Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4553: Half the emperor is wounded

Above the immortal world, the immortal emperor frowned and looked at the direction of the demon world. He didn’t understand how the demon emperor recruited this one. He just went to the demon world for a tooth ritual. It should be his and the **** emperor’s turn. Go to the Demon Emperor again.

The emergence of this tribe has always been enemies of the heavens, living for destruction, and they and the **** king have often been attacked by it, swallowing divine power and divine consciousness.

But he had never been confronted directly. This time the Demon Emperor was obviously targeted by him. Seeing the movement above the Demon Realm, the Immortal Emperor was a little palpitated and his face became weird.

Above the **** realm, the **** emperor also had a calm expression, and a dark joy flashed in his eyes.

Demon King, this time he suffered a loss, it was a good thing for him.

Soon, the Demon Sovereign and the Sky-chewing Beast met in hand, and the surrounding void made a deafening noise, and then turned into nothingness, heaven and order appeared, frantically repairing that piece of heaven and earth.

The Sky Devourer also severely bit the void passage behind the Soul Emperor, and for a while, countless roars erupted. It was obvious that the Demon Race's powerhouse wanted to go out and help the Demon Emperor, but the Sky Devourer seized the opportunity to swallow it.

"Heaven Devouring Beast!" The devilish energy on the Demon Emperor's body was soaring, and the killing intent in his eyes was awe-inspiring.

But the Sky Devouring Beast didn't panic at all. Instead, it croaked and chewed in front of the Demon Emperor, and swallowed the strong Demon Race that had just been caught.

This time, the Demon Sovereign couldn't help it anymore, and roared, "Nie Hu, you are looking for death!" The Demon Sovereign shouted angrily and blasted out a punch! The next moment the empty-chewing beast flew out, but it still bit down, the face of the demon king who bit him changed, the demon king didn't say much, and threw out countless punches one after another.

"Huh...I finally ate it, and it tastes delicious!" The Sky Eater sneered.

The Demon Sovereign's face was pale and glared at the Sky-Eater, and then two groups of terrifying auras appeared in the sky above the Demon World. The faces of the Demon Emperor and the Air-Eater Beast changed drastically, and they turned around and ran away by accident.

The Demon Emperor stepped into the Demon Realm and turned to look at the void behind him, "God Emperor, Immortal Emperor...you have yours!"

A look of regret flashed across the faces of the Immortal Emperor and the God Emperor, and they looked at the direction of the Demon Realm with a smile as they looked at the healed void.

"Devil Sovereign, what are you talking about? God Sovereign and I will cross the void to help you. If you don't appreciate it, why are you still hostile to us!"

The Demon Sovereign sneered when he heard the words. The two guys, the Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, came at this time to take the opportunity to kill themselves or the Sky-Eater, or both of them. They were not at ease at all.

"Don't dare to work, remember what happened today, and it will be returned in the future!" The Demon Sovereign shouted in a deep voice.

The next moment, before the emperor and the immortal emperor speak, their complexions change drastically, their figures flashed, and the void immediately after them disappeared for a few hours, accompanied by the sound of a huge explosion.

The regretful roar of the Air-Eater Beast came out from the void, and then the blood basin appeared in the air with a big mouth, biting directly towards the **** emperor.

The emperor displayed his avatar and escaped from the shell, his face changed drastically in the next moment, and he flashed away to the distance without hesitation.

The only immortal emperor did not dare to stay any longer. Obviously there was no benefit at this time, but there would be a lot of danger if he didn't leave!

Therefore, before the immortal emperor had time to speak harshly, he also fleeed in the direction of the immortal world, disappearing faster than when he came.

The sky-chewing beast appeared in the sky above the Demon Realm, and said fiercely and angrily, "Devil Emperor, I remember this punch today! I'm not over with you!"

Hearing this, the Demon King's face changed drastically again, and he yelled, "Insane!"

When the words fell, the Demon Emperor directly blocked the Demon Realm.

When the empty-chewing beast saw it, it roared into the void again and again.

In this battle, the people watching are thrilling and thrilling.

Four and a half emperors gathered, and three of them were wounded. Such a scene cannot be seen at all times.

The most important point is that watching the strong fight against each other is helpful to their enlightenment.

Of course, after this battle, the Ten Thousand Clan had a clearer understanding of the strength and horror of the Half-Emperor Realm.

Especially the Heaven Devouring Beast, which came and went without a trace, was able to force the Demon Emperor to such a level. In the end, he even dared to kill the carbine and attack the God Emperor with a single blow, otherwise this battle could not be so. Calm down easily.

And the Demon Emperor directly sealed the Demon Realm for a short time in the end, which was unexpected to the Ten Thousand Clan.

"Devil Emperor, if you have the ability, don't go out of bounds in your life. If you can't kill you, I will kill your people!"

A roar spread across the heavens, and the next moment, the huge phantom of the Sky Devouring Beast flew up and disappeared into the void in an instant. Before leaving, he glanced at the ten thousand races, and the warning was very obvious.

At this moment, the heavens are silent.

The powerhouses of the ten thousand clan looked at each other, turning back into the realm one after another in the next moment.

A shelter with a boundary wall is always safer. There are empty beasts going crazy outside, which is very dangerous!

When you get home, you won't be so afraid.

Even the half-emperor is not willing to enter the world easily, because they are also worried that they will fall.

This is also the reason why the Three Emperors swept into the realm to fight the Divine Realm of the Ten Thousand Races. Anyway, in the domain of the Ten Thousand Races, as long as they dare to come out, they will have the opportunity to kill alone. There is no need to take such a big risk.

The battle of half-emperor realm powerhouses has attracted worldwide attention.

The sentient beings in Skywound City were no exception, at this time, all of them still couldn't relieve themselves from the shock.

"Thank you!" The Demon Boy said with a fist to Lin Tiancheng in a somewhat excited voice.


"I know that the sky-chewing beast was summoned by you. Now that the Demon Emperor has banned the Demon Race, it is equivalent to helping me deal with a crisis. Next, I will go to Tianfu to seek opportunities and see if it can be as you said. , Change your fate against the sky!" The Demon Boy laughed.

"This time, I owe you what I owe you, but I will ask for it in the future, and all agree!"

Lin Tiancheng blinked, this is considered as...conceptual?

At this time, the people outside the city of Tianshou also recovered, and began to flee in all directions to return to the various races. It was too dangerous outside, there were empty beasts...

Even the Demon Sovereign hides, they don't think they are better than the Demon Sovereign!

Looking at the inexplicable resolution of the crisis, Lin Tiancheng was a little at a loss. Would you like to see your strongest state?

However, it is a good thing to not have to fight, because his original intention was to prevent the Demon King from descending on the Demon Boy, which deliberately aroused his fighting spirit.

Now that the Demon Sovereign is hidden from the world, it is equivalent to the crisis being lifted, and there is no need to go on.

"Open the gates and let me leave!"

Lin Tiancheng turned his head to look at Chen Zian, with a look of puzzlement, Chen Zian said calmly, "Now that the tens of thousands are too busy to take care of themselves, no one will stare at me, it is the best time to escape...the best time to evacuate!"


The guardian body of Tianshen appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng, and took a faint look at Chen Zian, "Let him go out of the city, he does not belong to the holy city!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng had no choice but to open the city gate obediently.

The next moment, Chen Zian flew towards the outside of the city, and Ao Li Xukong sneered at the desperate Ten Thousand Clan who found that the restraint had healed again behind him. The next moment his figure disappeared into the void.


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