Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4570: Human traitor, royal blood

In the world of undead, a powerful figure appeared.

It was the necromancer who was beaten by Lin Tiancheng and hid in the necromantic world. At this time, he looked angrily in the direction of the necromantic passage. Behind him, a necromancer stood respectfully. Behind.

If someone sees it, they will find that these necromantic monarchs are somewhat abnormal. It stands to reason that a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, just like the heart demon entering the moonset territory. The two will definitely be divided into life and death. However, these necromantic monarchs are not, and even the body The dress code is uniform.

"King, what makes you so angry?" a necromantic monarch stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, the princes speed up to gather the people and horses, then I will take you out of this prison that imprisons us, and let the heavens and the races see the power of our necromantic clan, when the time comes... I want the heavens and the world, Have become the territory of my necromancer!"


A necromantic lord respectfully clasps his fists, his voice is loud and powerful in all directions!

The picture turns.

In the holy city of Hongmeng, Lin Tiancheng proudly and Hongmeng invited the credit, a necromantic monarch, was forced back into the passage by himself, which already shows that his strength is enough to become a qualified city lord!

"Tiancheng, you'd better not be too early!" Tianyin Guardian looked at the dead spirit passage under Hongmeng with a wry smile.

"The Lanting you dealt with is not so easy to deal with, he is different from other necromantic monarchs!"

"Orchid Pavilion?" Lin Tiancheng looked at Tianyin Guardian in confusion.

"It's the one who just fought with you, who was also the former City Lord of Hongmeng Holy City!" Tianyin explained.

"What's different, it's just that his strength is a bit stronger than the average necromancer, so what can it be, I was beaten back to the channel, if it weren't for Hongmeng's shot, it wouldn't be a problem for me to kill it on the spot today! "Lin Tiancheng smiled.

"This... you are wrong. What you just hit is not his real body. Even if you kill it, it is nothing more than damage to his strength. His real body should be in the necrosphere now. The soil!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng looked shocked, looked at Hongmeng in disbelief, and Hongmeng slowly said, "Tianyin is right. It is different. Its memory is not broken, and it is completely reborn. It is a strange species!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng was not calm at all, but he knew that Lan Ting tried to interfere with the ten thousand race hegemony when he was alive.

Hongmeng sighed, "So, since he resurrected the dead, he has been fighting in the world of the dead. Although he is no longer a living being, his heart for hegemony among the races is the same as before!"

When the words fall, the world will be dim in the next moment! A lot of blood clouds appeared, and a deadly phantom appeared on his body, "Lin Tiancheng? I remember you. Wait for it. I will be back soon. I will take my death. The spirit army breaks the passage, you will wait for me!"

Sweat permeated Lin Tiancheng's forehead. He saw through the projection that behind that Lanting, there were clearly a number of necromantic monarchs and... an innumerable army of necromancers!

"My lord..." Lin Tiancheng looked at Hongmeng on the side. He was a little confused now, and the powerful lineup made him unacceptable for a while.

"Have you seen it?" Hongmeng said indifferently, "Lanting is a strange species. He brings the memories and wisdom of his life to rebirth the dead, so he has not given up on the battle in the world of the dead, and gathered a powerful army of the dead. Including the five necromancers, do you still have the confidence to suppress the necrotic passage under me?"

Lin Tiancheng was a little surprised and shocked. Lan Ting is a bit too strong, but... are other necromancers so impersonal? Say good taxis can be killed but not humiliated?

The necromancer is not terrible. The scary thing is that the necromancer will still hold a group. Who the **** has it?

Lin Tiancheng looked at Hongmeng with a bitter expression and was shocked. Hongmeng also seemed to understand Lin Tiancheng's answer. He immediately said slowly, "Don't worry, with me, they can't get through any storms, and guarding the passage is just My responsibility!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The boss is wise! Tiancheng will also do his best to help the boss uphold the rules, and will never give Lanting a chance to go beyond the rules!" Lin Tiancheng asked as if casually. "Boss, you are very knowledgeable. Do you know what caused the rebellion in Human Realm? Back then, the Holy Soul Palace easily found the weakness of Human Realm. It is said that there were traitors..."

Hongmeng hadn't replied yet, Tianyin guarded and said, "Didn't the sky wound say that you have killed the traitor?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "I killed one, Li Chengyang, I believe you all know the adults, but in fact...The Soul Emperor guessed that there might be another one behind him, he is too obvious, it doesn't look like he did it!"

Hongmeng slowly said, "Indeed...Although the Soul Emperor is just a guess, it is basically certain that there is more than one traitor. With his original strength, it is impossible to open the restriction of the human race alone without letting people discover the clues!"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly asked, "Then...the boss, what do you know?"

Hongmeng pondered for a while, then hesitated, "This...I didn't remember it very clearly at the beginning, but there is one thing, the other party must be someone with royal blood!"

"To open the wall of the race realm, it is not the blood of the royal family. If you have the opportunity to live in these gods of the human race, you can see who has the blood of the ancient human race and has inherited the power of the origin. You can basically be sure. Up!"

"Then... how can you distinguish bleeding veins?" Lin Tiancheng asked again.

Hongmeng said slowly, "You can observe when they are fighting. The descendants of ordinary royal families will have special marks in their bloodlines, such as

Emotions, battles, and exhaustion may all show up, but it's not necessarily true. If it is passed down for countless generations and time passes, it may not show its mark! "

Lin Tiancheng nodded with a sense of loss, "Yes, the inheritance of the human race is long enough...Even if there is, the blood is probably very thin!"

Hongmeng slowly said, "Not necessarily, like your last term, Lanting, he is a descendant of the ancient royal family, but the blood is still very strong, otherwise he won't restore all his memories!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and Tianyin faintly explained, "This is the shelter of the ancestor's shadow, otherwise Lanting would not have the current strength. He is much stronger than the average necromancer. This is why he can conquer. The reason for those necromancers!"

"It's useless for you to know these now. Even if you know who the traitor is, you can't help the opponent with your current strength, so you should practice hard!" Hongmeng said.

Lin Tiancheng nodded when he heard the words, and he was also a little sad. He had the blood of the ancient human emperor, but betrayed the human race. What happened in this?

According to Hongmeng’s statement, every emperor is a person of racial luck, and even a god-like character who protects the race. But after passing on, a traitor appeared among the descendants, really. Family is unfortunate!

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath and said, "The subordinates know, I will become stronger as soon as possible!"

At this moment, the city lord has been refined by him, and the city lord of Hongmeng Holy City can be regarded as taking over.

However, unlike the previous two times, Hongmeng Holy City did not report a bit of lifelessness. This was very surprising to Lin Tiancheng. He was originally prepared, and Hongmeng passed some lifelessness to him more or less, but But not now, it seems that Hongmeng's strength is beyond his imagination.

"Okay, I'm tired, Tianyin, you take him away, if he can come back from Tianfu alive, then you will think about what you say!" Hongmeng is not talking about anything, but reverting to a basalt stone statue to guard the passage Above.

Tianyin nodded, and led Lin Tiancheng towards the outside of the holy city, "Tiancheng, we trust you very much. I hope you don't go back to the Lanting Road. That is a road of no return. Since you have become the boss The city lord of, there are many times, you will find that you have an inexplicable suppressing power against the undead, but you must be clear that this is not the capital that breeds your ambition!"

Lin Tiancheng nodded without hesitation. In his opinion, Lan Ting is an idiot, relying on the undead to fight for the supremacy of the heavens and all the races. When the time comes, all creatures will die. Who will conquer?

That being the case, why don't it be different to conquer the necropolis?

As a result, I took my life in for this kind of thing, and now it's hard to live again, still not giving up, in Lin Tiancheng's opinion, it's a bit lacking in mind.

Lin Tiancheng is slanderous, he is sick, I don't have it, I wouldn't be like this! At least, he has no ambition to compete for hegemony among all the races!

Lin Tiancheng grinned and said, "My lord, don't worry! I understand the rules of the holy city. There is only one core. You can't let dead spirits come out, you can't let dead spirits overflow, if people don't offend me, I don't offend people. I'll kill! I don't want to think about those who don't!"

Tianyin was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and nodded, there is nothing wrong with understanding this!

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