Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4159: Catch alive

"Dear clan elders, help me!" Xu Zhen spit out a mouthful of blood, and the light on his body was brilliant.

As his voice fell, the clan elders also slapped their hands and spewed a mouthful of blood. The strange thing was that the blood did not drip to the ground, but floated in the air and flew towards Xu Zhen, who was full of light. .

Suddenly, I saw that Xu Zhen's body shape as if he had cast the magic of heaven and earth began to twist, transforming into a giant.

Not only Xu Zhen's body shape has changed, but his cultivation level is also soaring, and an aura of terror instantly enveloped all directions, making everyone fearful.

However, when he took a closer look, Lin Tiancheng could find that the other party's secret technique seemed extremely unstable, and the aura on his body was very vain. What surprised Lin Tiancheng the most was the ghost of ghosts constantly emerging behind Xu Zhen.

No need to ask, these people must be innocent people who died in the hands of the Xu family's secret method. Although they have died tragically at this time, their grievances have also entangled each other, and they are also helping Lin Tiancheng interfere with Xu Zhen at this time.

"If you do more injustice, you will die!" Lin Tiancheng snorted, carefully hiding himself tighter, hiding behind several captains as much as possible.

However, Xu Zhen still turned into a black mist and killed him instantly, and saw that wherever he passed, nothing was corrupted. Even the void made an overwhelmed buzzing sound at this time, and immediately burst into white smoke, apparently even though it was. This heaven and earth couldn't stop Xu Zhen's aura from corroding.

Xu Zhen's eyes flashed with cold light, and he stepped out in an instant. The whole person turned into a flash of lightning, ignoring the distance and went straight to Lin Tiancheng to kill. "Anping thief, die!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng locked his eyes tightly and turned abruptly to the opponents of the monitoring brigade. He couldn't stop the opponent's attack at all. He could only pray that they could help him with it, otherwise it might be true today. The death is here.

However, at this moment, a cold voice rang in Lin Tiancheng's ear, "Don't panic, my lord, I'll help you!"

When the words fell, I saw a burly figure blocking Lin Tiancheng's front, the voice was very cold and penetrating, and the evil aura emanating from his body was just like the essence, turning into a black flame and burning on him.

The person who came was the demigod pinnacle powerhouse who had kept his hand in the Supervisory House before. At this time, he stretched out his hand and blasted Xu Zhen with a punch. Xu Zhen's complexion suddenly changed, and he yelled to the sky.

"Father, save me..."

When the words fell, another figure appeared in the sky, blocking the demigod peak realm captain's killing blow.

However, the captain was not annoyed, but looked at the person who shot to block him with a sneer, "Xu Hua, I have been waiting for you for a long time, you are finally willing to get out of the Soul Master Tower, otherwise I really can't treat you. Do it!"

Hearing this, the face of the person who shot the shot changed wildly, and he looked at the captain solemnly, "Hei Da, do you have to do this?"

Hei Da, the captain of the squadron, smiled sullenly upon hearing this, "You know that there is no right or wrong in the eyes of people in our industry. Since the adults are going to kill you, then I can't keep you!"

"Hmph... It's a big breath, a little bit of a sucker wants to kill me too, go to death..."

When the words fell, I saw a terrifying fist falling from the sky and directly blasting towards Lin Tiancheng, and Hei Da also turned into a huge palm to block the punch that fell from the sky, and his figure passed through Xu Zhen in an instant, and pinched it. Xu Zhen's throat pressed against him.

"Xu Hua, if you don't want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, I advise you to stop!"

"Asshole..." Xu Hua unexpectedly scattered the fists in his hand as he expected, lest he would hurt Xu Zhen.

However, in the next instant, everyone felt that their eyes were dark, and when they looked more clearly, they found that Xu Hua had actually been pinched by Hei Da's throat and collapsed to the ground weakly.

At this moment, everyone around was shocked, especially the people of the Xu family. They couldn't believe that the ancestors who were regarded as gods by them were subdued by the other party with one move.

"Why did you come...Do you know how dangerous it was just now? Also, why do you want to take credit with me when you come!" Lin Tiancheng patted his chest with lingering fear while looking at Hei Da.

Hei Da bowed down to Lin Tiancheng, and then faintly said, "My lord, forgive me, I've actually been here long ago. I just kept hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity."

"Okay... You came here a long time ago and didn't show up, but you hide from the side to see me embarrassed..." Lin Tiancheng widened his eyes.

"My lord has misunderstood. I'm just waiting for Xu Hua to take action against you. If he doesn't get out of the Soul Master Tower, I think it is not a simple matter to take him, and it is very likely to cause some unnecessary damage and death!"

Just listen to this, Lin Tiancheng's anger has only dissipated a little bit, as for the grab...In fact, it was Lin Tiancheng's words.

If it weren't for the black team to arrive in time to control the situation today, there should be a lot of people who died today, and most of them should be members of the monitoring brigade.

"Okay, I don't really mean to blame you, but the shock I just received is not light, so... anyway, don't take it to heart." Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Hearing that, Hei Da nodded respectfully, and retreated behind Lin Tiancheng without saying a word. As for Xu Hua, the soul power of his body was completely sealed. Removed, lest he commit suicide in fear of sin.

"My lord, the Xu family members have given up resistance, please give me an order!" A captain walked respectfully to Lin Tiancheng.

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng also nodded in satisfaction. In fact, just now, he also wanted to order the house to be ransacked.

"The Xu family colluded with rebellion, and the evidence is conclusive. Now, except for the detainees, look for me. The Xu family's warehouse must be confiscated!" Lin Tiancheng waved his hand.

Hearing this, the black-clothed men behind them flew to all directions without saying a word, faithfully executing the orders given by Lin Tian's transaction.

"Xu Hua, give up, your Xu family is destined to become a ray of grievances in this catastrophe. If you take the initiative to present the treasure today, I might be able to plead for you and let the national teacher spare your life!"

"Dream your dream, if you want to kill, you have to shave whatever you want, I won't tell you a word!" Xu Hua cursed when Lin Tian became his chin.

However, before he could finish speaking, Lin Tiancheng dislocated the opponent's jaw again.

"Forget it, look for it and see that I can always find it, but when the time comes, you Xu family won't even think about being lenient..."

Before Lin Tiancheng finished speaking, Xu Zhen knelt in front of Lin Tiancheng with a plop.

"My lord, I... I said, where do I report the treasures of the Xu family!" Xu Zhen said with a flattering expression.

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