Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4970: Explore the realm of the dead again

After Lin Tiancheng left, he escaped directly into the void and headed towards Hongmeng Holy City. Looking at the eagerly awaited Necromancers who were getting ready to go, Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and comforted him a few times. All the Necromancers present knew him. , they all saluted and then followed Lin Tiancheng straight to the world of the dead.

Although their master Lan Hou did not come back, Lan Hou had issued the order a long time ago, and Lin Tiancheng was the highest commander.

That's why Lin Tiancheng was able to mobilize these undead princes without any hindrance when Lan Hou was away. This time Lin Tiancheng entered the undead world not on a whim, but to prepare for a big thing that he wanted to do before but had no chance to do.

The world of the dead and the world of living beings can actually be connected. Lin Tiancheng discovered this very early on. As long as there is enough death energy, he can open another channel to connect to the world of living beings. What he has to do this time is positioning.

Find out the location pattern of the world of the dead corresponding to the world of the living. If this can be done, then the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals will find that there will be an extra realm passage at the door of their home, leading directly to the world of the dead. Who knows? Lin Tiancheng was looking forward to the expressions these people had when they found out.

Lin Tiancheng was thinking while escaping from the void. He had to bring Yue Luo with him into the world of the dead this time. Although this guy was not strong, he had lived for a long time and was very familiar with the world of the dead. He might be able to help. Go to yourself!

The realm of the dead.

Lin Tiancheng called Yue Luo as soon as he arrived at East King City. Yue Luo also looked at Lin Tiancheng curiously. She didn't know why he called her here in such a hurry. She frowned and asked, "What's the wind that blows you?" coming?"

Lin Tiancheng didn't care about Yue Luo's tone and said with a smile, "Why, your status is much higher now than before. Now I heard that your subordinates are in charge of many undead princes. Aren't you satisfied? Don't forget, this is all I asked Marquis Lan to give it to you, and you haven’t even reported on your current work!”

Yue Luo rolled her eyes at Lin Tiancheng and didn't bother to talk to him. Although what he said was true, she didn't ask him to give her these rights. He wouldn't recognize this relationship anyway.

Fortunately, Lin Tiancheng didn't care about this. It was enough to push the world of the dead. As for Yueluo, Lin Tiancheng always felt that the other party had known him for a long time and had an inexplicable sense of intimacy, so he allowed the other party to be unreasonably arrogant. .

"Tell me, you have nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Palace. You must have something to do when you come to the world of the dead this time. How can I help?" Yue Luo found a seat to sit down.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "As expected, Lord Yueluo has a unique vision. There are indeed some things that need to be paid attention to, and he just needs some help from Lord Ning!"

Hearing this, Yue Luo snorted dissatisfiedly and said nothing more. She just waited for Lin Tiancheng's explanation with joy in her eyes.

"It's like this. I've almost finished handling the affairs in the world of living beings. The upper world doesn't dare to send Hedao to the lower world in a short time. So I thought, sir, didn't you open all the passages into Tianfu before? Well, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could follow your method and create some more passages leading directly to the realms of all races in the living world?” Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

After hearing this, Yue Luo turned to look at Lin Tiancheng, with a sarcastic look in her eyes. After a while, she said, "What do you think is the realm passage? You can open it whenever you want? Not to mention how many realm walls can be penetrated between the two realms?" Difficulty, let’s just talk about the magic weapon that stabilizes the formation. Do you think who among the current ten thousand races can get it? At least it must be at the level of imperial soldiers. Do you have it? "

Imperial soldiers... Lin Tiancheng smacked his tongue. He did not expect that such a high-level treasure would be needed to stabilize the passage, and his grand plan was immediately shattered.

"Sir, I know you must have other ways, right?" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Yueluo glanced at Lin Tiancheng indifferently, "No, even if you hold me up to the sky, it will still be the same. Even if you did, I don't remember it now!"

Yue Luo said calmly, "The passages to the world of the dead are naturally born in the thirty-six holy cities today, and are used to guide the power of the souls in the world of living beings. Even when the ancient human emperor was here, in addition to using magic weapons to make formations, Eyes, there is no other good way."

"But if you really have the strength of a human emperor, there is no need to open the undead channel. You alone are much more powerful than the undead!" Yue Luo said indifferently.

Lin Tiancheng thought for a while and nodded with a wry smile. Looking at Lin Tiancheng's disappointed look, Yueluo said, "But I do know where there may be treasures that can stabilize the passage!"

When Lin Tiancheng heard this, he immediately became energetic and asked hurriedly, "Where is it?"

"I can't remember the details, but I seem to remember someone saying that this thing can suppress mountains and rivers and stabilize passages when I was alive. It seems to be within the Tianfu, but I can't remember the appearance and name of the treasure clearly!" Yue! Luo explained.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked that such a treasure actually existed, and it was within Tianfu. What made him a little frustrated was that Yue Luo couldn't remember the specific location and appearance of the thing.

"It seems like Tianfu still has to go there, just to see how long it will take for that guy Nanhuang to get out of trouble!"

Thoughts flashed in Lin Tiancheng's mind. Lin Tiancheng wanted to imitate the Human Emperor and use Whale Luo as the basis to merge the strengths of hundreds of schools to create another realm. In this way, he could break through the realm and reach the supreme realm of the Lord of Rules.

However, the road of unification of all the ways is too difficult. Even though he has recently collected the charm and blood essence of many powerful people from all races, he even peeled off part of the Great Way of the Dead and integrated it into Whale Fall. among them, but the effect is still not very significant.

I don’t know if it’s because the power of the Dao that I have integrated into is too weak, or because my understanding of the Dao is not thorough enough, or because I haven’t killed enough powerful people from all races...

"Yes, I have fallen behind after all. I have always relied on the power of the Human Alliance and other Hedao big guys to take advantage of the situation. On the contrary, my own strength has been underestimated. Even if I open the channel, I want to take advantage of the world of the dead. The potential…”

One thought after another kept rising.

Maybe you can give it a try and solve the problem from a different angle. Now that the Human Alliance is not weak, and there are a lot of big guys in the alliance, it’s time to improve yourself!

Otherwise, after all the other guards have entered Hedao, I may not have entered it yet!

Thinking about this, Lin Tiancheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Although he was the core of the alliance, if he was not strong enough, if this continued, the leader was weak and the ministers were strong, sooner or later there would be problems. At least there must be someone to suppress or match it. Only with strength can we continue to cooperate for a long time.

Otherwise, as time goes by, who knows if someone will have other ideas!

"Sir, I have a lot of emotions when I get together with you today, so I won't disturb you any more and say goodbye!" Lin Tiancheng clasped his fists and smiled.

Yue Luo said casually, "I know you can't stay idle. Bring me some living creatures' food when you come next time. Although I can't eat it, it's great to see!"

Lin Tiancheng touched his nose after hearing this. He wanted to persuade the other party that food from the living world could not be preserved in the dead world and would be eroded by the death energy. However, when he saw Yue Luo's eager eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse and clicked. He nodded.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you next time I come here!"

Yue Luo smiled brightly upon hearing this, nodded, and a look of expectation rose in her eyes.

Lin Tiancheng did not stay too long, used the human master seal to protect himself, and flew straight out. After all, this was the world of the dead.

Although the triple burner can absorb the death energy, it still has to find a way to remove it later, which is a waste of resources and treasures. Now that I have the strength to isolate the erosion of the death energy, I don't want to continue to use my body as a carrier to absorb the death energy.

The Four Kings Realm and the Western King Realm.

After the King of the West was killed, the West King's territory was quickly taken over by Marquis Lan and others. However, due to the distance, the territory was still divided to the King of the South.

At this moment, on a dark high mountain in the Western King's Domain, King Nantian and Lin Tiancheng were standing side by side in the void.

"King Nan Tian, ​​do you think it's important for the Human Alliance to win this battle?" Lin Tiancheng looked at the dark Tianhe of the Dead in confusion.

The Southern Emperor knew what Lin Tiancheng wanted to say. The Northern Emperor and his group escaped into the Galaxy of the Dead. Their life and death are still uncertain, but there is a high probability that they are not dead.

Therefore, it is necessary to put the encirclement and suppression of the North Heavenly King on the agenda, but neither the South Heavenly King nor Lin Tiancheng themselves are confident about such a thing. There is more than one terrifying existence silent in the Galaxy of the Dead.

If they attack rashly, some beings will inevitably be awakened, and then they may not only have to face the King of the North.

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