Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4288: Come from home

The chaos in Tiankui City is constant, and the outside world is also full of turmoil.

Outside the city of Tiankui, several figures appeared in an instant, among them, a white dragon transformed into a humanoid figure fell in front of the city gate. A white robe stood out in the darkness. It was the Dragon Clan Tianjiao Baizhan, who was also beheaded by Lin Tiancheng before. Bailong's brother!

Bai Zhan walked towards the city gate, took out a token and threw it to the guardian who was in charge of guarding the city. After a while, the guardian opened the city gate with death, and let him into the city in the dark!

After entering the city, the White War did not stop, and he randomly found a room to enter, and the powerful spiritual sense began to spread throughout the city.

On the other side, some Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Clan also used various methods to forcefully enter the boundary city at night, all planning to drip this muddy water, and take a look at the excitement by the way.

However, these people did not choose to enter the room on the inner wall, but they found a room and moved in. After all, they mainly came to watch the excitement, and did not intend to actually intervene!

At the same time, a figure also landed outside the city of Tiankui. This person is the Scarlet Blood King. As the fastest of the soul race demigod peak realm experts, he has separated from the team and went to Tiankui as soon as possible. Exploring the situation in the city.

At this moment, he looked at the closed city gate and yelled in the air, "Dragon Race, you are so brave, you dare to capture my soul race Tianjiao, do you want to be annihilated?"

As soon as these words came out, the Quartet shook, including those Tianjiao who had just entered Tiankui City.

"The soul race has appeared? Just for this guy in the city? This guy... isn't it a human race? How come the soul race dares to show up for someone in a fair and honest manner? Don't you worry about us destroying them?"

All kinds of questions rose in the hearts of everyone, and no one knew what secret Lin Tiancheng had in him, so that the soul race that had disappeared for many years could be exposed to the eyes of the ten thousand races again, and even openly called the dragon race of the top 100 races!

As the dragon with the highest status in Tiankui city, Bai Zhan had to open the door with his lifelessness, and said in a deep voice, "Lin Tiancheng killed the genius of my clan, and slaughtered my clan generation in this city. This hatred is not shared. , Although your soul clan is strong, my dragon clan is not shy, not to mention... he is clearly an individual clan, don’t your soul clan want to control it too?"

"If this is the case, my Dragon Race will take over this matter. We will avenge this grievance. It is justified and righteous. If your soul race wants to intervene, I will accompany you to the end!"

When the words fell, there was a hearty laughter from outside the city, and I saw the Scarlet Blood King stepping into the void with his back facing Haoyue, "Boy, young and not young, stay with you to the end? I remember I killed an old man many years ago. Dragon, shouldn't you have something to do with you?"

Bai Zhan looked at the Scarlet Blood King above the void and asked in a deep voice, "Your Excellency is the Scarlet Blood King?"

"Yes, it's the old man!"

Bai Zhan looked at the Scarlet Blood King and said indifferently, "That person is my clan uncle, Scarlet Blood King, you have always remembered our Dragon Clan's account back then!"

"Oh? Really? Hahaha... So you guys have always been anxious for me, that really moved me!"

When the words fell, the Scarlet Blood King turned around and said in a cold voice, "Don't give me a close-knowledge. Since I dared to kill your clan uncle back then, why don't you kill you as a kid today? Those of you who are familiar will give me Lin Tiancheng's peace now. Send it out safely, otherwise...I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Bai Zhan was trembling with anger. Who is close to you?

"No one wants to kill him. It was he himself who made the first move to injure people's lives. That's why he has today's blood feud. I advise you Soul Race. You have been hiding well for so many years. Don't take the initiative to take matters into account. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Are you threatening me? It's up to you?" The Scarlet Blood King unceremoniously interrupted Bai Zhan.

Bai Zhan was speechless, and took a few deep breaths before calming down the anger in his heart. "It's not that I am threatening you. The soul race rebels. It is the nature of the powers of the gods of the ten thousand races. You want to come forward today. Baoren, there must be no such face!"

"Haha..." The Scarlet Blood King sneered, "Whether we have this kind of face, it doesn't matter, I have to see if Lin Tiancheng is still alive after tomorrow, if he dies... then you can all die! "

Bai Zhan was silent. He was difficult to judge the strength of the Scarlet Blood King. He had killed a demigod uncle in his clan many years ago. Now that these years have passed, his strength is bound to be even more exquisite. He has this Strength, also have the confidence to say such cruel words!

Bai Zhan took out the sound transmission jade slip and contacted Huolong and others, "Here comes from the soul race, and try to protect the human race Lin Tiancheng, what's going on with you?"

Hearing this, Eucalyptus frowned, "Don't worry about it, my clan Xuanzong will definitely be there tomorrow, when he will come out, the Scarlet Blood King shouldn't be afraid!"

"What I am worried about is that there may be more than one Scarlet Blood King coming from the Soul Race, and other strong people, who will come forward to intercept?" Bai Zhan said with some worry.

"There is a demon boy in the city. It is not difficult for him to stop one. Although his demon clan, my immortal clan, and the **** clan look down on each other, if he doesn't want to be jokes by the soul clan, he will definitely help!" Lan Eucalyptus said.

He is also worried now, after tomorrow, whether the powerful people from the ten thousand races will be able to intercept all the powerful people from the soul race, otherwise, this Lin Tiancheng really can't kill!

Outside the city, the Scarlet Blood King rushed all the way. At this moment, he barely rushed to the outside of Tiankui City. However, he did not have any token to enter the boundary city at night, so he could only find a place to sit cross-legged and start adjusting his breath. Out of town alone!

The Scarlet Blood King was also a little helpless in his heart. It was seen that his words were full of power, but now he has arrived first. If the national teacher can't arrive soon, he might have to avoid the edge after daybreak!

You know, the Tianjiao who can enter the ranking list is not weak, and most of them have the gods bestowed by the elders of the gods in the clan. It is very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, if many people join forces to besiege, he may not be an opponent!


The Scarlet Blood King glanced at the gate of Tiankui City, feeling the death aura that was dissipating around him, and couldn't help feeling that there were still many rich people among the ten thousand races.

In the middle of the night, the gate of Jiecheng can be opened, and the benefits of throwing it out must be great, otherwise Jiecheng would not be able to open the door at night for outsiders to enter.

The Scarlet Blood King glanced at the lifeless place in the city again. That should be where the kid Lin Tiancheng was?

This kid is really courageous to say that he kills in the formation, and he doesn’t know what he thinks. Now there are no more than 8,000 dead spirits that have been provoked, otherwise it would be impossible to form such a strong death spirit. !

However, this kid is really strong, and he can persist until he comes to his aid under the help of so many necromancers!

"I'm not as good as him... like the demigod pinnacle, I killed the dragons and thunder clan powerhouses among the ten thousand races, and now they are still killing the dragons in the city... if this goes on, I am afraid it will be us old guys. Give way to him!"

The Scarlet Blood King shook his head with a wry smile, and there was a blood sword floating around him in his hand. He must guard until the arrival of the national teacher!

"Lin Tiancheng...Oh!" The Scarlet Blood King sighed, unable to tell what it was like. Lin Tiancheng had to admit that his talent was very strong, but the human race was inferior to the soul race, and there were not even a few demi-god powerhouses. It was very difficult to survive under the prying eyes of the ten thousand races.

Among the ten thousand races, those races that have not been born to support the strong have all become vassals, and the human race, in the eyes of the Scarlet Blood King, is the weak among the weak. Such races gave birth to geniuses, in his opinion It's a tragedy!

The Dragon Clan killed Lin Tian as an adult, and refused to give up attacking and killing him, but did not dare to go out of the city to fight himself, because of the strong race, this is the difference!

Although the soul race has withdrawn from the sight of the ten thousand races, the remaining prestige of the soul race still exists, and the reputation of the soul river way is even more prominent!

In the realm of ten thousand races, whenever you want to talk about the backing, like a demon boy, acting domineering and arrogant, who would dare to kill him?

Within the same realm, it would be okay to kill him. If the powerhouse of the God Realm takes action, the anger of the soldiers and the Demon Race God Realm waiting for them, and the merciless massacre!

This is the importance of race backing!

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng in the city looked helplessly at the two people talking above the void, and he was moved slightly.

What he didn't expect was that the Scarlet Blood King would slay in the realm of ten thousand races to support himself.

It’s just that Lin Tiancheng understands that in this crisis, no matter who comes, it’s useless. It’s better to beg for yourself. Now his three-day limit has been reached. Although his body is very strong, he has enough vitality within the triple focus. Force to resist the erosion of death.

But at this time, a large amount of death aura continued to invade his body, making him unable to be distracted from doing other things at all.

"Asshole... You're not in the land of the stars, what are you running for? Do you want me to owe you favors? I don't need... The big deal, I will break this flesh today, I want to see if the group of **** outside can do it I can bear the power of my physical body to explode!" Lin Tiancheng gritted his teeth, secretly said in his heart.

In the human race, Lin Tiancheng got a headache from the Holy Soul Palace, and he was as cautious as his grandson all day, and when he came to the realm of the ten thousand races, it was still like this...

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng really doesn't want to be a grandson anymore. He just wants to kill a happy life. He doesn't want to bear any kind of race or responsibility!

At this moment, the stone statue that felt Lin Tiancheng's killing intent opened his eyes again.

In the dark, Lin Tiancheng also had a feeling of being stared at, and he was a little horrified. What's the situation? It seems someone is spying on me?

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