Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4202: Burning Son-in-law

"Shameless, although you are a husband and wife, you are you, I am me, and I have nothing to do with you!" The red dress stared at Lin Tiancheng with round eyes and two red clouds rose on his face while glaring at Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng looked at him with a smile, the feeling just now still rippling in his mind, with endless aftertastes. If it weren't for worrying that the scale would be too big and easy to be resisted, Lin Tiancheng planned to go right away.

At this moment, the red shirt also felt that there was something wrong with his body, and he couldn't even understand such a simple problem, so that he became mad. No matter how he fought with Lin Tiancheng in the supervision house, he was finally occupied. Cheap.

"It's not right...why did I become like this? When did I care about Lin Tiancheng's actions so much?" Hong Yi asked inwardly, but couldn't get the answer he wanted, and Jiang Lin Tiancheng still appeared in his mind from time to time. The picture and feeling when pressed under the body...

For a while, Hong Yi’s face turned red again, and there was a little discomfort on her body, and a hint of alertness rose in Hong Yi’s heart. This feeling was something she had never had before, and... ever since she practiced the exercises. After that, her mind was chaotic all day long. If Lin Tiancheng didn't wake up at this moment, maybe she would still be thinking about what Lin Tian had become to herself.

"It must be the ghost of that technique, damn...it must be my father..." Hongyi gritted his teeth, and Feng looked at Lin Tiancheng angrily. Lin Tiancheng suddenly felt that he was being picked up again, and his heart was itchy. , Couldn't help but swallow his Adam's apple and swallow, secretly saying that this red dress will really ecstasy!

Not only is he in good shape and has a good-looking face, but the shameful look at the moment is even more unique.

The red dress is beautiful at first, but now she shows a completely different state of confusion, coupled with her unique cold temperament, there are few abnormalities that can resist her current charm, and people can't help but want to rush Go up and push her to the ground... "Fucking..." Lin Tiancheng wailed in his heart, took a breath and tried to suppress the heat in his heart. However, what made Lin Tiancheng a little disappointed was that his usual concentration had disappeared. , Although there are not many...

At the moment, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help the trembling in his heart, step by step towards the meditating red shirt.

"It's okay, anyway, her father has promised her to me. Sooner or later, I just advanced a few steps today, it's okay..." Lin Tiancheng convinced himself and walked behind Hong Yi.

"Anyway, you will be mine sooner or later. Now I have a difficult time and I may be very sad. I need your support. Otherwise, with my current battery, I'm really not sure I can take you back to the city..."

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng planned to sacrifice his own ethics. He raised his right hand on the back of the red shirt and pressed it lightly. He immediately disappeared while holding the red scented body, and when he reappeared, it was already in his Inside the palace.

"You don't want to be a living widow either, I can't bear to see you a living widow..." Lin Tiancheng murmured while looking at the red clothes in front of him with a serious face, and immediately pressed a hand on the mouth of the red clothes. The red armor was lifted instantly, revealing the rugged body wrapped around it.

"The demon...Look at the gun!" Lin Tiancheng roared and pounced rightly on the red body.

After a long time, Hong Yi was awakened by the feeling of pain, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Tiancheng lying on his body... sweating like rain.

The red shirt froze for a moment, and then let out a scream, "Asshole...I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Tiancheng shuddered when he heard the words. Seeing his nearly full battery, Lin Tiancheng let out a refreshing moan.

Hong Yi only felt that his brain was blank, and pushed Lin Tiancheng away lying on his body with both hands, the anger in his mind was completely indescribable.

Although the members of the monitoring brigade outside learned that the two in the room were fighting, they didn't take it seriously as they knew the identities of Lin Tiancheng and Hongyi, and they still stood on their posts with due diligence.

In the room, Lin Tiancheng and Hong Yi had already scrambled together. To be precise, Lin Tiancheng was holding the red clothes, and the red clothes were beating Lin Tiancheng's chest feebly, like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law.

In fact, the red shirt that was sealed with his cultivation base and part of his body functions could not hurt Lin Tiancheng at all, and he could only make such moves that were easily reminiscent of people.

"Unlock my seal..." said the red glaring at Lin Tiancheng.

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng was startled at first, and immediately wanted to speak, but the red clothes said unexpectedly, "Unlock my seal, otherwise I will be in front of you!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately released the seal of the red shirt, but never thought that the red shirt turned his face on the spot, and slapped Lin Tiancheng with a palm.

In fact, this was the first time for Hong Yi. She had imagined that many people might have trouble with his future Taoist companion, but she never thought it would be Lin Tiancheng.

At this moment, Hongyi only felt that Lin Tiancheng had ruined his life, and immediately had a murderous intent, with a flash of cold light in his eyes, his body jumped up and grabbed Lin Tiancheng directly. Caught off guard, Lin Tiancheng was knocked out by the palm of the red shirt and let out a scream, his figure flew back quickly, looking at the pink face with evil spirits, and the red shirt Lin Tiancheng who vowed not to give up pursuing, was stunned.

"I'm going, you're really here? Someone...Help, someone murdered his husband!" Lin Tiancheng yelled as he galloped outside, summoning the monitoring brigade that was still turning a blind eye.

He didn't understand why the inspection brigade, who had always cared about his own safety, had no one to rescue him at the moment.

At this moment, the members of the monitoring brigade who received Lin Tiancheng's call suddenly filled with evil spirits, and immediately flew out to block the red clothes.

The exposed red clothes had completely ignored the fact that the enemy was in the hands of everyone, and even just lost in the hands of these people. He vented his spirit power madly, but it was like a stone thrown into the lake, even though it splashed. There was a ripple, but it quickly disappeared.

"Red, what are you doing? Is it possible that you really want to murder your husband?" Lin Tiancheng blushed, but still gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, the red robe stared at Lin Tiancheng violently, breathing unavoidably a little bit, and said in shame, "You shut up, and I will kill you!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at the silver teeth and almost shattered, and the red clothes with evil eyes shrunk his neck and hid behind the semi-god high-level captain, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

"Okay, if you don't say it, let's not say it, anyway, the raw rice is also cooked..." Lin Tiancheng looked at the red shirt who was about to run away and immediately changed his words, "Yes, I promise... "

The red snorted. Lin Tiancheng and her were married. When Lin Tiancheng first came to the imperial city, she asked Fentian about it. She knew this was a fact, and she had refused it before, but she had always been loyal to her. Burning the sky smoothly, this time he didn't know what Ecstasy Lin Tiancheng had poured into him. He said that he didn't agree to cancel the marriage at all. He also said that she would take care of her lifelong affairs if she finds time.

However, Hong Yi never thought that the first time he would hand it out so silly, although sooner or later he would become Lin Tiancheng's woman...

Just when Hong Yi wanted to scold Lin Tiancheng a few more words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant sky, his expression changed.

What changed for this was Lin Tiancheng, who saw a figure gradually appear in the direction of the two people's gaze, and the whole person seemed to be hidden in the shadow, unable to see the true face of the other party.

It is the first general under the command of the National Teacher, the shadow!


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