly shattered the surrounding void, and the entire wilderness was shaken. Yuying let out a scream, and the whole person was like a broken kite. He rolled away, his chest was bloody, blood pouring out like money.

Yuying's expression languished in the mud, but what was even more shocking was her inherent pride and self-esteem. "How could this happen..." Just when Yuying passed out, she still couldn't understand why.

Lin Tiancheng screamed, fell on Yuying's side and directly sealed it, grabbed it and threw it into the storage space, then suddenly turned to look at the horrified Tianjiao behind him.

"Huh... don't even want to run, all of you will suppress it!"

When the words were over, Lin Tiancheng, in the form of a tiger, rushed towards those arrogant talents who had no intention of fighting, and suppressed them all within a few breaths.

"This time I'm going to get rich...so many arrogances, maybe I still have a breakthrough in my physical realm!" Lin Tiancheng whispered excitedly, and when he was about to get up and walk towards the ghost king flower, suddenly, his expression moved and he looked up suddenly. To the ghost king flower not far away. The ghost king flower was in full bloom, and for a while the black light rose to the sky. Fortunately, Yuying and the others arranged a large array of imprisonment, which did not allow the ghost king flower to escape.

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