Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4599: Lanting is here

But at this moment, Lin Tiancheng didn't notice that there was a void in the distance that fluctuated slightly. In the next moment, a figure quickly escaped! Hong Yu! At this time, Hong Yu looked horrified!

He still did not suppress his curiosity, and returned to the lower level to see the situation, but he happened to be hit by Lin Tiancheng, who killed seven immortal celestial arrogances and seized the treasure. Among them was the Profound Demigod Peak Realm. antiquity!

At this moment, Hong Yu cursed secretly in his heart, this strong is outrageous, it's nothing more than killing in the same realm, and even suppressed a drop of the living fairy king essence. Only then did Hong Yu realize that the dragons wanted to form an alliance with Lin Tiancheng. How ridiculous the idea is.

Not to mention anything else, this alone is enough to drag the dragon clan to the opposite of the immortal clan. When Lin Tiancheng hides in the holy city, the dragon clan will endure the vengeful anger of the immortal clan!

The anger of an immortal king... To be honest, even the dragon clan doesn't want to try!

"I now know what the change of the first floor is, no accident... it is the murder god, wherever he goes, death will follow wherever he goes. I'm so stupid that I just remembered it!" Hong Yu smiled bitterly.

"No, go back to the sixth floor, where there are a little more powerful, safer, stay here... I'm afraid of being beaten to death!"

Hong Yu gritted his teeth and didn't go to the sixth floor at all, and went straight to the seventh floor. At any rate, there were a group of top talents. I believe that Lin Tian's achievement is going to kill people, and it is not that easy. If you don't want these lower floors, Lin Tiancheng is simply invincible. The presence!

"I hope he will sweep more slowly, just wait for me to get out safely..." Hong Yu sighed helplessly in his heart.

At this time, he doesn't want to win the treasure anymore, just want to save from this dispute. For Hong Yu, the strong is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that Lin Tiancheng is as strong as it is strong and unlucky. People.

Hong Yu had the confidence to escape from the opponent's hands just because of his strength, but a strong man like Lin Tiancheng, he really might not be able to escape.

at the same time. Three floors. Xuanzong's face suddenly changed slightly, and everyone beside him was also shocked, and saw that the life card in Xuanzong's hand was broken.

"This...dead!?" Everyone was surprised. Xuanzong sighed and said calmly, "I said, the second floor is extremely dangerous now, he doesn't believe it! He died is something I expected. It seems that if you want to survive this disaster, you must at least have the peak of a demigod. The strength above the border will do!"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the people around him changed drastically. Xuanzong glanced at them and said lightly, "Don't worry, we go to the seventh floor and meet other strong people. I believe it will take some time for him to sweep the second floor!"

After speaking, Xuanzong quickly flew towards the entrance of the fourth floor, "Let's go, the third floor is almost unsafe, don't stay!"

"The crisis is coming! I don't know what the crisis is, but this crisis is approaching us, and the fall of Xuan Gu also warns us. We may not be able to contend with us alone, and even if we are entangled, there is nothing for us. the benefits of!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded. This huge crisis was like a stone pressing on everyone's heart and made them breathless. As Xuanzong said, even if they drag the crisis, once the time is long, they It may die.

The most important thing is that delaying here will only delay them from harvesting treasures, and there is no benefit. On the contrary, if you give up the lower level now, there may be a chance to harvest some better treasures.

Therefore, the people who did not hesitate once again followed Xuanzong and escaped from the third floor, at least following him, it is still possible to save their lives.

The second floor.

Lin Tiancheng glanced around, there was no one in the surrounding area at this time.

And Tian Jiu behind him was also extremely helpless, just after Lin Tiancheng descended on the second floor, the deaths and injuries of the ten thousand races exceeded three digits!

Moreover, they were basically dead, and few were injured. Even if they were, they were injured by the vision of heaven and earth he had summoned!

When Lin Tiancheng was inspecting the second floor, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

"What's the matter? How do I feel that a crisis is hitting me?" Lin Tiancheng's expression was a little strange, his eyebrows were slightly condensed, and he let out his consciousness to check.

At this time, on the first floor, Lan Ting and the idiot were looking at the passage of the second floor in a daze.

Lan Ting couldn't understand, who rushed ahead of him, and even washed a layer of blood, so that he didn't even see it.

The newly converted undead spirits who followed him were not long after their deaths, and the souls still had no remnants of dissipating.

At this time, Lan Ting was behind the idiot, and behind the idiot, there were more than a dozen newly converted undead spirits. This is the harvest after they searched for it, and all that can be converted is here. "Interesting! I want to see who wiped out the first layer. I only made up more than a dozen undead souls. Fortunately, the talent is not weak. Maybe I will be able to pull out another batch soon. Powerful necromancer!" After all, those who can enter Tianfu are geniuses.

And geniuses, whether dead or alive, are equally powerful.

The second floor. Lin Tiancheng frowned, his sense of crisis getting stronger and stronger, as if he was being stared at by some powerful existence, but the investigation of the divine consciousness found nothing, which made him very uneasy.

Lin Tiancheng frowned, and suddenly said, "Tianjiu, you go to the third floor first! But don't want to run, you still have the restrictions I planted on you, besides...help me find the human race, and notify me when the time comes!"

Tian Jiu asked unexpectedly, "Why should I go first?" "If you let you go, go quickly, there is so much nonsense!" Lin Tiancheng said in a low voice, "I feel a little ominous, but I can't find the reason. You will be very dangerous by my side, do as I say!"

Hearing that, Tianjiu said nothing, slandered in his heart, aren't you the biggest ominous person, where are you going?

"Since you are aware of it, why don't you go together?"

To be honest, Tianjiu is already a little used to the sense of security that Lin Tiancheng is around.

"I want to see what is threatening me!"

Lin Tianchang sighed, "You go to the passage first, if I have trouble, don't go to the third floor in an orderly manner, I will leave quickly, and then we start to gather the human race and go to the seventh floor to converge. !"

However, at this moment, Lin Tiancheng's sense of crisis in his heart became stronger.

"Then...there are some human races on the second floor, I...do you want to tell me?" Lin Tiancheng frowned and said quickly, "Let's do it! Just say it, they like to go or not!" "Got it!" said After that, Tian Jiu didn't say more, she still believed in Lin Tiancheng's judgment. Since Lin Tiancheng said that it might be dangerous, it might really be a big danger. Soon, Tian Jiu's figure disappeared, and Lin Tiancheng also began to probe around.

"The crisis is still approaching, I want to see what crisis is there that will make me feel dangerous!" "Could it be that...Jai Xu is so angry that I want to kill me?" Lin Tiancheng secretly slandered, in addition to this, there is more What? On the second floor, I haven't searched much yet. Even if there is a crisis, I shouldn't be targeted at me like this. He didn't think too much anymore, and quickly flew towards the passageway, lay ambush over there, and if someone entered the third floor, he would be able to kill directly, killing and overwhelming! When encountering danger, you can also flee for the first time, advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending. Soon, Lin Tiancheng flew towards the entrance of the passage. It didn't take long for Lin Tiancheng to reach the entrance of the passage, and he came faster than Tianjiu. Not long after he arrived, Tian Jiu also arrived. Lin Tiancheng nodded his head and walked into the void. Tian Jiu also followed a few people, all human races, because he was in a hurry to leave, he didn't say hello to Lin Tiancheng.

Seeing them gone, Lin Tiancheng was also relieved a lot. However, the sense of crisis in my heart has not diminished at all, and even continues to intensify.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng came to live, only to see a few panic-stricken ten thousand clan powerhouses flying from the sky trying to fly past Lin Tiancheng.

But he never wanted to float in the void, Lin Tiancheng's figure appeared, and he shot them down with a knife, and then threw their corpses into the storage space.

"Sure enough, killing and selling goods is the best way to make a fortune. If I find this by myself, when will I find so many treasures!" Lin Tiancheng muttered with joy.

Wait and see, there will be people who can't help but go up to the third floor! "The next level, do the same, but it's best to block the exit, so they can't even run if they want to!" Just as he was thinking about it in the early morning, the crisis struck again, restraining his breath, silently, and concealed into the void.

At the moment when he was concealed into the void, two extremely powerful death auras instantly appeared in Lin Tiancheng's induction. Lin Tiancheng was shocked! Damn it!

Are there dead souls in Tianfu?

That's not right... Dead spirits can't leave the holy city. I know the location of the thirty-six holy cities. There is no holy city in this heaven. Where did these dead spirits come from?

From the start, it is not an ordinary necromancer, the richness of this death aura must at least be the existence of the necromancer level!

As a person who has dealt with necromancers many times, he can distinguish death aura far beyond ordinary people at this time, and he can infer the strength of the opponent based on the quality of death aura.

Now, Lin Tiancheng finally knows how the sense of crisis came. It turned out that there was a dead spirit who entered the Tianfu, and it was still at the level of a dead spirit monarch, and there was more than one!

"I... he... Damn!" Lin Tiancheng couldn't help cursing wildly in his heart.

You know, the most powerful part of the Necromancer does not lie in his strength, and of course his strength is also terrifying.

But the most important thing is that the Necromancer is not an ordinary Necromancer, he can transform the Necromancer himself, and he has wisdom. As long as the number of creatures is sufficient, they can even organize an army of Necromancers!

The human sea tactics are extremely terrifying no matter when it is. After all, the power of one person is limited. Once it is fought by the wheels, it is difficult to not die!

At this time, screams and exclamations had already spread in the distance, and hundreds of people fled in the air in the next moment.

"What's the matter? How come there are dead souls?"

"Run, there's a dead spirit coming!"

"This undead came from the first floor, and God knows what happened on the first floor!"

Suddenly, the people on the second floor were terrified, and they were all panicked, vying for their lives one by one, for fear of being entangled by the necromantic army.

You know, the undead are not afraid of death and injury, once they are surrounded, under the top ten of the dead, no matter how powerful the strong, they will be consumed over time!

All of a sudden, everyone understood why there was a crisis on the first floor, because there was a dead spirit! On the first floor, I'm afraid the whole army is wiped out! "Hahaha, a lot of creatures, I like it!" A loud laugh, spread around, frightened everyone, talking necromancer, it's over... monarch level! At this moment, Lin Tiancheng's expression completely changed. I know why I feel dangerous, this necromancer turned out to be Lanting! This voice, he remembered, was a very arrogant guy, a master who even the boss of Hongmeng dared to provoke. Lin Tiancheng no longer had any hesitation, and instantly turned around and disappeared into the passage.

Before leaving, Lin Tiancheng didn't forget to give the second floor Tuo Ying a copy. This was a good opportunity to throw the pot.

When the time comes, whoever dares to pour dirty water on himself will throw the pot to Lanting himself! In the distance, the laughing Lan Ting was suddenly startled. For an instant, he felt that someone was actually calculating himself. What's the situation? Lan Ting frowned, turned his head to look at the idiot, was this guy just calculating himself?


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