Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5004: Refresh your knowledge

Chapter 5004 Refreshing Cognition

"Who are you? Why do you appear in Tianhun Mountain?" Lao Liu said in a deep voice.

Dashan on the side also quietly placed his hand on the long sword he carried with him, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Lin Tiancheng carefully explored the surroundings, and found nothing strange within the scope of his consciousness. Then he turned to look at the two of them, with a joking look on his face, "Tianhun Mountain? Is there anything you can say?"

A look of anger suddenly rose on Dashan's face, and he unsheathed his long sword. However, the next moment, he was stiff and did not dare to move, because he found that at some point, behind him, his feet were covered with vines. At first glance, the green vines It was not a mortal thing. The dangerous aura rose in his heart and made him feel cold all over.

"You...who are you?" Lao Liu's voice was trembling at the moment.

Only then did he realize that the young and shameless man in front of him had an aura as powerful as the sea, and the pressure in his eyes made him dare not look directly at him.

"We? We came from the lower realm. We heard that there are many capable people in the upper realm, so we came here to pay our respects with great yearning!" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

However, his cynical expression showed no sign of awe at all, and the aura that inadvertently leaked from his body also made the two of them feel chilled. They swallowed hard and thought to themselves, I believe you are a ghost!

"I'm asking you a question. Isn't it a bit rude of you not to answer and just leave me alone?" Lin Tiancheng asked with a smile.

"To answer this question, sir, we don't know much about the mysteries of Tianhun Mountain. We only know that it has existed since we can remember. The predecessors all called it this, so that's how we call it!" Lao Liu Explain quickly.

Lin Tiancheng nodded. He was very good. He was very sensible and did not force himself to resort to any tricks. So he continued to ask, "Then what are you doing here?"

"This..." A trace of struggle flashed in Lao Liu's eyes, but he continued, "We are here to find some weaker spatial barriers that have been impacted by the power of the rules, and use them to report in exchange for some resources for training!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at Lao Liu in confusion, "Why are you looking for something like this?"

After saying this, Lin Tiancheng suddenly realized something and suddenly remembered that many of those guys in the lower realm were not following the right path. In other words, they might be directly teleporting to the lower realm through the space barrier that Lao Liu and others were looking for!

"Did those people from the lower world go down from this kind of place?" Lin Tiancheng asked.

Lao Liu nodded. After all, this was not a secret. If Lin Tiancheng wanted to inquire, it would not be difficult to find out, so he did not think about hiding it.

"Sir...how are those adults in the lower realm doing now?" Dashan suddenly asked.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Dashan, was silent for a while and suddenly smiled, "You don't have the soul cards left by those people in the upper world?"

"Yes, yes, but there are rumors that some soul cards have been broken and may have fallen to the lower world. We have never been to the lower world. I heard that it is a paradise-like place with inexhaustible resources. …”

Lin Tiancheng suddenly laughed after listening to Dashan's words. He smiled very happily. There were indeed many resources, but they were all owned by people. It seemed that the upper world had already regarded the lower world as its own, so it treated Dashan like This idea was instilled in the younger generations.

"Since you have heard that some people's soul cards are shattered, you should know that the lower realm is not as safe as you think, and is still very dangerous. Do you think that with your strength, if a war breaks out in the lower realm, you will survive. When to divide resources?" Lin Tiancheng asked with a smile.

Dashan's face suddenly became ugly. He carefully inquired about Lin Tiancheng, and then lowered his head in frustration. If the lower world was full of such strong men, then the battle in the lower world would be dangerous.

"I think there must be someone weaker than me. At worst, I will find the weak one..." Dashan also wanted to regain some face for himself.

"Haha... Really? What will you do if a strong person from their tribe finds you? For example, I am from the human race. If a strong person from the human race finds you to settle the score, what are you going to do?"

"What?" Dashan and Lao Liu both lost their voices, "Are you from the human race? Impossible, how come there are strong men like you in the human race? Doesn't it mean that all the strong men in the human race fell away in ancient times, and not even a single Hedao in the lower realms No?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled slightly, and his heart tightened. It seemed that the upper world had never stopped peeking at the lower world, but it was no wonder that if the environment he lived in was so bad, he would also think of ways to return to the lower world.

However, Lin Tiancheng swore that he would never be as crazy as these people in the upper world and regard the lower world as his hunting ground.

After some exchanges, Lin Tiancheng finally understood the identities and origins of Lao Liu and Dashan. The two were just the most common rangers in the upper world, that is, rogue cultivators. In order to exchange for resources, they often went to some dangerous places and looked for some The weakened boundary wall was washed away by the power of rules.

By the way, these people also have another role, which is to serve as spies, looking for those who have returned to the lower world.

Because they have no organization or clan, they are very unorganized. This also leads to their traces everywhere. If there is any news, it will be spread as soon as possible, and then the big shots in the upper world will have time to prepare. .

"Sir, it is said that something happened in the lower realm. Several wars broke out between your human race and the Ten Thousand Races, and many strong men died. Therefore, we have recently sent many envoys to negotiate peace. Haven't you heard?" Lao Liu asked in confusion.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head with a sneer. The so-called peace talks are just to let the human race stay in a cocoon and wait for the upper world to open up and attack the city. From the perspective of the upper world, he and others are just their resources in the lower world.

"Some wars broke out in the lower realm, and all the people from the lower realm died there, so I would like to advise you, even if the upper realm is opened, don't target the weak after you go down to the lower realm. They may be the direct descendants of some powerful people. , be careful to lose your life!" Lin Tiancheng said.

Hearing this, a look of disappointment appeared in the eyes of the two of them, "Sir, we have never thought about embarrassing anyone. We just want to survive and protect ourselves. We have been through life and death many times in these dangerous places just to exchange for some resources. If we really have a way, we don’t want to stay in this dangerous place full of soul insects. If we really have a choice, we also want to practice in a clean and comfortable dojo!”

"Yes, sir, if we have a choice, why would we be willing to be in danger? It is better to return to the clan and communicate with each other.

"Lao Liu, why do you sound so desperate? Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Stop saying a few depressing words. Your talent is not weak, but it's almost repairable..."

After listening to Lin Tiancheng's words, Lao Liu suddenly felt a fire of hope in his eyes. He knelt down in front of Lin Tiancheng with a thud and grabbed the ground with his head.

"Sir, don't worry, if you are willing to give us some guidance, we are willing to follow you!"

Dashan looked at Lao Liu with some shock, wondering why he was so convinced of the human race in front of him. You must know that the information they had received since childhood was that the human race was evil, cruel, and preyed on all races...

Following the human race is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger!

"Da Shan, what are you waiting for? Do you really think that as soon as the upper realm opens, the human race will be crushed to pieces? Don't be stupid, open your eyes and take a good look. Will these people in the lower realm have a good end? The situation has already changed. It’s very clear, especially since this adult has gone to the upper realm, don’t you understand?”

Lao Liu heard the message and tried to persuade his former best friend, fearing that the other party would go astray.

However, Dashan still hesitated, "We still have hope..."

"Don't be stupid, trust my judgment. Have I missed anything in these years?" Lao Liu said firmly.

Hearing this, Dashan hesitated a little and looked at Lin Tiancheng and the group in front of him with some frustration. He knelt down firmly on one knee and lowered his head towards Lin Tiancheng.

Seeing this, Lin Tiancheng was in trouble. He originally just wanted to get some information about the upper world from the two of them. It didn't need to be top secret, just to know more about it.

I have never had the idea of ​​subduing the two of them, but now that the two of them have shown their loyalty to me for self-protection or long-term development, should I accept these two people?

This is a question that Lin Tiancheng is a little confused about.

Logically speaking, it is a good thing for the two of them to surrender, but at this time, Lin Tiancheng already has several people in the team to take care of. If he brings these two natives from the upper world with him, once he has no intention of taking care of them, it will be like bringing a It's like a time bomb on your body.

He might have betrayed his information at some point, and he would still be kept in the dark when he would be hunted by thousands of people.

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