Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4582: Jian Tianji

A star map appeared above Hongmeng's head, and a series of pictures appeared above his head, and a flash of horror flashed in Hongmeng's eyes.

"This fellow Lanting... how did you get in there?"

Just when Hongmeng was about to use his great magical powers to contact Lanting, the void above the Dead Sea suddenly rippled. The next moment, a figure instantly penetrated the barrier of the Dead Sea and appeared above Hongmeng Holy City.

"The pavilion lord is here, there is a missed welcome, I don't know if the pavilion lord is here today, what advice can you give?" Hongmeng glanced at the other side indifferently.

Among the heavens and tens of thousands of races, the only one who can be called by Hongmeng as the pavilion master is the Nether Race.

I saw the figure walking with a chuckle, flying towards the direction of Hongmeng Holy City, "Hongmeng, long time no see!"

"It's been some years, I don't know what the pavilion master is looking for?" Hongmeng said lightly.

"There is indeed something to ask you, there is a thunder penalty on Paradise Island, do you know?"

"Know a little!" Hongmeng nodded.

"Then do you know why this happened? You have existed for a longer time, so I would like to ask you for advice!"

After speaking, the pavilion owner dispersed the surrounding fog, revealing a suave figure, and a tea table fell in front of Hongmeng with a move, and a tea table also appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the pavilion owner sat down slowly and waved his hand, and a cup of spiritual tea appeared in front of the two of them. The pavilion owner chuckled, "Please!"

Hongmeng was also welcome, in the form of a young man with a lupine towel, slowly sitting on the front of the tea table, smelling the tea, and laughing, "What tea?"

"Babaoling tea, a good thing someone brought out from the eighth floor of Tianfu before. Although it was not valuable in ancient times, it is now a rare thing. Drink a little less!" The pavilion owner slowly smiled.

"You're willing, then I'm not welcome!" Hongmeng laughed, picked up the teacup and drank slowly into his belly.

"Cannibalism, let's talk...what do you want to know?" Hongmeng put down his teacup and laughed.

The pavilion master whispered, "I just want to know that after the fall of the ancient times, the heavens were all operating on their own, and there has never been a phenomenon of heaven's punishment. What does this phenomenon show? Or is it a man-made existence?"

"Artificially, the first floor was used as a place of criminal law, and guilty people entered it. However, after the fall of the ancient times, there were no executioners on the first floor. This should not happen in theory, but since it has appeared, it means that someone is already qualified. I have replaced the executioner, maybe...this is a sign of the emergence of the emperor of a new era!" Hongmeng said indifferently.

"As a guard, you belong to the ancients, and the new emperor appears, you don't seem to be nervous at all?" the pavilion master asked.

"What does the new emperor do to me? My duty is to guard the passage of the dead. Everything else has nothing to do with me. The vicissitudes of life are the only rules that are immortal. I wait for my duty, even if the ten thousand races are unified again, I will still perform My mission is!"

"And... if the new emperor doesn't trust me and is willing to leave me as a guardian, I will be grateful. For countless years, we have lived enough!"

The pavilion owner hurriedly laughed when he heard the words, "Hongmeng, why bother to belittle yourself? I'm just kidding. You, as the guard general, lead your brothers to guard the necromantic world for countless years. Even if the new emperor is born, you will recognize your merit. !"

After that, the pavilion owner endured the pain again and refilled Hongmeng with a cup of Babao Ling tea. All around him, the fragrance of the empty tea was overflowing, and the spirit was boiling.

The pavilion master also made a cup for himself, and said softly, "Brother Hongmeng, who do you think is the new emperor of the heavens and worlds?" "How do I know." Hongmeng shook his head, this kind of question is beyond the scope of his own solution. within.

The pavilion master smiled and nodded, "Yes, the universe is undecided, everything is vain!"

"However, this time there are many changes in Tianfu, and I believe that those who are destined must be among them!"

Hongmeng frowned slightly and groaned, "What do you mean?"

"Brother Hongmeng knows what I want, why pretend to be confused? You and I know that some of the talents of the Tianjiao generation among the ten thousand races have surpassed us. I believe they will be the trend-makers after the ten thousand worlds. At that time , Where shall we go?" The pavilion owner chuckled softly.

"I am not the same as you, don't pull me, we have never surpassed for so many years, even if the new emperor is born, there will not be much relationship with me!" Hongmeng said indifferently.

"Brother Hongmeng...Oh, that's true, but we can also be regarded as ministers in the same court. Do you really have the heart to see me being liquidated by the new emperor?" The pavilion master smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Huh...you supervise the Tiansi to supervise the world, but you haven't performed your duties. The new emperor asks you to settle accounts, shouldn't it?" Hongmeng said in an angry voice.

"That said, brother Hongmeng, you are here, you know, our Supervision Department is still monitoring the world over the years. It's just a change of form and name, and now the functions are incomplete, even if I collect information. , I don't know who to submit it to!" The pavilion master said helplessly.

"What's the use of telling me this? You have to explain to the new emperor!" Hongmeng said softly, "If the new emperor succeeds to the throne, it will be fine? If the new emperor wants to be held accountable, you think you have died. ?"

The pavilion owner smiled bitterly and nodded, "You don't die!"

"Brother Hongmeng, I actually only want to ask one question today. I hope Brother Hongmeng will tell me the truth for the sake of our dynasty!"

Hongmeng glanced at the pavilion master, and said faintly, "You ask, I will tell you what you should say, what should not be said... I don't know if you ask!"

"Brother Hongmeng, do you really bear the heart to watch me suffer? I just want to ask you, is Lin Tiancheng that..."

"I don't know!" Hongmeng said lightly.

"Okay, I know you are embarrassed, so let me put it another way, is this change related to him?"

"I don't know this much, judge for yourself!" Hongmeng smiled lightly.

"Brother Hongmeng... Do you really bear the heart to watch me die? For so many years, I have never forgotten the friendship between us, do you really bear the heart to die?" The pavilion master sighed.

Hongmeng hesitated for a moment, "You'd better think about retreat. You know his character. If it's really him, if he inherits the new emperor's throne, then you will have to suffer, but it may not be. He, after all, his current realm is only a half-god realm!"

"I know!" The pavilion master sighed, "I just can't help...That's it, if the new emperor thinks I betrayed, let him go. Jian Tiansi, it's broken, I really tried my best !"

Upon hearing this, Hongmeng didn't answer, just lowered his head and continued to drink the eight treasure tea in his hand.

Upon seeing this, the pavilion master sighed helplessly, turned around and disappeared silently.

Upon seeing this, Hongmeng reluctantly put down the teacup in his hand, shook his head with a wry smile, and knew why it was today.

Jiantiansi and Guardian Division are both institutions of the same ancient emperor. Their strengths are almost the same, but the division of tasks between the two is different. In fact, Jiantiansi is a little stronger.

However, after the destruction of the ancient times, Jiantiansi escaped disaster by relying on the Void Temple, but did not want to continue to perform his duties, but turned Jiantiansi into a private institution, which has violated some rules.

Therefore, even if he is the Supervisor Tensi personally asking himself to intercede, he still cannot promise some love, otherwise it is very likely that these brothers who guard the Division will be dragged into the abyss.


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