Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4200: Revenge in Red

Lin Tiancheng sat on the ground at this moment, quietly watching Zhou Xingxing, who was covered in wounds in front of him, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He knew that as long as Zhou Xingxing agreed to cooperate with the Su family, he would not suffer such a severe beating. It was because of Zhou Xingxing's unwillingness to cooperate, he was tortured. After Lin Tiancheng's soul power was temporarily and meticulously cultivated. Next, Zhou Xingxing barely woke up with some spirit.

When Zhou Xingxing opened his eyes and saw an anxious Lin Tiancheng, his face suddenly overflowed with a smile, "My lord, I didn't betray you... They beat me, even threatened me with my cultivation base and life, I didn't promise!"

Lin Tiancheng pursed his mouth, his nose was a little sour, and nodded, "I know, I know... Tell me how they all coerce you, I'll help you figure out if you can get out of your breath!"

Zhou Xingxing was startled when he heard the words, and then shook his head with a sorrowful smile, "It's okay, my lord, it's all over, and these people are not easy to provoke, anyway, I have nothing to lose, so let's just forget it!"

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath, and then said, "Zhou Xingxing, please listen to me. Although you and I have not known each other for a long time, I can tell you clearly now that no matter what you do in the future, before you fail me. , I will never allow anyone to hurt you. You are the person I protect. Anyone who dares to threaten or hurt you, I will stand up for you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xingxing couldn’t do it. It was only 15 to 10, how Su He sent someone to lead him into the alley, then abducted, tortured, and asked himself to cooperate with the Su family to elicit Lin Tiancheng’s experience. Speak out.

After that, Zhou Xingxing said, "My lord, I know that this Su family used to belong to the family of the protector of the country. If nothing else, Duke Suhe, the pillar of his contemporary, is also a ruthless woman. People, we don’t have to fight them head-on. It's a big deal to guard against them in the future..."

"Huh...The Su Family, is it amazing? During the time you were in a coma, the Su Family has ceased to exist!" Lin Tiancheng said with a cold face.

Hearing this, Zhou Xingxing's face was blank, and immediately turned into a look of shock. In the end, Zhou Xingxing's eyes suddenly blurred.

"My lord..." Zhou Xingxing couldn't help shaking his whole body. He didn't expect that Lin Tiancheng would flatten the Duke's mansion for his own little person, and even destroy the whole house, even Duke Su He in the semi-god realm did not let it go.

Although he doesn't know what happened, it is not difficult to see from the consequences of this incident that Lin Tian became a rescuer, and really caused a catastrophe, and even the master and servant will soon rush to Huangquan.

Zhou Xingxing was not at all afraid, struggling to get up and kneel down towards Lin Tiancheng, moving tears in his eyes, he did not cry when he was forced by the Su family, when he knew that he might die in the inner cage of the earth. He didn't cry at that time, and he didn't even shed a single tear when he was rescued.

Zhou Xingxing's background is not bad. In the Scarlet Blood King City, Jiuyou Hou Zhou's family is in a direct line. Although he has no chance to inherit the title, he still has no worries about food and drink.

However, his brother was still afraid that he would spy on the title, so he was persecuted in every possible way. Very early on, Zhou Xingxing knew how to survive in that intriguing family environment, so he left the family early, went out with the army, and practiced. H.

It wasn't until he met the nightmare of his life in the wilderness that Lin Tiancheng...was impoverished after that. It wasn't until he met Anping again that his life was stable and he once again lived the life of worrying about eating and drinking.

However, he has always believed that the relationship between him and Lin Tiancheng is just a simple master-servant relationship. How could he have imagined that Lin Tiancheng would do such a thing for him. You must know that even his closest family members can't wait for their interests to be eliminated. Lose yourself, let alone offend the demigod, or even destroy the whole family.

At this moment, Zhou Xingxing's inner emotions can no longer be expressed in words. He only feels that being able to serve Lin Tiancheng allegiance is the most worthwhile thing in his life. Even if he goes through a lot of torture and pain, everything is worth it!

Because the adults in his family are different from others, this is a person who can really spare his life to protect you, even better than his own relatives!

"What are you doing? Why are you crying? Is it because they hurt? Look at your unpromising appearance, don't say it's mine in the future, I can't afford to lose this person!" Lin Tiancheng looked at Zhou Xingxing and was moved. He stepped forward to support the other party with disgust.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Lin Tiancheng solemnly, then bowed his head and bowed heavily to Lin Tiancheng, "The grace of the adult, Zhou Xingxing is not unforgettable!"

In this worship, Zhou Xingxing had no regrets, no regrets, sincere, and the last trace of fear and doubt in his heart disappeared.

At this moment, Zhou Xingxing secretly swears in his heart, no matter what the true identity in front of him is, no matter what he has done before, but from today onwards, he is his own adult, the person he has followed all his life! "Okay, what are you doing with these useless things? If you are really interested, remember to save more snacks and get some good things back next time I ransack my home. You also know how terrifying my exhaustion is. "Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhou Xingxing's heart was once again covered with a cloud. He knew that Lin Tiancheng was exhausting and terrifying, but could they really survive this time?

Zhou Xingxing expressed his doubts about this. After all, what Lin Tiancheng killed this time was the Duke of the dynasty, and even destroyed the whole family. Even the prince would not dare to say that he could retreat with his whole body, right?

"My lord, you are impulsive, it's not worth it for me..." Zhou Xingxing said sadly.

"What I said, I said that you are my person. Whoever dares to touch you is to slap me in the face, don't say Su He, even if you are the king of heaven, that won’t work, this time if I can’t find it anymore. You, I have all together brought the human race into the country and upset him!" Lin Tiancheng said nonchalantly.

Listening to Lin Tiancheng's words, Zhou Xingxing was moved, but at this moment, Lin Tiancheng suddenly asked.

"By the way, you don't have many Zhou family members. The decree that I am pursuing in this prosperous age is that everyone is equal. Would you like me to help you hide as the heir of the Zhou family?"

When Zhou Xingxing heard this, he was stunned and looked at Lin Tiancheng with a puzzled look. After hesitating for a while, he shook his head. He didn't understand what Lin Tiancheng meant.

"Don't, it's a big deal, I will divide it a little bit less, you six and four, we will divide the Zhou family's fortune evenly, how do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xingxing was stunned again, he looked at Lin Tiancheng dumbfounded, really didn't understand how the adult's brain changed.

The moment before, he was very domineering, and he was very moved. The next moment, it changed to such an embarrassing topic. "Oh... it's nothing more, rabbits don't eat grass from their nests. In any case, Zhou's family is also the family that gave birth to you and raises you. Let's change it!" Lin Tiancheng shook his head after pondering for a while.

Zhou Xingxing was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard this. He clearly saw a trace of disgust in Lin Tiancheng's eyes. It was obvious that the adult's appetite nowadays is no longer enough for a small marquis mansion in the royal city.

At this moment, a fiery red figure broke through the air and appeared above the Supervisory House, and Lin Tiancheng's face changed greatly when he felt the breath of the other party.

I saw that the figure hadn't arrived yet, but the voice reached Lin Tiancheng's ears first.

"Anping, I have no relationship with you on weekdays and have no enemies in the past. Why did you harm me!"

When the words fell, I saw a red-clothed pink face wearing a fiery red battle armor with a sorrowful face, Liu Brow stood in front of Lin Tiancheng with upside-down eyebrows, and a long sword in his hand was huffing.

Hong Yi's mental state at this time was a bit trance, this was a sequelae after practicing the secret technique given by Burning Heaven, and it was precisely because of this sequela that her mind became a little...unclear.

Originally, Fentian was someone who brought her back to Fentian King City, but the current imperial city is no longer suitable for staying any longer, especially after practicing the secret method, the mind is sluggish for a lot of red clothes!

However, what no one thought was that Hong Yi had actually been reluctant to inherit the family business. When she woke up from her practice, she learned that Lin Tiancheng had implemented a **** and prosperous decree that she needed her sole heir to inherit from Burning Tian. At the time of his family property, he was angry on the spot, and lifted his sword all the way to the Supervisory House.

Lin Tiancheng was also shocked. He thought it was the national teacher who sent someone to kill him. He didn't expect it to be the red shirt he hadn't seen for a long time, so he quickly stepped back and prepared to explain. "Red, don't get excited, let's say something slowly..."

"You shut up, I don't want to talk to something ungrateful like you, I will ask you today, is the decree of the prosperous world a strategy you offer?" Hongyi asked angrily, and his body was even more chilling.

A coercion that belonged solely to the realm of a demigod suddenly burst out of the opponent's body, causing Lin Tiancheng to exclaim.

After a short period of time, the red clothing's cultivation base has increased significantly, and it is not even the slightest, even Lin Tiancheng felt the obvious pressure.

You know, it hasn't been long for Red to be promoted to a demigod. It stands to reason that she may not be able to comprehend the power of a law into the soul crystal now, how could it bring such a strong pressure to herself.

Suddenly, Lin Tiancheng remembered that what Fen Tian had said to him in the sound transmission not long ago, said that the red dress will become a little...pure recently?

I need to keep my eyes on it. Now Lin Tiancheng looks like he might have heard it wrong. Fen Tian should be stupid!

Everyone could see that the only thing that was unaffected by their own plan was their Burning Heavenly King's line. As a result, this red shirt was the first to settle accounts with himself. Isn't this stupid?

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