Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5013: escape whole body

"It's not too late to take action after you speak clearly. What exactly happened?"

Moba also saw Tianju's constitution, looked at the other party coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Get away if you don't help. These two have the blood debt of my demon clan. If you dare to rob someone, don't blame me then." I didn’t remind you!”

Hearing this, Tianju was even more surprised. Although the white-haired young man and the boy in front of him had strong auras, the demons were not idlers. He had never expected that they could counterattack the demons at such a numerical disadvantage. .

"Don't you demon clan always claim that you are the best among all clans? How come you can't defeat them with so many people?" Tian Ju said with a smile.

"You know what the heck, these **** plotted against us and actually detonated the flower poison in Famous Flower Valley, and they didn't hesitate to use a large formation to hit us hard. We were unprepared and fell into their trap!" Moba said coldly.

Hearing this, Tianju and the others understood and looked at the disgraced demons with some strange expressions.

He thought to himself that you are quite unlucky. There are only nine poor people in the human race. Let alone detonating the formation base, you can count the treasures that the human race still has on one hand. Unexpectedly, these people they met are among them. Outstanding.

"In other words, you have been plotted by these human races?" Tian Ju asked with a smile.

"What's so surprising? If it had been you, he might have died long ago!" Moba said harshly.

Tian Ju smiled and shook his head. Looking at Mo Yun who was seriously injured not far away, he shook his head and said with a smile, "You are unlucky too. Mo Yun is injured like this. It seems that your demon clan is going to lose another strong general!" "

Moba said angrily, "Help or not, get out of here if you don't want to help. Don't make sarcastic remarks here, otherwise I will think that you and the human race are in the same group!"

Tianju was not afraid at all, with a hint of joking on his face, "That's right. You have no credibility and no one believes it when you go out. You can't go around causing trouble just because you are weak. It's not like anyone is weak. Who is right!"

At this time, because the appearance of Tianju delayed the actions of Moba and others, Lin Tiancheng and Xiaobai also took the opportunity to escape into the void.

"Asshole, where are they? Tianju, you also said that you and them are not the same group. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be able to escape at all!" Moba reflected and directly pointed the finger at Tianju who was blocking his way, saying After that, we will lead the team to have a collision with the people of the Immortal Clan.

However, Tianju said indifferently, "Young man, you are slandering others. They ran away when I came here. It's because you are not as good as others. It's none of my business!"

"A bunch of trash, they were beaten by the human race until they were running away, but they have the nerve to tell them, and they don't feel ashamed!"

After the words fell, the demons present were furious. However, due to Tianju's identity, they did not dare to say anything. They could only focus on Moba, hoping that he could gain some face for themselves and others.

At this moment, Moba also knew that the team that had experienced a great battle was obviously not a match for the new forces like Tianju. Even if they won in the end, it would be a miserable defeat, and there was also the possibility of being attacked by humans. He could only suppress this fire. !

Therefore, if you lose your face today, you will lose it and you will never get it back!

"Tianju, it's yours. I, Moba, have recorded this matter today, and I will repay you twice as much in the future!" Moba said through gritted teeth.

Tian Ju smiled and shrugged, "I'm waiting for you at any time. Are you still chasing me? If you don't chase me, you won't be able to see the real person!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Moba yelled, "Should I chase you? If it weren't for you, I would have caught up with you!"

Moba and Tianju's status and strength within the clan are almost the same, so they are unwilling to fight even if they verbally abuse them.

Over the years, the two representatives of the races behind them have had many contacts, and they have won and lost each other, so they speak with anger.

At this time, Moba also secretly hated himself for not taking action against the human race first, otherwise he would have to compete with him today!

"Let's go!" Mo Ba said harshly, instructing his men to take the seriously injured Mo Yun and the strong man who had gone back and forth to pursue Zhan Junhou to no avail, and prepared to leave.

The commotion here has become louder, and a large number of strong men will soon arrive. Almost everyone in his team is injured, and if he stays, he is afraid of meeting people with ulterior motives.

Moba could only suppress the anger in his heart, and prepared to leave with his team with a gloomy face.

"Sir, are we leaving like this?"

"Shut up and go!"

Moba shouted angrily!

Everyone stopped talking when they heard the sound, gritted their teeth, and quickly disappeared as he traveled through the deep void.

If you don't leave, will it be embarrassing to stay? It won't be long before people from all races will come to find out what's going on. Isn't it nice to see myself and others looking disgraced?

After Moba and others left, Tianju also laughed loudly, but soon he stopped laughing, frowned in thought, and looked in the direction where Lin Tiancheng and others left, constantly thinking in his heart, who was there? Take action to help the human race.

Zhan Junhou is a solitary person, and even the talkative people in several strongholds in the upper world are generally unwilling to come into contact with him unless there is an important matter.

It stands to reason that no one would be so kind and come to support him, and they have such strength that they can severely injure Moba and the others!

"Who is it? Is he the hidden strongman of the human race?"

Tianju carefully checked the Famous Flower Valley, and the traces in the valley showed that the person who took action was extremely powerful, at least not inferior to himself. There were only a handful of people with such strength in the upper world. He couldn't figure out who had done it.

"It's not the human race...could it be..." A thought came up in Tianju's heart, and the murderous intent emerged in his eyes.

The human race in the upper realm does not have such strength, but except for the human race, all races have the same hatred for the human race. After all, it was the human race that sent them to this desolate land!

"Damn it, you **** Moba, how dare you hide such important news, go back!" Tianju cursed angrily, and prepared to leave with his team.

Combining the clues here and Mo Ba's reaction, he was basically sure of the identity of the person who took action.

But he couldn't believe that such a thing could be done by humans from the lower realm, and there were actually people coming up from the lower realm!

He wasn't sure, so he was going to send the news back as soon as possible and let the people in the clan make a decision.

at the same time.

Near Soul Burial Mountain, Lin Tiancheng, Zhan Junhou and others flew out of the void and flew towards the statue in his memory.

"Who are you?" Zhan Junhou was still asking.

Lin Tiancheng smiled lightly, "You don't have to worry about who we are, at least we helped you, right?"

Zhan Junhou was silent. If they hadn't taken action today, it would have been difficult for everyone in Famous Flower Valley to evacuate, so it was true that the other party helped him.

"You have severely damaged a demon clan leader today, they will not let you go easily!" Zhan Junhou said.

Lin Tiancheng showed a smile, "Then there's no need to be afraid. I don't care about them at all. It's a pity that I didn't kill a Hedao! It won't be so easy next time!"

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