Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4990: Human Emperor, Taiyi

"No, I don't remember that this small tribe had a name in ancient times. Could it be that it is a newly born race?"

Lin Tiancheng turned over their tribe's territory and then confirmed his suspicion. The race in front of him was a race born after ancient times. That's why the avenues that were created were not stored by Jingluo, and the swordsmanship could be used for his own use. .

However, Lin Tiancheng felt helpless at the group of little guys in front of him who were only at the half-body level. They were too weak to kill!

"How about... I help them, let them experience the wonders of the divine realm, and then kill them and let them commit themselves to me?"

Hearing Lin Tiancheng talking to himself, the members of the Yan Dou clan present were stunned. Is this what he meant by promising himself?

Although the Flame Dolphin clan is stupid, they also understand the meaning of committing themselves to each other. After all, the stupid species will not last until now, let alone cultivate to become a strong person in the divine realm. But what they are helpless now is that this guy from the human race actually wants to They fatten them up and then kill them, which is simply murder and heart-wrenching!

However, Lin Tiancheng soon gave up this idea. Not to mention the huge amount of spiritual materials consumed to cultivate these guys, the power of the avenue extracted from these guys was not proportional to the investment!

No matter how you look at this deal, it's a loss-making thing. Lin Tiancheng immediately rejected the plan without hesitation and decided to let the other party reproduce and thrive. At the worst, he could put a ban on them outside so that they can't get out, and wait for the outside world. The battle has calmed down, and he will come back to deal with the guys he raised in this world.

I believe that by that time, these semi-god realm guys present will definitely be promoted to many **** realms, and it will not be too late to kill them by then!

This method is similar to what the Human Emperor did back then, letting the opponent grow up, and when the time is right, he will find an excuse to kill a wave of strong men in their clan. While suppressing them, it also promotes the majesty of the human clan!

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng did not realize that many of his thoughts and practices were similar to those of the former Human Emperor!

Lin Tiancheng felt no guilt from the bottom of his heart about keeping and hunting these Ten Thousand Races. Before the rise of the Human Race, these Ten Thousand Races often used the Human Race's soldiers as food. Now that the tide has turned, and the Human Race has risen, this blood feud will naturally remain. Do the math.

The weak eat the strong, this is the survival law of all races. If the human race loses, it is normal for them to become the rations of all races in captivity after a few years. The prosperity and demise of a race depends on the number and status of their own strong men!

"The rotation of life and death, the rise and fall, this is the epitome of all races. It looks sad, but in fact it is ridiculous!"

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but laughed and shook his head. If the human race hadn't done things so absolutely, maybe the ten thousand races wouldn't have rebelled. Of course, they might have worsened the situation. It's not like a fish, how can a fish know? The joy!

I don’t know what Wanjie thinks. It is reasonable for the human race to suppress the Wanjie in order to seek prosperity for thousands of years. However, the approach was a little extreme, which resulted in heavy casualties for the Wanjie and the people’s deprivation of life. Later, the resentment deepened and turned against the human race!

"Oh, it's time to go back. During this time, I traveled to thousands of small worlds and gained a lot. It's time to go back and take a look!"

Lin Tiancheng was like a hard-working little bee during this period, traveling through thousands of small worlds, constantly hunting, stripping, and integrating the power of the great avenues of all races. Sometimes, in order to rush for time, he killed all the gods of a race. After the realm, continue to the next small realm.

"Wait for a while, I believe they will definitely enter the divine realm again. I did not take away the treasure of inheritance. I believe they will practice diligently under the pressure of death again. When the matter in the upper realm is settled, I may come again. There will be a surprise then!”

Lin Tiancheng laughed. In these small realms that he had patronized and cleaned up, the strong men in the divine realm had already cleared them away. The rest were some unworthy demigod realms. They were tasteless to eat and a pity to kill. So Lin Tiancheng achieved success. Seal their realm and wait until all the dust has settled before settling the matter.

After taking a short rest, Lin Tiancheng tore apart the void, preparing to learn the art of swordsmanship, improve his strength, and return to the human race.

Lin Tiancheng is now majoring in swordsmanship and minoring in swordsmanship. With the improved strength and mentality of swordsmanship, he can understand the artistic conception of swordsmanship that once a sword is struck, there is no obstacle in the way.

"Hehe... When the Human Emperor sees me, the descendant of another generation, he will probably praise me for being smart. Who can think of such a great idea but me!"

As everyone knows, many people have had this idea, but their energy and talent limit most people. Only a small number of people with outstanding talents can be like him, dual practitioners!

However, what the outside world doesn’t know is that although Lin Tiancheng is a fellow practitioner of the two paths, the way of sword... has integrated the power of the great path of all races to form a sword of its own, and later it has been integrated into Jingluo, the way of integrating all races. It is an extremely precious treasure, and now it is no exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of thousands of fellow practitioners!

With some smile, Lin Tiancheng traveled across the void. Sure enough, only plundering and devouring is the best way to improve his strength. Any words of enlightenment are all lies!

Just when Lin Tiancheng was thinking about these things, a figure dressed in white appeared in a dark void.

Dressed like this, he was particularly conspicuous in this dark void area. However, the man's condition was obviously not very good at this time. He panted and smiled tiredly, "My successor seems to be talking about me?"

After saying that, with some indescribable coolness, even though the blood on his body was stained with white clothes like rain, he still slashed forward with a smile on his face, a shocking sword, and the terrifying sword energy swept all directions with unparalleled momentum. .

"How dare you, a bunch of losers, think of me and ask your supreme being to come and die. Only I, the human race, will be undefeated!"

With a chuckle, the terrifying sword light instantly swallowed up the enemy chasing behind him, leaving behind a **** mist that filled the sky and then made no sound.

After slashing out this sword, the man in white seemed to be weaker, with a slight smile on his face, and a look of contempt for the world in his eyes.

However, these could not hide the fact that he was almost exhausted. He could not remember how many years had passed since this battle, but he was persisting. He firmly believed that Jingluo would find a suitable successor to bring him here. World, continue to promote the power of the human race!

"It's a pity... I don't have much time. Otherwise, I really want to see you in person and give you advice. It's a pity, it's such a pity..."

The man in white laughed. It would be great if Jingluo could bring this man earlier. Now, he can no longer fight, but even with this ruined body, he can still kill the lord of rules in this other world. Like a lost dog!

From his conquest of this world to now, although the soldiers around him have fallen one after another, in these countless years, he has led his men to conquer many small worlds and killed most of the weak!

Even though he failed miserably in the end due to the villain's plot, it still made several supreme beings in this world dare not show up, for fear that they would risk their lives and lead them to death!

"Is it possible that in the elegant hall, such behavior and mentality are worthy of me handing over the method of breaking through the Supreme Dao?" The man in white glanced contemptuously at the several phantoms that appeared behind him.

After the words fell, the phantoms said in unison, "Human Emperor Taiyi, you can't escape, hand over your method, and we are willing to save your life!"

Hearing this, the man in white, the Human Emperor Taiyi, was slightly startled, and then laughed, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke. He pointed at the phantoms with trembling fingers and kept shaking his head.

"Are you mice hiding in the dark worthy of saying this to me? If you have the ability to show up and fight, let me see what gives you the courage to say this to me!" Tai looked fiercely. A flash of light flashed across his body, exuding a domineering and domineering air.

Seeing this, the phantoms sighed helplessly. For many years, they have been constantly being chased. In fact, it is no different from sending someone to death. Although Taiyi's injuries continue to worsen, it is still a bit difficult to say that he will fall. not qualified.

It can only be said that Taiyi has no time to recover and uses his life to consume his strength, but even so, several people still dare not show up to fight.

Taiyi was about to continue to sarcastically say something, but suddenly he seemed to sense something, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Asshole, why did my Jingluo aura disappear? When did I lose it?"

After saying that, Taiyi glared at those supreme powerhouses, "It's all you, chasing after chasing, chasing after nothing, you didn't notice when my treasure disappeared, today, I will slaughter your whole city again!"

After saying that, Taiyi disappeared and headed straight for the city closest to him. Several phantoms tried to intercept him.

With a smile on Taiyi's face, he chopped the void with his broadsword instantly and sealed the place. Although he knew that these were just incarnations, and killing them would only hurt them but not kill them, he still didn't intend to let these people go.

Because this is his way, **** of the sword, and domineering, the way of the sword!

Not long after, the void shattered, and Taiyi received a few new injuries on his body, but he didn't care. He chuckled and walked away. Blood rained down like rain, and the blood gradually dyed his clothes red.

"A bunch of trash, no enemy to fight with, how lonely!" Taiyi said arrogantly, and left straight away, but there was a look of tiredness in his eyes that could not be concealed.

After fighting for too many years, he was already tired and tired.

But he can't fall yet, because there is no one in the human race who can inherit his mantle. If he falls, these guys will inevitably counterattack the domain of all races.

At that time, not only the human race, but also all races will be annihilated. He has been holding on until now and refuses to fall, relying on his obsession to support him.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng was still practicing his sword skills and slashing into the void.

All kinds of insights are clearly in my heart, and as I move forward, the way of swordsmanship seems to be helped by God. At this moment, my practice is smooth and my progress is rapid.

"Now that I have the strength... I can fight the Southern Emperor again! Although I am likely to lose, I still have the strength to fight!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled, put away the vision of the way of swords, and slowly walked out of the void.

"The Soul Emperor has sent messages many times today, saying that something big is going on... I haven't had time to see it yet... General Bao has returned to the human race with Jian Tiance, and is he willing to continue to serve the human race as the master of all races?"

Lin Tiancheng looked at the jade slip and blinked. What do you mean? He remembered that General Bao was the last group of Hedao who went down to the realm with Feng Wu and the others.

Have you surrendered to the human race? Did you also bring Jian Tiance?

What's going on?

"That's not right. Isn't Jian Tiance in the hands of that guy Yun Ling? How did he get it? It seems it's time to go back and take a look!"

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng was also dressed in white as snow, with a hint of kingly style, and walked away gracefully through the air!

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