Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4558: The moon sets weak

"It's a good thing that you go to Tianfu to fight for opportunities, because there are countless opportunities..."

Before Yueluo finished speaking, Lin Tiancheng waved his hand and smiled, "If I don’t go to Tianfu, chances are often accompanied by dangers. Besides... It's just a lifeless connection! So ask your lord!"

After Yueluo heard this, the whole person was stunned. After talking for so long, Lin Tiancheng said he would not go to Tianfu?

"You... if you don't go to Tianfu, how can you resolve the dead spirit? One and the other, do you know how much resources you have to spend to resolve it? I'm afraid you will not be able to keep up with the rate of absorption by then. It's dead!" Yueluo said.

"Thank you, Sir, for your concern, but I have confidence. As long as the Lord does not take the initiative to overcome his death, I can resolve it, and I have just taken over as the elder of the 35th city of the Nether Clan. There is still no shortage of resources in this regard. , So I still accompany two adults in the city!" Lin Tiancheng smiled.

Yueluo said nothing, this guy was really annoying. Although she knew that Lin Tiancheng might go to Tianfu very much, she was also worried that this guy would really not go. After all, he would not go... it seemed that she couldn't change him.

On the contrary, if he entered Tianfu to block the conversion contract, he could still seize this opportunity to recover his strength.

If you change to be yourself, maybe you won't go, because after you leave, your strength is restored, it will be difficult to threaten yourself in the future, and Tianfu is not a paradise, on the contrary, it is a place full of dangers.

"Don't you dare to go? Are you afraid of the danger of Tianfu? Haha... But if you don't go, the human race will also go in this time. Without your protection, those people will have a hard time in Tianfu. Now all races hate you It's not small, but it can't help you. Guess whether they will vent their anger on the human race?"

"The ten thousand races will enter countless strong people every time. Your human race is weak, can you compete with the ten thousand races in the Tianfu? Don't the ten thousand races have a full harvest, but the human race will suffer heavy losses!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng didn't take it seriously, and at this moment, Tianshang also said suddenly, "If you can...I hope you go to Tianfu!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng was stunned, looking at Tianshen guarding him in a puzzled manner, "My lord, why is this?"

Tianshang thought for a while, and sighed, "No matter...you will know this sooner or later. There have been rumors about the ten thousand races. Is this place related to our guard? Actually... not only us, the entire heavens and ten thousand races are actually It has something to do with Tianfu, a holy place where thousands of people worshipped in ancient times!"

"You don't need to ask me, there are too many things involved in Tianfu, and there are many things I can't say now, but since the Sky Devourer chose to be born, I believe these things will be made public very soon, and there will be no secrets at that time! It’s just that now, there are some things I can’t tell you, otherwise it’s not just you, even I will be in danger of falling!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng's heart was shocked, is this Tianfu so evil?

"My lord, if that's the case, why don't Ten Thousand Clan allow the strong to investigate?" Lin Tiancheng asked.

"Who said there was no exploration?" Tianshang said indifferently, "It's just that some places can't be explored by powerful strength. Some places have restrictions on realm cultivation, and even the gods can't run rampant in them. Wuji!"

"In the past few years, there have been a lot of powerful people who have entered Tianfu, but the number of people who have fallen is more. Compared with the treasures they brought out, it is simply unsightly. Therefore, a long time ago, the Ten Thousand Clan had forbidden the gods to enter the talent. God's pinnacle... a lot of treasures have been brought out!"

"The rules of Tianfu are very strange. How much you pay and how much danger you can get, you will know how much report you can get when you enter!"

Lin Tiancheng was a little excited when he heard this, the Demigod Peak Realm, isn't this a good place tailored for him?

Just ask, who is the adversary in the same realm?

"My lord, are there many good things in it?" Lin Tiancheng asked.

"Many? Haha...Let's put it this way, all the Taoist treasures of the ten thousand clan now basically come from Tianfu, don't you say too much?" Tianshang guards said indifferently.

"Isn't it? So are those in the Nether Clan?"

"Of course, the Nether Clan was also entered by someone, otherwise you would think where these treasures of Taoism came from. Although the realm of ten thousand races naturally raises a lot of treasures, but if you look at the number of divine realms of ten thousand races, you would not think Are they all produced in the domain of ten thousand races?"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng suddenly realized that, not to mention the maturity time of a Taoist treasure, just in terms of quantity, it is estimated that there are not so many Taoist treasures in the entire domain of ten thousand races!

At this moment, he finally understood why the domain of the ten thousand races was so dangerous that these ten thousand races still refused to give up the fight, in order to compete for the place to enter the Tianfu!

"My lord, I want to ask, the ancient city has levels, and it is rumored that it is the key to enter Tianfu. Is this true?"

"Really!" Tianshou guard gave a positive reply, "The ancient city order is somewhat similar to an identity token. The higher the level of the ancient city, the more precious the identity of the representative, and the ancient existence. This point should be clear to the moon. The dead spirits are very I like to collect this to represent my identity!"

Yueluo looked at Lin Tiancheng who turned to look at him, and nodded, "Yes, there is a piece of it on this seat, but..."

"Give it to me, I'll go to Tianfu!" Lin Tiancheng said.

Yueluo was silent for a while, and said faintly, "It's okay to give it to you, but you have to be clear, I'm not afraid of you, I just want to give you to you for helping me fight back strong enemies, as for whether you go to Tianfu ,I do not mind!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng glanced at the moonfall, nodded and directly stretched out his hand to ask for it.

"My lord, you said... the oath you made back then, if you really violated it, will anyone punish you?"

Tianshang glanced at Lin Tiancheng, knowing that this guy was playing guardianism again, and immediately said coldly, "The power of rules is not as simple as you think. Unless the law of heaven collapses or someone changes the rules of heaven, we will have to obey!"

The implication is that if you want to guard and help you, unless one day you can rewrite the laws of the heavens, at that time, you can call it a human emperor, and he will have no opinion on working for the emperor.

Lin Tiancheng was silent, slanderous in his heart, said clearly if he didn't want to help, and scared people...

Lin Tiancheng was angry and had nowhere to spread, and immediately stared at Yueluo, "Are you still okay? It's okay to go back to your necromantic world, what do you always wander around in the city lord's mansion, this is where you should be?"

Yueluo was stunned when she heard the words, and immediately snorted and flew towards the passage of the dead, "Lin Tiancheng, you will remember to me, today's insult will be returned!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't care either. He wasn't afraid of his conversion anyway, so he would try it out if he had the ability. At that time, he might prove to be a **** after his trip to Tianfu. At that time, Moonfall could not be his opponent!

Looking at the angry moonfall, the sky wound was also speechless. Who made you unable to change him, and threatening him now, what's the point?

Just when Lin Tiancheng was planning how to unify the thirty-six holy cities and then enter Tianfu.

The domain of ten thousand races has also become active again.

After all, the opening of Tianfu was an opportunity for the ten thousand races, and countless geniuses and strong men began to gather towards the sea of ​​stars.

However, unlike in previous years, Qixing Island was sunk. These people had no place to repair. They could only open up some caves, and also to prevent sneak attacks by beasts and enemies. It can be said to be very embarrassed. After all, the number of good places is limited. , So there is a struggle.

This is also the case in recent years, when Tianfu hasn't been opened yet, there have been tens of thousands of powerhouses who have fallen into the sea of ​​stars due to battles.


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