Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5008: Visit the Valley of Famous Flowers

Zhan Junhou had a bitter look on his face, "I think about how glorious our human race was in those days when we were able to dominate all other races. I never thought that one day we would disgrace our ancestors and live a life of hiding our heads and tail. In the past, when all races worshiped us, we lived and died. Both worlds respect my human race! I have disgraced my ancestors, I am useless..."

"Master Marquis, why are you talking about this? You have done a good enough job. If it weren't for you, how would the clansmen still have a place to hide now!"

"Yes, father, sometimes manpower is exhausted, and this is not your responsibility alone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl flew out from the tree house on the side and landed next to the old man and Zhan Junhou. With some helplessness, she said, "Although you often talk about the glory of the human race, I have never experienced this." , so it may not be very understandable, but our current situation is that we are being besieged by thousands of people. Father, didn’t you teach me that a good man should not be brave in his past? If we want to change the status quo, we must first kill the Famous Flower Valley. I have grown so big, I have never left this place, and I can’t feel the glory of the human race you mentioned at all!”

When the warlord Hou heard this, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. Yes, his daughter was born in the upper world, and his wife was unable to keep up with the large army due to exhaustion of productivity. In order not to implicate everyone, he rushed out without hesitation to fight with all the tribes. Fight and eventually fall.

It is precisely because of this that Zhan Junhou feels even more guilty for his daughter. After his wife died in the battle, Zhan Junhou took his people to live in seclusion in the Valley of Famous Flowers. Perhaps because of his outstanding talent, the baby who was waiting for feeding is now also Grow into a peak powerhouse in the demigod realm!

But unfortunately, this strength still cannot protect itself in the upper world, and Zhan Junhou, who has already lost his beloved once, has not let him get even half a step out of the Valley of Famous Flowers!

It is precisely for this reason that the other party could only hear the brilliance of the ancient human race, but he had never experienced it in person!

Tens of thousands of people knelt down and worshiped, making pilgrimages between life and death. She couldn't imagine such a scene in her head!

In her world, the most powerful ones are probably the lords of the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals. Even such strong men have not been able to unite all the tribes in the world. How did the human race do it back then? She can't imagine. come out.

"There will be such a day, don't worry!" Zhan Junhou said, with a look of determination on his face, "The human race will inevitably rise again and restore its former glory. Isn't this the day we have inherited to this day?"

"I believe that the Human Emperor and the others will definitely come back. As long as they come back, the glory of the human race will surely come to all races again!"

After hearing this, the girl responded on the surface, but in fact, she was already in despair.

One hundred thousand years!

If the Human Emperor and the others could come back, they would have come back a long time ago. Although Zhan Junhou didn't believe that those extremely powerful beings were dead, but...she didn't believe that those people would come back, at least there is no news yet!

According to her understanding, the Human Emperor is very powerful. If he could come back, or if he wanted to come back, he would have come back long ago. If he didn't come back, he definitely didn't want to come back, or he couldn't come back!

It's just that she didn't dare to say these words, otherwise Zhan Junhou would definitely get angry. Even if he pampered her again, her father would still be angry if it related to the Human Emperor. Some old people had commented before that Zhan Junhou would even behead him. Even if you want to kill, you must also maintain the authority of the Human Emperor!

At this moment, she did not break her father's fantasy, and said with a smile, "Father, don't talk about this for now. Let me show you the sea of ​​stars tonight! Didn't you say that that's where you met your mother? , that scenery is so beautiful, I still want to see it!”

Zhan Junhou smiled and nodded. Although he could not let his daughter go out to see the outside world, he often used magic to recreate the lower world scenery he had seen back then, and let her know what the outside world was like. of!

Zhan Junhou smiled and said, "That place is indeed beautiful, just like your mother..."

The white-haired old man beside him laughed, turned around and prepared to leave, leaving space for father and daughter to fight and kill for a lifetime. He was tired of fighting, but he couldn't protect his homeland without fighting, and the old man didn't know how long he could hold on.

After every battle, there will always be someone who leaves forever, never to come back, and not knowing when it will be their turn, so this is a relief.

He doesn't know how long he can last in such days. There are many people who think the same as the old man. These people are still holding on to their obsessions. The glory and glory of the ancient times are no longer important to these living people. They What matters more is the people around you!

One hundred thousand years has been too long, and even the glory cannot be returned. The glory in the bones has also been wiped away by time!

Just when Zhan Junhou and his daughter were telling the story of the highlight moments of the ancient human race.

Outside the Valley of Famous Flowers, the void fluctuated slightly, and then returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Tiancheng looked intently at the blooming Famous Flower Valley, looking at the dense flowers, and was filled with emotion. He had never seen such a scenery in the lower world!

However, Lin Tiancheng also knows what kind of danger is hidden behind this beauty. "No wonder it makes people lose themselves. Just taking a look at it, the impact on me almost broke my guard!"

As he said that, Lin Tiancheng suddenly looked around and raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems that this place has been discovered. What are the people inside doing to eat? Didn't you realize that you were being targeted?"

After saying this, Xiaobai also looked in the direction of Lin Tiancheng, and sure enough he found that there were some traces of the actions of all races in the void around him.

"It is true that there are a few partygoers here, but it doesn't bother them. There is only one Hedao and three gods. It seems that they are here to investigate and are not ready to take action!"

If we really take action, such a number of people and realm configuration are obviously not enough. There is a high probability that it will be the vanguard exploration team, and the attack will be launched later.

These people must be guarding outside Famous Flower Valley to avoid alerting others. They may even be to guard the people inside and not give them a chance to evacuate. Presumably, as long as the people inside show signs of evacuating, these people will rush out to interfere.

Lin Tiancheng laughed and said, "It seems that we accidentally saved these people's lives. If we hadn't come today, everyone here would probably have perished!"

"That's right!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "Let's take action and capture these people first, otherwise we will be passive when the humans in Famous Flower Valley come out!"

The opponent's Hedao who was present was not very strong. With Lin Tiancheng's assistance, Xiaobai was confident that he could kill the opponent.

As a result, the first Hedao in the upper world is estimated to be in the bag, and Xiaobai is very excited at the moment.

"No rush, you go and deal with those three gods first. Leave this Hedao to me. Even if you and I join forces, we can't suppress each other instantly. In order not to create more noise, so as not to shock the people in Famous Flower Valley. , I’ll pester the other person first, and you can find an opportunity to help me!”

Xiaobai smiled and said, "The master's arrangements are still meticulous. Don't worry, I will solve it soon. When the time comes, you and I will work together to ensure that nothing goes wrong!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and nodded, then disappeared into the void and quietly groped towards the Ten Thousand Races Harmony.

Lao Liu's eyes started to roll. If these two were about to fight, wouldn't he have a chance to escape?

However, before Lao Liu could be happy, Xiao Bai shot a restriction into his body, "Stay here honestly, if you dare to run, hum..."

Old Liu didn't know what this forbidden taboo was, but looking at Xiaobai's warning snort, he knew that he had to be careful. He immediately restrained his breath and hid it carefully, indicating that he would never escape. idea.

Outside the famous flower valley.

A strong man from the demon clan was hiding in the void and observing the movements in the Famous Flower Valley, frowning slightly and looking into the distance.

Behind them, there were three powerful men from the God Realm who were also from the Demon Clan. The three of them did not notice anything unusual, so they asked curiously, "Sir, is there something going on?"

"It's okay, maybe it's my misunderstanding!" The Demon God still frowned, "There was some space fluctuation just now. I wonder if it was caused by some rule fluctuations..."

Several people were shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly and cautiously explored the surroundings, but found nothing unusual.

As for the sense of crisis, they have always had it. Famous Flower Valley is a dangerous place after all, and the three of them have very strong warnings about the dangers of this place.

There are many kinds of flowers in this flower valley that can directly bite the life of a strong person in the divine realm, so the three of them dare not be careless at all.

The Demon God took a deep breath and said, "Mo'er, keep an eye on them. If you find someone escaping, immediately alert them, hold them back, and wait for the strong men in the clan to come to help and suppress them together. Remember, our mission is to hold them back, not to attack them." kill!"

"Yes, understand!"

The gods of the three demon clans responded one after another. Their mission this time was not to give the other party a chance to escape silently. Once this battle started, the reputation of the demon clan in the upper world would inevitably rise, so the clan's response to this This action is still taken very seriously.

However, just as a few people were on full alert, a laugh came from their ears, "Thank you for your hard work, I wonder what you are doing here?"

As soon as these words came out, the three demons and gods felt a coercion that instantly locked them in place, suppressing them and being unable to move.

The demon **** also changed his expression wildly, and the other party was able to approach him quietly. If the other party hadn't warned him, he might not have had time to react!

"Who are you?" the demon asked in a loud voice. The next moment, a formation instantly fell down, shielding all directions.

The three-level **** figure disappeared in an instant, and even let out bursts of roars. It was obvious that the enemy they faced at this time was far different in strength from him.

The Demon God struggled fiercely in his eyes. After struggling for a while, Lin Tiancheng's figure appeared in front of him and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I just came to chat with you. I have no other intention!"

The Demon God snorted coldly. He knew that the enemy on the opposite side was not weak, so he immediately decided to take action. The avenue emerged and he rushed straight towards the opponent.

However, Lin Tiancheng was not afraid at all. The God-Devil Sword fell into his hand and he counterattacked without any panic in the face of the Demon God's attack.

Just as the two were fighting each other, a golden sword emerged from the depths of the demon god, bursting out with ferocious power in an instant, instantly wiping out the opponent's body-protecting aura.

If he wasn't worried about making too much noise, Lin Tiancheng would have wanted to use the Master Seal to attack directly and severely injure the opponent.

When the fluctuations subsided, the demon looked at Lin Tiancheng in horror, somewhat disbelieving.

"Senior Xiaobai, please hurry up and don't attract the attention of the people from the Ten Thousand Clans and Famous Flower Valley!" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiaobai also accelerated his offensive, lest those few people take the opportunity to escape and report to the Wanzu and avoid mistakes.

In the Famous Flower Valley, Zhan Junhou, who was recounting the past, suddenly looked out of the valley thoughtfully. He didn't know the origin of the palpitating feeling just now.

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