Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4453: I have seen you through

"Elder, are you here? I have something to look for you!"

Lin Tiancheng sent a lot of news, and they all fell to the ground. Just when Lin Tiancheng wondered if the faceless elder was in an accident, the other party finally returned a message.

"What's the matter? To make a long story short, it's not very convenient for me to talk now."

Lin Tiancheng's heart was shocked, is he really in danger?

"Elder, are you okay? Where are you now? Do you need me to help you? Or if you are closer to which city, I will say hello to you?" Lin Tiancheng asked with concern.

There was faceless silence for a while, and he immediately rejected Lin Tiancheng's kindness, "No, you can take care of yourself, I don't need you to worry about it, what are you looking for?"

With a soft snort in the faceless heart, I won't believe that you are a little slippery. I tell you my position on my front foot. In the next second, it is estimated that the gods will come and besieged, right? Want to lie to me? no way!

Lin Tiancheng was also helpless. It seemed that his kindness had been misunderstood. He immediately sighed and told Wu Mian what he was doing now and his plans to pit a group of people. In order to show his sincerity, he also told Wu Wu of his current identity. noodle.

"Boy...you unexpectedly chose to use the identity of You Jun? Still dare to leave the East Realm City?" Wu Mian asked in astonishment.

"Huh?" Lin Tiancheng was at a loss, what's wrong? Is there a problem with this identity?

No...Isn't the elder the one who came with me? How would he know You Jun? Seems to know some unknown things?

"Ahem..." Wu Mian also realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately said to Lin Tiancheng, "Okay, I know your identity, and I will contact you once I've settled down. In addition... you'd better meet Dong as soon as possible. Jiecheng, South Jiecheng, you still have an old man looking for you in your identity. Be careful yourself!"

"Huh?" Lin Tiancheng was dumbfounded, why is there another old man?

"The inner... Elder, how do you know this? Besides, since it is my old man, why should I be careful?"

Faced with Lin Tiancheng’s questioning, No Face had already figured out his excuses, “You don’t have to worry about how I knew it. As an elder, you still have some channels of your own. Your old husband is a long story, you ...You Jun had a history with Mu Feifei, the daughter of Mu Zengchun, the lord of Nanjie City, when he traveled to the South Boundary City. Later, Mu Feifei fell in love with You Jun at first sight, but she fell in love with a prodigal son. Finally abandoned and depressed all day, Mu Zengchun was furious, so...you better be careful, Namu Feifei is Mu Zengchun’s jewel in the palm, and... Mu Zengchun is also a veteran demigod peak realm. By!"

I...Lin Tiancheng suddenly felt like cursing, this You Jun is not a thing, he actually played with other people's feelings!

Just play with it, and play with a woman with such a background. Isn't it too long for you to live for too long?

"Elder, I'm fairly familiar with a god-level expert in East Realm City. Do you think it's useful for me to let him come forward as a lobbyist?"

No face knows, Lin Tiancheng must be talking about one of the eight gods, and immediately said, "You can try, but most of this matter will not interfere, otherwise your identity will not be considered confidential. Therefore, whether it is for yourself or the overall situation, they should not be involved in this matter."

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng felt helpless, and immediately turned his mind to nothing, and said, "Elder, then you take care of yourself. Some strong humans and I are still a bit hypocritical. You can tell me if you are in trouble. Once I can help, I will help whenever I can!"

Faceless immediately couldn't help saying, "Lin...Xuanyi, I'm not treating you badly, right? Why do you keep thinking about getting rid of me? If I really die, who will cover your identity? Do you think you will Is there a good end? Of course... you can also choose to give up your identity now, so that the true self is dead, and you will not be exposed!"

Lin Tiancheng was helpless, why didn't you believe that he really wanted to help him?

"Elder, I don't have one, I'm serious this time, I didn't want to cheat anyone!"

"Shut up, I don't know the roots of you, and I can see it through. This kind of move is used on me, I will not be fooled!"

Lin Tiancheng also gave up and continued to explain. He really saw that he had helped him a lot without the face, thinking that he was in trouble to come forward and help. Of course... he also knew why the other party had that kind of heart to guard against him.

After all, when I was in the realm of ten thousand races, what I did was too ruthless, and I did everything to the extreme, so I made the other party so wary of myself.

In these days, if you are not very vigilant and trust others too easily, you will die easily!

After reporting the work, seeing no face did not mean to prevent him from killing the members of the Nether clan. Lin Tiancheng also interrupted the call with a few greetings, walked towards the distance without hurries, and even deliberately left some traces behind. People who track themselves.

Soon, in Lin Tiancheng's sense of consciousness, there were two more powerful auras from the Nine-Star Dao Ancestral Realm. Looking at each other's clothes, Lin Tiancheng knew that this was taken by Dongyuan City to protect himself.

Although the strength is not strong, Lin Tiancheng's heart warmed by this attitude, and he didn't care about the opponent's trailing immediately.

The two powerhouses who followed to protect Lin Tiancheng were also not clear. Their tracks had been exposed, and they were still cautiously aware of them by Lin Tiancheng, while letting go of their consciousness to prevent someone from lying in ambush.

In their opinion, it is impossible for Lin Tiancheng to discover their existence, and with their protection, unless the other party is a demigod, there is no need to worry about safety. Both of them have grown up through the **** battle of corpses, and they are more common. The Nine Star Dao Ancestor is much stronger.

Lin Tiancheng went all the way, the sky was already dark, Lin Tiancheng didn't want to quickly find a safe place to rest, but just picked up food and lit a bonfire.

The two powerhouses who followed secretly also cursed secretly in their hearts. You Jun is indeed a wealthy boy from a big family. He knew nothing about the dangers in the wild, and he even lit a bonfire in the wilderness. Didn't he turn himself into a target?

You must know how eye-catching a bonfire would be when it was dark all around, even if you didn't use God's consciousness, you could find his presence within dozens of miles.

As night is approaching, I don’t have to hurry up and hurry up. I actually think about how to eat and drink. I can do it all this time. Bigu can do it a long time ago. Isn't this a death-seeking?

The two powerhouses went all-out in the dark to guard, and they almost scolded Lin Tiancheng to death. This second generation ancestor, next time he has the opportunity, he must make a good repair!

And in the dark, several figures disappeared into the night in a flash, it was the members of the Nether clan who came to protect Lin Tiancheng...You Jun.

The reason why Lin Tiancheng lit a bonfire was also deliberately revealing his location, making it easier for these people to find themselves!

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