Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4996: People are numb

He has no idea how many years he has practiced, and Lin Tiancheng himself does not know how long he has been in this space. He only finds that his aura is fading, and the glorious light on his body is gradually dimming.

Lin Tiancheng laughed sadly, "After I go back this time, I must find an opportunity as soon as possible to find a way to enter it. The way of the sword... breaking through the realm and entering the combined way is just around the corner!"

After finishing his words, Lin Tiancheng looked back reluctantly at the bright avenues around him, turned around and flew thousands of miles into the air, quickly traveling through the void.

However, even if Cangsheng Dao tried its best to clear the way for him by turning into a stormy wave, wrapping his body and taking him far away, he still could not avoid being wounded by the power of the surrounding Dao. After a while, the newly repaired body changed again. Got to be scarred.

"Asshole, this is not the way to go. I have to find a way to leave as soon as possible!" Lin Tiancheng shouted, his eyes filled with anger!

Lin Tian was seen growing up and flying, his eyes flashed with anger and unwillingness, and the Master Seal appeared above his head, leading him to escape quickly into the distance.

After all, this place is not a place to stay for a long time. You must leave, otherwise, you may be trapped in it and unable to escape!


A loud sound like five thunders struck the sky, and there was a sound like shattering glass in the void around him. Then Lin Tiancheng saw the familiar scenery coming from all around, with a look of joy on his face!

It turns out... everything was just a thought, and I never left the place at all!

Thinking about the birth, Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but open his mouth and vomit blood, and the anxious calls of Hong Meng and others came from behind.

Lin Tiancheng didn't care, a smile appeared on his face, and then it turned into a long smile, "Hahaha... I'm back, Nanhuang, just wait, I will find you sooner or later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him looked confused. What happened to the Master? Why are you still mentioning Nanhuang?

However, Lin Tiancheng did not answer this at all. Instead, he stood up and walked into the distance with a nonchalant expression. He already knew how to advance to the Dao of Swords. The top priority now was to recuperate his body first, and then enter the Dao!

Although Lin Tiancheng knew that it was not easy to use this secret technique easily, he had already made plans!

"There must be a way. Nanhuang can go in, and I can go in, which means there must be a way. It's just that I don't understand how he did it yet. The Dao of Cangsheng must have something to do with entering this state. I have to think about it carefully!" Lin Tiancheng thought of something and whispered.

"Could it be that there is a certain avenue that can lead me to that kind of realization? No...it's not a certain avenue, it must be the common people's path, it must be it!"

Lin Tiancheng finally figured out why in ancient times, those human emperors liked to enslave all races, but they would not kill them all. This was because they regarded all races as their own captive blood food for cultivation!

However, Lin Tiancheng doesn't intend to judge these rights and wrongs. He just wants to practice and improve his sword skills!

I saw Lin Tiancheng flying forward quickly, "Soul Emperor, give me some treasures to restore spiritual power, don't be afraid of using them!"

Upon hearing this, the Soul Emperor quickly nodded in agreement, and turned around quickly to mobilize the spiritual treasures to send to Lin Tiancheng. However, Lin Tiancheng was running non-stop towards the direction of the giant city, preparing to enter the former residence of the Human Emperor to recuperate.

Soon, the Soul Emperor sent a large number of spiritual treasures. Lin Tiancheng didn't even look at them. He grabbed them and tore them into pieces. He endured the pain in his body and entered the time channel to enter the former residence of the Human Emperor.

Just when Lin Tiancheng stepped in, Lingdang immediately sensed the chaotic aura on Lin Tiancheng's body. The phantom of the avenue appeared on his body, which helped Lin Tiancheng suppress the violent power in his body. Then he struggled to sort it out and guide those Out of control power.

I don't know how long it took, but Ling Dang breathed a sigh of relief, took a long breath, looked at Lin Tiancheng in confusion and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why is the power of the Great Dao in your body so messed up? I met you. A powerful enemy?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head with a wry smile, took out some spiritual treasures and began to devour them, absorb them and practice them, while saying, "No, I don't know where I entered. I also met Nanhuang and had some conflicts with him, but these injuries He didn’t hit me, but I didn’t know how I brought it back when I escaped!”

At first, Ling Dang still listened in confusion. When Lin Tiancheng told how he forcibly absorbed the power of the avenue, Ling Dang beside him was dumbfounded and looked at Lin Tiancheng in disbelief.

"What did you say? You mean that you actually entered an ethereal state and wandered into a certain avenue?"

Although Lin Tiancheng didn't know why Lingdang was so surprised, he still chose to tell the truth and immediately explained, "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely not be so reckless in the future, no... I will pay attention to it in the future and try my best not to enter there, it is too dangerous! "

Who would have thought that as soon as Lin Tiancheng finished speaking, Lingdang jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail, and said with a look of horror, "How did you do it? Do you know the danger of wandering into the sky? You are just now What kind of strength...isn’t right? How did you get this little strength?"

Lin Tiancheng felt helpless and was despised again, but when he thought of Lingdang's strength, he felt relieved. After all, the person in front of him was not an ordinary person. He despised himself for having such capital.

"Senior, do you know how to enter that ethereal state?" Lin Tiancheng asked nervously, after all, this is related to whether his sword art can be promoted to Hedao in the shortest time.

However, what disappoints Lin Tiancheng is that even Lingdang has not mastered this method. According to legend, certain conditions are required to achieve it.

"Did anything special happen when you entered before, or...did you do anything else?"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng thought for a while and shook his head, "No, but I attached my spiritual consciousness to the golden sword at that time, and then it was like I had an epiphany, and then I entered that mysterious space! "

Hearing this, Lingdang frowned. Based on these words, it had no clue. When the Human Emperor was still alive, its cultivation was not enough, so the Human Emperor never told it about this matter at all.

"In this case...then there is only one way left!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at the solemn Ling Dang and asked curiously, what can be done?

"The experimental ideas one by one, I think there must be something fishy about the two swords, or in other words, to enter that state, there are special requirements for the power of the Dao that one has cultivated. Otherwise, there were so many heroes in ancient times, it would be impossible Only a few people can master this secret technique!”

After listening to Lingdang's words, Lin Tiancheng's whole body went numb. He thought the other party would have some good ideas.


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