Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4144: Assassinated

"Brother, stop playing, I'll be killed by you when I'm playing!" Lin Tiancheng wailed.

However, at this moment, the dzi did not pay attention to Lin Tiancheng at all, like a playful child, manipulating the soul fire in the sky and began to drift into the imperial city.

"Look, we must find this person, this person actually released the soul fire in the barracks, this is to murder us!"

"Asshole, I set fire while I was asleep, don't let me catch it, or I will smash him into pieces!"

At this moment, the entire barracks were in a mess. Countless people flew in and out, all looking for the culprit of the arson. However, Lin Tiancheng was hiding in the barracks and did not go out at all, and even if he went out, he did not go out. People know that he released the fire.

Because the one who really played with the fire was the giant beast in the Dzi Bead, all of this was its masterpiece!

At night, the fire on the east side of the imperial city burst into the sky, the reflected night turned into daylight, countless wailing voices were endless, countless figures were fighting the soul fire.

"Who is it? I dared to set fire to my barracks. I swear by my red shirt that I will find you by digging the ground three feet and shatter your body!" The red shirt stood proudly in the void, releasing a terrifying aura, powerful His consciousness swept around.

Lin Tiancheng looked up at the serious face above the void, and couldn't help sighing inwardly, "I'm afraid you can't find it by digging the ground three feet! It's hard for me to see it, let alone you!"

"Forget it, I'm also responsible for this matter. If I don't be so impulsive and try to use the Soul Accelerated Dzi Bead to charge, it won't happen!" Lin Tiancheng shook his head, flashed into the void and rushed side by side with the red shirt. Li Li, began to put out the soul fire.

After Hong Yi glanced at Lin Tiancheng, he flashed away and flew in a further direction. Here, Lin Tiancheng can suppress the soul fire, and she needs to go where he needs him more.

"Not bad, the attitude has changed a lot!" Lin Tiancheng was secretly delighted, thinking that he only needs to stay for a while to resolve the misunderstanding between Hongyi and himself.

However, just as Lin Tiancheng was looking forward to a bright future, suddenly there was a thunderous roar behind him, followed by a roar.

"Anping, you will die for me!"

When the words fell, I saw more than a dozen figures instantly drilled out of the void behind Lin Tiancheng, rushing towards Lin Tiancheng, and these people were murderous one by one.

Lin Tiancheng's complexion changed drastically, and there was no time to think too much, and his figure instantly fled away behind him, taking a hard blow.


Lin Tiancheng opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood and stared at the dozen or so figures who attacked him. All of these people were all Tianjiao who had gone to the wilderness with Lin Tiancheng to compete for the ghost king flower.

It is reasonable to say that they want to hurt Lin Tiancheng is actually very difficult, but at this time because the spirit fire burns the barracks, there are panicked soldiers everywhere, so Lin Tiancheng never thought that he would be attacked here.

These people also took advantage of this opportunity to sneak into the barracks to assassinate Lin Tiancheng, in order to vent their hatred of being captured and taken away from life.

It's just that they didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be so tough, and he took them a blow and didn't die.


The dozen or so Tianjiao looked at each other one after another, and then rushed towards Lin Tiancheng, but before they were approaching, a soul fire fell directly on them. Suddenly several Tianjiao couldn't be dodged by the soul fire. Swallow.


Those Tianjiao made inhuman screams, and the whole person instantly turned into a burning man, rolled on the ground, and soon turned into fly ash, and even the gods and souls were burned completely, and there was no whole body!

Those Tianjiao who were fortunate enough to escape the catastrophe looked at the man's tragic situation, exclaimed, and their minds were shocked.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, it was just an accident. Let's kill him together!" A Tianjiao stood in front of the crowd, drew a sharp sword in his hand and pointed at Lin Tiancheng.

Originally, he didn't want to stand up, but at this time everyone was obviously timid. This was the closest he was to revenge against Lin Tiancheng. In order to wash away the shame, he stood up, hoping to awaken everyone's fighting spirit.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Lin Tiancheng took out the jade slip sound transmission, "Master, someone sneaked into the barracks to assassinate me, I want to kill..."

Lin Tiancheng suppressed his anger and didn't immediately make a move. Instead, he took out the sound transmission jade slip and directly transmitted the sound to King Fen Tian. This place is the imperial city, killing people here is different from other places, so he needs to ask Burning Heaven for instructions.

King Fen Tian quickly replied to Lin Tiancheng, "It is forbidden to fight in the imperial city. Since they attack you first, then you will kill. You are my son-in-law, and when the sky is falling, I will help you with it! I will speak to the national teacher. , I have to say something about this!"

After listening to King Fen Tiancheng's answer, Lin Tiancheng suddenly raised his head, with a chill in his eyes, and his figure exploded and rushed towards those arrogances.

"If you die today, you can't blame anyone, you asked for it!" Lin Tiancheng's voice was like thunder, and the surrounding rumbling rumbling, his figure appeared in front of a Tianjiao in an instant like lightning. This Tianjiao was the one who clamored for everyone not to be afraid to besie Lin Tiancheng together. When he saw that the person in front of him was Lin Tiancheng, his face suddenly changed wildly.

"Anping...Listen to me, it's them..." Tianjiao said that he was about to flee, but Lin Tiancheng punched faster and slammed away.

"Shut your mouth, I don't want to listen!"

When the words fell, I saw Lin Tiancheng blasted Tianjiao out with a punch, and that Tianjiao couldn't even resist and was shocked by spurting blood all over his body, screaming fiercely and fainted directly.

Lin Tiancheng slammed the Tianjiao on the ground with a punch, and immediately stunned everyone around him. The Tianjiao all around looked at Lin Tiancheng with horror, sucking in cold air without a step.

But before they could slow down, Lin Tiancheng's figure disappeared in front of them again, and appeared in front of the second Tianjiao like a ghost, his fist was directly printed on the other's horrified face. .

"Get out of here!" Lin Tiancheng roared, and directly suppressed the Tianjiao in front of him, sealed it, and then threw it to the ground like rubbish.

"Anping, you stop me, you can't hurt me, I am..."

"I care who you are. Since you have decided to kill me, I will still be afraid of the forces behind you? I am afraid that you will not be tied to you in the wilderness before!" He sneered in the early morning and punched the other party back again. In the belly.

Lin Tiancheng's words were very vigorous, but the content of the words shocked the hearts of all Tianjiao!

Yes, the guy in front of him is not a normal person. He doesn't play cards according to common sense. Didn't they just suffer from this problem before.

"Don't kill us..."

The tone of those Tianjiao is one side, from the initial threat to the present begging for mercy.

However, Lin Tiancheng didn't buy it, and he smashed into the air with a fist. The other party's internal organs would collapse, and he passed out.

"Want to die? You are so beautiful. Since your family is so rich and the vitality you just drew has helped you make up for it, then I can make it again! See if you can make up for it this time!"

When the words were over, Lin Tiancheng once again pounced on those arrogances like a tiger.


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