Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4443: Out of town

"Or, let's go to the endless void to inspect, and if we have the opportunity, we will kill some guys who take the opportunity to infiltrate the human realm?" God Shura urged on the side.

Li Chunyang immediately stepped forward to dissuade, "It's not appropriate, and our collective actions are also dangerous. If there are too many people, the goal will be big. Once targeted, it is difficult to get out. There are still these juniors in the sunset mountains. No one is here. I don't worry. !"

Having said that, Li Chunyang looked at Chen Zian and said in a deep voice, "Old Chen, you are really impulsive this time. Let’s see how you are doing this. Now we are too passive. All our efforts back then are now destroyed. Ten Thousand Races once again focused their attention on Human Race! Didn't...you never thought of these things beforehand?"

Chen Zian smiled indifferently and looked at Li Chunyang, "Of course I thought of it, but... I have no choice, Lin Tiancheng, the Lin Tiancheng of the human race. He was besieged and killed by the ten thousand races. It is the divine realm that we will cultivate in the future. How much faith do you think they will stick to the human realm with us?"

"Don’t forget, those of us who protect our human environment are not fame and fortune, but a belief, a belief that I am everyone and everyone is mine, a belief that one side is difficult and all parties support, now... you let me Turn a blind eye, what about the future?"

"In the future, those newly promoted gods, will they one day see the human race being besieged and killed by the ten thousand races and choose to ignore it?"

Hearing this, several powerhouses of the **** realm fell into contemplation. This is really hard to say. If the atmosphere has been cultivated, this kind of thing is not impossible.

Chen Zian was silent for a while, and said, "Because of Lin Tiancheng, our human race once again straightened up in front of the ten thousand races, let the ten thousand races see the human race's potential and strength, so it has attracted much attention! Now, we don't want to go. To protect this meritorious person, on the contrary, because of the ten thousand races, we have to marginalize him. Is this chilling the hearts of the people?"

"If, this time, what we have done can make Lin Tiancheng feel better for the human race, I think it makes sense to do so, even if it is so jealous and targeted by the ten thousand races, it is worth it! "

"well said!"

The **** Shura on the side applauded, "It should have been this way. Lin Tiancheng closed the boundary city and forced the tens of thousands of people to bow their heads and pay the ransom. The ransom didn’t have to be returned to the human realm. Based on this, he did not deserve more credit than you. How young I am, you know... he is just a semi-god, he can do very little for the human race, but he is still fighting desperately for the human race!"

"Therefore, we should stand up and stand behind him to support him, even if we are at war with the Ten Thousand Clan!"

"Only in this way can our offspring have the confidence to continue fighting against the ten thousand races, otherwise...we are all afraid of the ten thousand races, what else do they use to fight the ten thousand races?"

Li Chunyang snorted coldly and didn't want to argue. In her opinion, both Chen Zian and Shura were crazy!

Wuxiang also stepped forward with a dignified expression, "Old Chen, Shura, don't blame Lao Li. He is also very kind, this time if it weren't for the stone carving of the holy town, it has attracted the attention of some ten thousand races, let us The current position will only become more passive!"

Chen Zian smiled lightly, but didn't reply, Li Chunyang also kept his face straight and didn't speak. "Yes, the strength of the guards is something we didn't expect. If we can form an alliance with them, our human race will really have the power to protect ourselves!" The **** of Shura stepped forward and said.

Hearing this, several humans of the gods sighed and joined forces with the holy city. They had thought about this a long time ago, and even the soul emperor had personally lobbyed, but they were all rejected.

You know, there is more than one guard, there are as many as 36 branches, and the strength of the 36 realm cities is added together, and it is not even necessary for any of the gods, demons and immortals to be weak.

Chen Zian said with no hope of this, "Human race and the holy city join forces, this is difficult, not to mention... the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals will not allow such things to happen, otherwise, once we join forces, we don't need gods and demons!"

"I don't know if Lin Tiancheng can talk to the guards. If so, he is a good lobbyist!"

"He? Forget it, he is just a puppet city lord. Whether he can survive or not is still unknown. How could the guards abandon the oath of neutrality that he made back then!"

Several humans in the gods of the human race were arguing endlessly, and Chen Zi'an also raised his hand to interrupt, "Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter!"

"We should think now, how to deal with this infiltration of the ten thousand races, you know... we had suspected that there were traitors among the human races, otherwise, how could the Holy Soul Palace know so clearly about the things between us? "

"The traitor was so hidden back then that we couldn’t find it. Now the tens of thousands of races have swept across again to deal with the human race. In addition, our previous plan was full of loopholes. I am worried that our human race’s interior is now full of treacherous holes, maybe. Some people have been secretly assimilated by the ten thousand races."

silent. Chen Zi'an said the most worrying thing in everyone's hearts. For so many years, everyone has actually had such scruples in their hearts, but no one dared to tell them.

After all, the people who were given out at the beginning were all the talents they carefully selected. Now that so many years have passed, how many people's hearts have changed, they don't know.

"What's the use of saying these, at least now they are still humans, you and I can't see through his heart, if the guy who put the Holy Soul Hall into the human realm dares to show his feet, it means that he is already iron-hearted. If you want to betray the human race, such a person... can no longer be regarded as a human, just kill it!" Shura said.

People who are not equal are also silent, and Shura's words are rough and not rough, and the only thing that can be done now is to wait passively.

"In these years, we people have cultivated a lot of geniuses in private to fight in some small circles. To be honest, they have good talents and strengths. We have even become overlords in the small circles, sweeping the contemporary! But this is also what I worry about. If these people change their hearts, then the future of the human race..." Chen Zi'an was silent at this point.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, if some of these people changed their hearts, the future of the human race was really in danger.

"What's the use of these now? If it weren't for Lin Tiancheng's chance to get back this time, these children would have been abandoned, and they would be kings in some small realms. The limit for a lifetime would be the pinnacle of a demigod. Talk about growth!" Shura smiled bitterly. .

It was precisely because of a big problem with the layout that year that the Soul Emperor would wake them up in advance, and the problem was not just with Lin Tiancheng alone.

Today, Chen Zi'an said this to make these powerhouses of the gods understand that even if Lin Tiancheng did not appear, they would definitely appear in advance, exposing the human race to the sight of the ten thousand races.

Having said this, everyone also understood Chen Zi'an's good intentions, and they nodded with a wry smile, "Old Chen, we understand what you mean, you are optimistic about Lin Tiancheng, this is a good thing, and we can also see his innocent heart. And... what you said has actually been known in everyone's hearts over the years, but it's just not like you said it!"

"Don't worry, as long as I still have the strength to fight, as long as he can go a little further, even if the heavens go to war, I will definitely listen to you!"

"That is, this time the Human Race may be turbulent. It may be a good thing that we brought out these little guys. Although they don't have much sense of belonging to the Human Race, they also put an end to the danger of their rebellion in the Human Territory!"

"Yes, it happened to take advantage of this trip to Tianfu to let these little guys know that they are human races, no matter how good the promises of the ten thousand races are, only the human race is truly for them! See if you can bring it back a little!"

Everyone, you say a word to me, they are talking about the future and worries of the human race!

Li Chunyang stood up and said, "These little guys proving the Dao depend on chance, but what about our descendants of Xuanzong? When they do the Dao, should we protect the Dao for them?"

"Look at your descendants for themselves, Xiao Chen...let him prove the Dao himself, if he really fails, then forget it!" Chen Zi'an said calmly.

After finishing speaking, Chen Zian strolled into the void, saying that he would not let everyone go to the void to intercept it, it was dangerous... he still went.

Several people looked at Chen Zian who had disappeared in the same place and laughed.

"Old Chen still has this virtue, don't worry, some of our heirs will testify that he will come, and the same... Xiao Chen has a good talent, but it's a pity that he has fallen, let's come to help!"


Time passed day by day. The Territory of Ten Thousand Races also fell into a rare silence, and the Ten Thousand Races seemed to be back on track.

However, everyone knows that this is only on the surface, in fact the undercurrent is raging. The annihilation of the sea clan has caused some small clans to put themselves at risk, secretly linking up to help each other, and even sneaking into the world at the risk of trying to cell phone some information.

After all, no one wants to next time, the Human Race Divine Realm will sneak into the Ten Thousand Races and kill the Quartet silently.

Although there are not as many divine realms as the human race, if you can know the movement of the human divine realm, you can ask for help!

In order to protect themselves, they have to take risks!

Also preparing for the war and sneaking into the human realm, the Nether Race also mobilized personnel on a large scale. Some powerful people have left their own clan or chose to retreat, and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

And Lin Tiancheng also received a gathering message from the Nether Clan in the night of one day. That night, wearing a mask, he quietly lurked out of the city from the void passage prepared by the sky wound.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng leaving the city, Tianshang Zhenshou slowly opened his eyes, let out a long sigh, and silently accepted the death breath of 30%.

"Smelly boy, the good city lord doesn't know what to do, run out to die, if you don't come back...I will lose a lot!"

Already used to Lin Tiancheng's ability, Tianshang is worried that his next city lord will not be easy to find, and it is not easy to find such a powerful city lord!


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